
Chapter 3 - Failure


I let my head rest against the back of my chair and I looked out of the window. They did not place anyone next to me. I believe they are wary of me. Can’t blame them, I will attack them and try to escape again. I watched as the trees flashed by the window. What is going to happen to us from now on?

“Will we be able to be on our own again?” I heard Suaco ask and I took a breath in as I looked at the trees.

“I don’t know. He was the only guy ever to have pinned me down like that,” I responded as I remembered the physical strength I felt he had used on me. As a rogue, that kind of behaviour from males is not a surprise. I expected it from him.

I felt he was going to kill me but that suddenly changed too. I don’t know why though. I swear I could feel the hatred from him that I was about to die. That guy is scary in reality. Now that I am calm and thinking about things. I was an idiot to try and resist him like I tried to, or kill him. He was stronger and overpowered me easily with no effort at all.

“What is the name of your wolf?” Dante suddenly drew my attention to him and I looked at him with a little frown on my face. “Mine is Neo,” Dante added and I saw the other rogues are not speaking at all. I looked ahead inside the bus and saw we were being watched by the king guy. 

His eyes are deadly. Cold with no emotions in them. And he is not even faking it. I can also see the hatred he has for us in his eyes. They are beautiful but I wouldn’t be able to stare at them for too long. Dante looked too and he suddenly looked down to the ground, keeping his head straight. These guys are scared of him. Can’t blame them.

That guy is powerful. I made eye contact with him and I could tell he did not expect me to do it either. I could feel Suaco getting angry, ready to attack again even with the silver making us weaker. I narrowed my eyes at him, showing my teeth at him. I saw the quick flash of some emotion on his face. That told me that I will be in trouble if I go on with this. 

I decided to look away. Don’t want to die yet. I still have my whole life ahead of me! I took a deep breath in and out slowly to calm myself. Sauco is trying to calm down too. This will be a challenge for us. We have to escape. We will escape!

We drove for hours and the morning air was very cold. Winter has started to come and the mornings are clearly showing it. My breath can be seen. I looked at the others and they were shaking from the cold. I don’t know if I should shake too or what. Sauco is keeping us warm for the time being. Not that it will last long with this silver stuff.

I sat up straight again, stretching my back and I noticed we had entered another pack’s territory. Probably king guy’s pack. They all seemed very relaxed at the moment. We neared a castle building, drove into the castle gates and the others went to the left. Driving to a little town I can see far away. They have lights there. Where are they going? Why are we coming here?

Yeah, I have a curious nature. I like to know things. 

We stopped at the courtyard of the castle. There are many pairs of eyes looking at us. From children to adults. This castle must be used as the pack house. Which is smart. There is no wasted space. That is at least not a bad thing about this king guy’s way of ruling.

The cage got unlocked and we were instructed to get up. I was released from my chair last with three guys ready to attack me if I dared to attack the one unlocking me from the chair. Dante just gave me a look before doing what he was told. I got to my feet and went out.

I looked around. Naturally, I am searching for a way to run. Why wouldn’t I? Pack life was not very good to me. That was the most horrible thing I have experienced in my life. I killed my Alpha that fateful day and since then I have been running. Surviving on my own. I knew that pack would have killed me if they caught me that night. 

There is a forest behind the castle. I just need to get to the gate. After that I can run to my freedom. I can feel his eyes though. I can feel them on me. The King guy is watching me closely. How does he know my intention?



I have my eyes on her. I know she will try something as soon as she can. Hopefully she is a bit smarter than that. She better not try anything at this moment. I will not hesitate to kill her this time. She shouldn’t test my patience. I don’t have any left after yesterday’s attempt to escape.

“We will be letting you all get examined. We will take the silver off once we are inside the castle,” Troy gave them the option and I made sure to watch her reaction. She knows I am watching her, she is trying not to be obvious about her intentions. 

We made them walk in a single file and we walked in. The guards are on high alert. I have notified them of her being dangerous. They stopped and took the silver chains off with the collar. I saw her eyes flash black. Just like it should, since the silver is off her skin. It left a burned mark on her pretty smooth skin.

Hope she can heal quickly. They shouldn’t be able to shift for another day. Our silver is pure. We made sure to have the best quality. The humans that took the silver off disappeared again just as they appeared. This castle has many hiding spots and secret passages. And Troy made sure that his people knew them all like the back of their hands.

We started to move again and we headed up stairs. The doctors on the ground floor are for the members that have a broken leg or can’t make their way upstairs. There is a big window just as you get up the stairs. Overlooking the beautiful forest we have. I just took my eyes off her for just a second and the breaking of glass rings in my ears.

I saw her fall with the glass in pieces going down with her. What the hell was she thinking? She can’t shift yet! That was what I thought until I saw her shift into a big red urban colour wolf. Goosebumps erupt over my body as I see her land on all fours. She shifted!

Everyone was shouting at what just happened and trying to get control of everything. I gave Troy the look and he made sure to keep the rest in line as I went after her. Now she will be dying! I shifted into my wolf form and bolted after her.

She was fast. I can give her that but no one can beat me with speed. She may have been able to shift but she is still a bit weakened by the silver. I can see her struggling to run with the pain in her front legs. I jump on top of her, causing her to go down. 

A sudden smell of arousal invaded my nose.

Why is she aroused? She can’t be in heat!!

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