
Chapter 4 - So Close


Dammit, I was able to shift, but our speed is broken. Everytime our paws hit the ground, it sends a shock of pain through our body. He will catch up to us in no time. Dammit, why can’t he just leave us alone? Let us go! Let us be! We are born to be free!

I suddenly felt weight on us and we hit the ground. Fuck. The impact was quick and the strength I feel on top of me is sort of amazing. Wait! Why am I thinking this way? No, these are not my thoughts! Why is my body suddenly feeling aroused?

“Why are we aroused by this?” I heard Sauco shout in our mind and I have no idea. 

“How should I know! You are the wolf part of me!” I replied as I am trying to get control over my body’s reaction to this power I am feeling trying to over power me.

I can feel him pushing me to shift and turn human. If I do that, I will be naked under his body. The thought of him seeing me naked is making me even more excited. “No! We can not allow this!” Sauco shouted back, trying to resist him. Fuck, dammit! This was not part of the plan. 

“Are we in heat?” I asked unsure, trying to calculate if a year has passed already. 

“No, it hasn’t even been 7 months yet!” Suaco growled. 

He is so strong. I am struggling to resist this strength. We never had a male dominate us like this before. It gives me a strange feeling. I like this feeling. I like being dominated by him. Why!!!

No!! I can not allow this. The need to turn human grows stronger and before we can resist any further I am human. Naked under the big brown-reddish wolf with deadly and cold light blue eyes. My heart is beating like crazy at the thought of him seeing me naked right now. I want this man inside me. 

I can feel the need between my legs for him. This is not good. I want him to pin me down, Spread my legs and invade me. Full me up with every inch of him. I want to feel his warmth inside me. I want to feel him move deeper with every thrust. Goddess, why do I like to be dominated by him? Why this man?

He suddenly turned human too. I can see his eyes are showing struggles with lust too. I have given up. I want him. I can not deny my body anymore. Just this once. I agreed to this one time.

I had many males before just because of the heat. Having sex is the best way to let the heat get over quickly. I never wanted a male like I want this one. I want him. My body needs him! He is breathing heavily too. I can smell his arousal. He wants me too. Yes! Goddess let him take me! 

His body is moving closer to mine. He has my arms pinned above my head. When did he do that? His face is moving closer to my face. My eyes focused on his lips and I can't help but lick my lips. Craving his. His lips are coming closer to mine and just as I want to let him kiss me, we heard movement at his back.

Suddenly everything I felt disappeared. His arousal too. We were not alone anymore. “I have trousers for you, my King,” I heard a man speak and I can’t believe how disappointed I am right now. Dammit.

“What just happened?” Sauco asked as we both came to our senses. That is a good question my friend. We got aroused by a man that dominated us, right? He moved away from me and disappeared behind a tree as the guy walked over to me. Trying hard not to look at me as he held a blanket for me.

I took it and wrapped myself quickly. Urg, being wet between the legs is not a pleasant feeling right now. “Why do you keep on testing my patience?” The King guy growled as he appeared from behind the tree again. “Put the collar on her again,” he barked the order and the one that caused our moment to stop, did what he was told. I felt the burning sensation again.

“Urg, if I keep on wearing this collar it will eventually leave a mark,” I complained. I don't normally complain but this will leave my pretty neck with a scar. Maybe it will be the payment for leaving Dante with a scar too. I do feel bad about that. Especially when I discovered he was actually a nice guy. 

“You caused it yourself. Deal with it, rogue,” he spat the word rogue with so much hatred one would think he is hating me. I started to walk with them since I have no other place to go. 

“You surprised us. We did not think you would be able to shift after having the collar on for so long,” the man spoke as he was walking ahead of me. The king guy is walking behind me. Probably making sure that I don’t run again.

“My king. Your brother has informed me that he will be here tomorrow night for the monthly shift. He is also bringing his mate for her first time this time. She will be turning 18 tomorrow too,” the guy spoke and I suddenly remembered that I am turning 18 tomorrow too. How nice of her to have the same birthday as me with the same age too. 

“I wonder how her wolf will be,” the king said. Sounding happy as he spoke about her. Is someone in love with another male’s mate? That is sad. I wanted to say pethetic but you can’t always stop what the heart wants. 

“We will need to cut your hair short,” The guy suddenly looked at me. I wanted to ask why but I knew why. My hair is matted and can’t be repaired. “Yeah, I wanted to do that too,” I added as I sighed. “That would help me a lot,” I smiled and the guy gave a light bow. He is a kind soul. Well, maybe just for now. 

“Beta! Are you alright?” A girl ran up to the guy in front of me. Beta? So this guy is the beta. No wonder he was so comfortable with the king guy. 

“Yes, we are fine,” he pulled her off him. Not a very warm guy, is he? The girl smiled brightly and she saw he was okay for real. She had brown fluffy hair and blue eyes. I would say she is 15 years old or something like that.

“Wow, I never saw a rogue as pretty as you before,” her blue eyes moved to me as we walked past her. Oh, me? Pretty? I never looked at myself that way before. “My name is Christina but everyone calls me Chris. What is your name?” She is too cheerful! 

“Lee, and thank you,” I responded. She is making me feel uncomfortable for some reason. I am not used to others being so friendly with me. 

“I will be turning 18 in two months. You are probably already 18. How was it when you heard your wolf’s voice in your head the first time?” She kept on talking. Oh my word. This she-wolf would be driving me nuts. I was off by 3 years at her age. 

“Uhm, well. How to explain this. I always heard Suaco’s voice,” I responded and she gasped. “What does her name mean? Our king’s wolf's name is Gix. he doesn’t want to tell us what it means,” she is really gonna keep on talking isn’t she?

“Gix means Claw and Suaco means Wind,” I replied to her question and we heard a growl from behind us. 

“How do you know this?” Chris is curious. This is probably the only reason why I am tolerating her. I am curious in nature too.

“Suaco taught me about the ancient words and names some of the wolves are given,” I explained and Chris seemed intrigued by this.

“And you will not be teaching it to anyone else. They have no idea how powerful these words can be!” The king guy growls from behind us. I saw Chris’s face dropped in disappointment. 

“King guy has a point. These ancient words do carry power in them. I wouldn’t have taught you any of them anyway,” I commented and it cheered her up again. 

I looked at the broken window that had been tapped off already. These guys worked fast to make sure that everyone was safe and secure. We reached the courtyard again and I ignored the eyes on me as we made it inside again. “Oo, can she be my roommate?” Chris jumped around to look at King guy.

“Why do you want a rogue as a roommate?” He growled at her and she sighed. “Come on. You can threaten her to be my roommate and she can’t request a transfer to have another roommate,” Chris explained. Wait, what? Isn’t the goal to make a rogue join the pack? “Technically anyone can be ordered to be a roommate,” I gave my opinion on the matter and Chris eyed me, trying to say that I should just shut up.

“We already placed her with you since you are the only female without a roommate currently. The others also have their roommates picked,” the beta guy spoke and I saw Chris’s face light up again. 

“Go get her some clothes. I am sure she doesn’t have anything left,” King guy gave an order and Chris happily skips away. She is heading towards the stairs ahead of us. 

As you walk into the castle, you are greeted with a wide open space. On the far end are stairs splitting into two sides, left and right. It is beautiful. On the right side of this wide open space are four arches. As we walked past them, you could see an office, library, kitchen and dining hall.

On the left side there are also four arches. From here you can see one is a gaming room with pool tables, a small bar and a console gaming area. Next is another office, which looks like a doctor's office. After that one looks like a nerdy game room with board games inside it. The fourth arch has neat white little tables in it. Looks like you can drink tea there. A tea room? Seriously?

We headed up the stairs and went right. The window pieces are already cleaned up inside. They are busy outside cleaning it up. I am impressed that I did not cut myself with the glass.  I did not think about my own safety at that moment. I was such an idiot. I just shook my head at myself. 

We reached the first floor and looked around for real. The first floor has many doors. And at the far end from this side is an elevator. On the first door there is a note saying to go to the fourth door and we did go in the fourth door. On the fourth door there was a word Doctor on. We moved too fast for me to read the name of the doctor. 

“Room 2 is empty. Take her through,” a Lady behind a desk responded and the beta stepped aside as we neared the hallway. He gestured that I can go on without him. I can still feel the King guy following me. Is he gonna watch me like a hawk?

I saw the number 2 door and went inside. He followed me inside too. I took a seat on the bed and looked around. This is the first time for me inside a place like this. There are posters of information on the walls. Shelves full of samples and models of the inside things in the body. Interesting. 

The door suddenly opened and a human appeared in a lab coat. She has blond hair tied into a ponytail. She has brown eyes and frowns at the King guy. Her eyes moved to me and her frown increased even more when she focused on the blanket I have on. 

“Why are you inside too, Alpha?” She asked, concerned. What is she concerned about?

“She is dangerous. I am just keeping her in line by watching her. I am the only one able to over power her at the moment,” King guy responded and the doctor sighed.

She looked at me and lifted my head up to look at my collar. “That is going to leave a mark,” she does not seem happy about the collar.

“That was her own doing for trying to escape again,” he growled and I just rolled my eyes at him for being so deflective of his choices. 

“How am I supposed to examine her if you are here?” She complained some more and the King guy turned around. She just shook her head and focused on me.

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