
Chapter 10

Alexander knew that what he had told Damion and Gavin was a lot to take in. He knew now what he did back then was wrong but it couldn’t be changed. He still had the plan of making Symphony his but he didn’t think it would be by force this time. He had a feeling that Symphony would become his willingly if he asked her. While the three men sat in the office in silence, they had no idea that Symphony had heard everything and had ran away.

Damion was in shock at what he heard from Alexander. He knew the story around was that someone had killed the Alpha and Luna and their daughter had been taken but never in a million years did he think that Alexander had anything to do with it. He knew that Alexander had killed her parents but he didn’t realize who they were. He knew Symphony had power just by her scent, but he didn’t realize why she had her power but now he did. He almost felt bad for helping Alexander with all of this, but Symphony was just an innocent bystander in all of this.

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