
Chapter 11

Symphony didn’t know how long she was following the sound of the water, but she was happy when the stream finally came into view. She was exhausted from walking and needed to rest. Starlett had gone quiet too, which Symphony assumed was from being so tired. She knew that she had been gone for quite awhile because when she left the house it was a little after 10 in the morning and now the sky was pitch black.

She stopped by the stream and sat down. Lucky for her there was a big tree nearby that she was able to sit against. Thankfully it was warm out, so she didn’t need to break out the blankets. As she sat, she looked through her backpack for a snack that she had packed and ate that while she tried to silence her thoughts.

As she tried to make sense of the situation, she was unaware of the danger that was waiting for her, hidden in the shadows of the trees, a group of rogues had been following her for several hours and were waiting to make their move. They knew she was alone a
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