The Sinful Echo Between Us: One Night With My Alpha Uncle

The Sinful Echo Between Us: One Night With My Alpha Uncle

By:  Anika  Ongoing
Language: English
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[The ML and the FL have no blood relationship.] After Nora and Ethan have a one-night stand, Ethan finds Nora is his mate; they also find they have a blood relationship with each other. Ethan is Nora's uncle; they haven't met each other for many years so neither of them knows what another looks like. Thinking this is a wrong arrangement from the Moon Goddess, Ethan hides his scent from Nora, therefore Nora thinks she does not have a mate when she becomes 18. They try their best not to let others know they have made love before... Many years later, they encounter in Nora's Luna ceremony. She is going to be another man's wife!

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11 Chapters
Tonight, I will be Alpha Donnie’s Luna. I welcome the array of guests to prepare for the ceremony tonight and “Luna Nora, this is the new Alpha King” someone at the ceremony introduces me to another man. “You will find he is a very competent leader.” I look at the man, and my breath hitches for a moment as I gaze upon his handsome face. He smiles at me in a way that reminds me of the moment when we first formally met one another so many years ago: “Nora, this is my brother Ethan. Your uncle.” I remember my mother’s words as clearly as day. Ethan is my uncle, and I am born with a bond to him, a bond that also functions as a heavy chain between us. Now, I can only smile at him, making polite greetings and shallow conversation as I pretend to be unfamiliar with him. But seeing him here tonight, my heart flutters like it’s full of butterflies. I essay my hellos to the remaining guests, and then excuse myself outside to walk alone by the lake. I need to get some air. The l
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Chapter 1: Drunken Endeavours
Nora’s POV I didn't realize the punch was spiked. That was a silly mistake on my part, I should have known Alpha Aaron’s son would never throw a party without booze in the drinks. But I wasn't thinking about that when I saw the glass bowl of strawberry punch in the center of the living room, and so I used it as a chaser to wash down my three shots of vodka. And now, the entire room is spinning. I stumble up the long, golden staircase, away from the crowded party in Alpha Aaron’s extravagant mansion. I just need some quiet for a minute, or better, a place to lie down until my head stops pounding. I open a door in the upstairs hallway, hoping to find an empty bed to rest in. There is a bed in the room that I peek my head inside, but it is far from empty. Laying across the sheets is a naked woman, her soft breasts bouncing as a man hovering above thrusts inside her. I can’t help but watch as the woman moans, crying out the man’s name over and over, her acrylics digging into
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Chapter 2: A Series of Mistakes
Nora’s POV No. Absolutely fucking no. I try my best to maintain a smile as I greet my uncle Ethan. “It’s good to see you,” my voice cracks. I wince. “It’s good to see you, too… Nora,” Ethan says. Oh fuck no, don’t say my name. I guess under different circumstances it would be great, but given the situation, it is far from that. Ethan’s face is completely tranquil, not a single sign of surprise or horror. How could he be so calm? Maybe he doesn’t remember what happened last night? Or maybe he just doesn’t recognize me? I hope with everything inside me that he doesn’t. The lights were rather low, after all, it’s quite possible. “What is this, a parent-teacher conference?” my mother laughs. “Give your uncle a hug!” My spine stiffens as I awkwardly wrap my arms around my uncle, wanting nothing more than a crater to open up in the floor beneath my feet and swallow me whole. “Dinner should be just about ready,” my mother says cheerfully. “Let me get your father, and we’ll e
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Chapter 3: Back to School
Nora’s POV Has Charlotte put two and two together? God, I can only hope not. On the chance she had, I can’t let her tell anyone else. If word gets out I slept with my uncle, I’ll never recover from the sheer humiliation. I suppose all I can do now is pray. Desperate for a distraction, I whip out my phone and text my best friend, Sylvia. Yo, I’m back on campus for the next few days. Wanna hang out? My phone beeps. I look at the screen to see Sylvia’s reply. Yes bitch!! Come to my dorm room rn! XOXO Still carrying my bags, I head to the east-wing dormitories towards Sylvia’s dorm. She lives in the third floor, with the best view of the University. I knock on her front door. “Hey girly-pop!” Sylvia swings her door open, throwing her arms around me in a hug that almost crushes my windpipe. “I’ve missed you!” “I missed you too!” I say, hugging her back. “Come in! Sit down! How have you been? Oh! How was Alpha Aaron’s party?I notice you disappeared halfway through the night, an
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Chapter 4: The Ceremony
Nora’s POV “Ow!” I cry, pulling my hand off Ethan’s mouth. “Did you seriously just bite me?” “As I was saying,” Ethan laughs. “The first night at staying over at my sister’s house, Amy came into my room and was praising my appearance,” he smirks, “Obviously, my niece must think I’m pretty handsome.” I am puzzled by Ethan’s comment? Isn’t he referring to the night I got stupid drunk and harassed him? Is that not how it actually went, did I really just compliment him? I was so plastered that night I can barely remember, so I have to take his word for it. Besides, I’m just grateful he didn’t tell Sylvia about the night we met… the night at Alpha Aaron’s son’s party. Crisis averted. We arrive back at my parents house, and I quickly take Sylvia into the guest room with me. “So, you agree that your uncle’s hot?” Sylvia teases. “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I flush scarlet red with embarrassment. Damn it, Ethan! He can’t just go around implying to my friends that I’m a
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Chapter 5: My Princess, My Mate, My Niece
Ethan’s POV The Moon Goddess has a funny way of going about things sometimes. And by “funny,” I mean sadistic. But I guess that’s just her sense of humour. I remember when my sister invited me to my niece’s 18th birthday party several weeks before. I wasn’t expecting anything particularly eventful, just a chance to see my sister and catch up with my niece. After all, I hadn’t seen the girl since she was just a little kid, maybe ten or eleven years ago? I don’t recall exactly. I decided to drop by Alpha Aaron's son’s party before visiting my sister. Alpha Aaron is a respectable figure, so I thought it wouldn’t hurt to be familiar with him. Besides, the party was on the way to my sister’s place anyway. That ended up being the worst mistake of my fucking life. I remember having drinks and making small talk with Alpha Aaron's son, a fine young man, much like his father, when my wolf picked up on the most enticing scent. I followed it into an upstairs room, where, in the darknes
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Chapter 6: The Next Alpha
Nora’s POV "Try and recall where you were in the week before and who you spoke to. Then, you will find your mate...." Demi's words echo in my ears. In my mind, I trace back my steps over the last several days. I remember going to Alpha Aaron's son's party, then home, then back to school for some time. Fuck, that leaves with with a plethora of people to choose from. It's no bother, I think, I can narrow the possibilities down. I know whoever is my mate was not at the ceremony last night, so that eliminates a lot of young men from neighbouring packs. Perhaps my mate is a student at my college. Yes, I decide, that is the perfect place to start looking. I agree I run between school and home constantly these days, but as long as it works, I will continue to move in the direction of my heart. "Mama," I walk into the living room, where my mother is lounging on the couch and listening to music. "Can someone drive my back to school today?" "Today?" my mother sits up, stopping the r
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Chapter 7: Alpha Training
Nora’s POV I hide out in my bedroom, burrowed under the covers and thinking about Sylvia's words. I guess I never considered just how lucky I was, being elected as the next alpha of my pack. The level of responsibility sounds daunting, but in spite of my anxiety and general opposition to the matter, I can't help but feel just a little excited at the thought. Me? The alpha of the Blood Moon Pack? Knock knock. There is a sound at my bedroom door. "Come in," I say. To my dismay, Ethan opens the door and walks into my room. "Hey Princess," he sits on the edge of my bed. "What do you want," I reply coldly. "I've spoken to your parents," he begins. "And I think we've devised a pretty solid plan for your alpha training." Oh. Right. I was so caught up in appreciating my parents for choosing me as the next alpha, I forgot about the part Ethan's playing in my training. “How did you agree with this? Don’t you have your own things to do?” “Decided by my father and your parents
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Chapter 8: Escaping Back to Campus
Nora's POV I wake up to my 4:30am alarm the next morning, feeling nothing but dread and aching pains. I find myself sleeping in my bedroom, and Sylvia still sleeps in that air-mattress on my bedroom floor. Okay, I sleep, or sink into a deep coma the whole day. Yesterday's training was brutal, I don't want to even imagine what Ethan has in store for me in the future. Groaning, I roll out of bed and shake Sylvia awake. "Bitch, get off me," she rolls over. "I'm trying to sleep." "Sylvia, I wanna get the fuck out of here," I whisper. "Let's sneak out and go back to school." "Are you serious?" Sylvia sits up and rubs her eyes. "Yes, I'm serious! Screw this alpha training, I can't take it." Sylvia looks at me sympathetically. "Alright, girly-pop, let's pack our shit." As quiet as possible, we get dressed and stuff our suitcases, tip-toeing down the staircase and out the front door of my family's house. "Stop!" Sylvia and I turn to see one of the guards on my family's
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Chapter 9: Alpha Training Round Two
Nora's POV "Wow, your hot uncle looks pissed ten ways to hell right now," Sylvia says into my ear. I have nothing to add to her observation. Ethan does look pissed ten ways to hell, and he looks pissed at me. "There's two types of people I hate," Ethan slides his phone in his pocket. "Deserters, and people who lie to me." I turn red with shame. "I'm so sorry..." I say meekly. “Oh, I bet you're sorry, Princess,” Ethan says. “Everyone’s always sorry once they get caught.” “I'm not sorry I got caught, I'm sorry I ran away,” I say. “I thought I told you I hate liars,” Ethan grits his teeth. “I'm not lying!” I say. In truth, I'm not sure if I'm lying. I am sorry I ran away, but I probably wouldn't be sorry I ran away if I hadn't been caught. "Because of you, now I'm stuck on this campus for much longer than I ever intended,” Ethan says. "What do you mean?" I gulp. "For your training, Princess," he says. "Training? This is a school, there's no place for us to train h
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