
6 | Cursed

Winter’s upon us, we shiver and we’re cold,

Storm had its way in life that we cannot afford.

This now, we vow to never break our accord,

To live as seven and fight together with our sword.



Chessa had her legs pulled up against her chest, hugging it. Her bed was wide enough for her, six pillows surrounding her. Even as a kid, she liked her bed swarming with pillows, soothing her panic of being alone in the dark. But now that she was all grown up, she became good at being just by herself. She didn't have a choice, anyway. She was alone at her studio-type apartment, unable to push back the fleeting moment with Augustus at the Mulvar Chamber. Had her best friend Sun knew what happened, she would freak out and would have told her to take advantage. Especially to a stunning guy like him.

Stunning? She mentally kicked herself. She shouldn't feel what she was feeling at the moment, let alone entertain the idea of it. He was a complete stranger and the most basic rule her grandma told her was not to trust people you just met. She smoothed the black ring on her finger, her grandma’s face popping up in her head. Yet... he was a stranger who seemed to connect to her music. And even it was weird, their short conversation was deep. Somehow personal. For her, anyway. He didn't tell much but he showed interest. Only a few showed interest when it came to her playing a piano.

There was something mesmerizing about Augustus. He looked delicate but the scars scattered on his marble-like body told her it was the opposite. The guy had been through tough times, for sure. Was he abused as a child? Who did that to him? Her head told her he was intimidating, remembering seeing him and Charleson who seemed into fight in the registration room. But the other version of him who approached her in Mulvar Chamber and connected with her through music was the only reason that she trusted him.

"Any hot guy? I've heard there were a bunch of hot guys attending that kingdom. Have you seen them?" Sun's voice brought her back to her senses.

Chessa shrugged her shoulder, staring at her cellphone and adjusted the mic on her earphones to her mouth. "I really don't have time for that. I just wish you're here. Have I mentioned meeting new friends? Minalissa and Matty?"

Sun chuckled from the other line. "Yeah, you already told me that. They don't sound interesting, though.  I bet I'm still cooler than them."

Chessa bit her lip. "Of course, you are."

She huffed. "I wish I was invited. I feel empty without my best friend here with me to spend this holiday at our rest house. I mean, as much as I know I’ll enjoy that camp study, I know for sure you'll enjoy it here too."

She pictured out the blue sea and could almost feel the waves. "I'll visit over the weekend."

"But it's your birthday." Sun sounded surprised. "You should go party there or see your parents. I mean, I’m kinda miles away from you right now."

Chessa rolled her eyes at her response. "I'll think about it. Besides, I have no intention spending my birthday with that hell hole. I gotta go, Sun. Need to go to school in an hour."

Sun made a kissing noise on the other end of the line. "Bye, Chessa. See yah!"

She tapped her mobile phone, a smile on her face as she hung up. Of all people, her best friend was the only one who knew her struggle. Her life story. Counting down the seconds before putting up another cheerful side of her, Chessa gazed at the badge lying beside her mobile. As if on cue, she remembered how Augustus just gave it to her, telling her to use it whenever she wanted.

The moment her cell phone rang, she dismissed the alarm and sighed. "Dreams are for those awake, ready to chase it." She forced a smile.

Repeating the mantra in her head, she got up and prepared a bath.


Day 2.

Chessa let herself be consumed by the topic of writing an effective article.  Her mind slipped once in a while, her thoughts running to other destinations. She still had her cell phone turned off, wanting to escape the incessant buzzing of calls from her mother and her manager.  Whatever it was they would tell her was no good news. Her mom never got any good news for her.

The class were tasked to look for a literary piece and write an article about it, an exercise for the topic they had discussed. Chessa went to the library together with Matty and Minalissa, still trying her best to push back the sour anxiety brought by her mother’s scandal. Fortunately, the morning showbiz news hadn’t aired it yet. Maybe she was starting to get lucky to dodge the unwanted attention, or maybe, the media didn’t mind her mother’s antics anymore.

The library was not what she had expected. There were no books, instead, there were lines of sculptures, paintings, and unique crafts made by local students at Taren's. Beside each masterpiece was a plaque, a short introduction of what it was about. She walked around, absorbing the perfection of each piece when she stopped and stared at a black, obscured sculpture, which stood up from the rest. Looking at the plaque, only the title was stamped on it.


Just one word as the title, as if it was enough to describe it.

Curiosity drawn her to the grotesque face of the piece, noting how patient the artist was to build such creature. The face was godly but distorted, the body was intricately made and veins showing on both claws. It was posed as if to attack, eyes deep and cold and vengeful.

“Prime,” a voice said, startling Chessa. “They were believed to be fruit of sins and wars, cursed to live under the dark, keeper of demons from the seven gates of hell.” It was Augustus.

Chessa regarded him with a look of uncertainty, recalling the brief moment they had at the chamber, how he learned her song in an instant then passed out, drunk.

“Are you okay now?” she asked.

He shrugged, putting his hands in his front pocket. It wasn’t what he had expected to hear from her. “Why shouldn’t I be?”

Chessa shook her head. He was back being the same Augustus she first met him as, with his cold eyes and being snob. “I don’t know. You got drunk and just passed out on me.”

A small smile curved on his lips. “It rarely happens, don’t worry about that.”

She slightly raised an eyebrow. “I didn’t say I was worried.”

She was being sassy again, Augustus could tell. Behind her alluring beautiful face was a fire pit, ready to swallow anyone annoying her. Interesting, he thought.

“Listen, Francesca,” he muttered in his deep tone, matching his sharp eyes. “Can I have the badge back? I already have one made for you, we don’t need to share mine.”

“Where’s mine, then?” she asked, seeing his hands empty.

He cleared out his throat, looking away. “You’ll have it tomorrow. I promise.”

Chessa focused her eyes back on the sculpture, suddenly realizing there were many curious eyes gazing at them. He sure could attract a crowd so easily. She felt uneasy. She always hated the spotlight. “I guess you didn’t plan really sharing your badge with me. But it’s no big deal, Augustus. I’ll give it to you tomorrow, when you already have the badge made for me.”

He closed the little gap they had. Once again, the fresh powdery scent of magnolia reached his senses, teasing his hunger. He pushed the sensation away. “Why not give it to me now?”

“I didn’t have it with me,” she replied, stepping back. “I forgot it at the dorm.”

Augustus nodded, hating himself for feeling uneasy. He wasn’t supposed to give his badge to her, not when it was where he hid the most important key in the world. One wrong move, even a little mishap, could release a lifetime worth of demons to swarm the town. He couldn’t let that happen.

“My key is in the badge,” he murmured, seeking her eyes. “I just need it back.”

Chessa returned his look. “Key? Key in your house? Car keys?”

“That kind of key, yes,” he said. Her eyes seemed to understand the urgency of his situation.

“Okay, I can get it right after class and meet you here. My dorm’s only a five-minute drive from here.”

A little relief washed down on him. “Great. What time do you get off?”

Heels ticked against the floor and before Chessa could answer, a familiar smell of perfume swarmed the air. Augustus sighed at the unwelcome stranger.

“Not until three, after our workshop,” Minalissa said, giving him a temper, linking her arm around Francesa’s. “Why do you ask?”

Augustus had his little smirk on his face again. “The why is none of your business. Or, is it in your personality to stick your nose to something that does not concern you at all?”

Chessa’s mouth hung open at his response, feeling the weight of their issue.

“She’s my friend,” Minalissa stated, obviously annoyed at him.

“Yes, a friend,” Augustus repeated. “That doesn’t mean you can own her. Please, Issa, just know first where you stand before you speak, for your own sake.” He then turned to Francesca, his fiery eyes seemed to cool down. “I’ll see you later.”

Their banter seemed to freeze Chessa on her feet. Just when she thought it was over, her friend Minalissa yelled at his retreating back. “You’re welcome, G!”

Augustus’s steps slowed down, letting himself turned back and regarded her. “And what am I supposed to be thankful for?”

“You got drunk yesterday. I have to call your brother to clean up your mess.”

He smiled at her. She never changed. Still the same brat he first met her as in their freshman years.

“I don’t have to thank Ram for cleaning up my mess. With that note, you’re welcome by the way. At least you got an excuse to talk to Ram again.” He turned his back at them again, making the small crowd parted as he made his way out the library.

Chessa knew she it would be awkward to meet Minalissa’s eyes. But the small fiery exchange between them made her realize two things. One, Augustus nickname was G, meaning he was Matty’s first love. Second, Minalissa was well acquainted to Augustus, and it seemed, to his brother as well- Ram Raganzo.

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