
Chapter 05. The Duel between Henry and Levin

“You’re doing this to defend Ruby, right?” Rose interrupted Henry’s drama.


Ruby clucked, forgetting that her enemy was still in the house. Rose would do anything to ruin her plans.

“I know you’re mad at me for causing trouble.” Ruby did not remain silent. If Rose could create a scenario, she could do the same.

Ruby had to remember one thing: Rose was not as good as she seemed. It would not fool her a second time.

“I’m sorry. I made you sacrifice and marry Levin.” Ruby cried, though it was hard to get the tears out. She had to wipe her eyes hard.

“I just want to be with the one I love.”

Rose was stunned to see this drama. She couldn’t say anything to stop it.

“I’m sorry. It’s my fault.” Henry was still kneeling. He looked down even deeper.

Alpha Ian let out a long breath as he wiped his face. No matter how wrong his daughter was, Ruby was still part of his family.

“I will approve of your relationship.” Alpha Ian gave them his permission. His daughter deserved to be happy and he would not stand in her way.

“Dad.” Rose seemed to disagree. “Think about it again. I’m sure this is Ruby’s game. She did this on purpose. She must want to ruin my marriage to Alpha Levin.”

“How could I do that?” Ruby did her best to act. “I told you, I only want to be happy with the person I love. And that person is Henry, not Levin.”

Ruby looked at Rose. This woman had taken her mate. This woman had also ruined her name. One day, Ruby would take what was hers.

“Can you prove that? Can you promise me that you won’t interfere in my marriage?”

His two daughters, who kept arguing, confused alpha Ian.

“Your wedding will take place on the same day. That way, no one will disturb each other. Understood!”

"But Dad..." Rose bit her lip, unable to argue with her father's words.


“What did you say?” Levin frowned deeply when he found out that Henry had proposed to Ruby. His hands clenched into fists in anger.

His relationship with Ruby was over, but that didn’t mean he could accept Ruby marrying his disgusting brother.

“Do Mom know?” Levin asked in an annoyed tone.

There was no way his mom would approve. That’s what he thought, but he was wrong.

“Madame has already approved this marriage.”

“Tsk! Has she gone mad?”

Levin rose from his seat. “Where is that bastard?”

“Looks like he’s tired of living!”

He ran down the corridor to Henry’s house, which was behind his luxurious palace. Levin entered the mansion without permission and called out to Henry.

“Get that son of a bitch over here!” Levin pointed at Gilbert with a dark look in his eyes.

“Get out, you bastard!”

“What made you so angry, big brother?” Henry came down from the stairs. His smile widened at his brother, who had never set foot in his despised mansion.

“What’s your plan?” Levin looked at Henry sharply. “Why are you proposing to Ruby?”

“I have no intentions.” Henry crossed his arms. “Ruby is no longer yours. And anyone can have her.”

“Shut your filthy mouth!” Levin snapped.

“Filthy blood like you don’t deserve, Ruby!” Levin reminded Henry that the man should understand his position. Henry came from the womb of a lowly woman. His existence was just garbage.

“Why are you so angry about this? Didn’t you get what you wanted?”

“And I can’t get over the woman of your choice. Why would you betray Ruby to a woman like her? There seems to be something wrong with your brain.” Henry insulted him.

Only a fool would leave a woman like Ruby. And Henry was thankful that his foolish brother had left her. If they had stayed together, Henry would never have had this opportunity.

“Asshole!” Levin tugged on Henry’s collar. “Call off your engagement to Ruby right now!”

Henry took it calmly. “What if I don’t want to? What are you going to do?”

“Do you want to die?!” Levin’s face darkened.

A second later, a punch landed on Henry’s face, leaving a bruise on his right cheek.

“Call it off or I won’t hesitate to take your life...”


Henry laughed out loud before his gaze turned dangerous. He grabbed Levin’s arm until the man let go.

“Do you know what your face looks like right now?” Henry growled at Levin. He showed an intimidation he had never shown before.

Henry had lived like an insignificant stone. He never showed himself and hid in the shadows. He was just an illegitimate child, taken in by his father. If his father hadn’t taken him in, he might have ended up like the slaves out there.

“You look pathetic!” Henry whispered with a condescending look.


The fight between the two became a show for the members of his wolf pack.

“Beat him, Alpha Levin!”

“Make him understand who he is and where he belongs!”

“Beat that son of a bitch!”

Gilbert was trapped and clueless about what would happen..

Henry took up his stance, staring intently at the enemy, preparing for the attack his opponent was about to launch.

“Bastards like you shouldn’t have crossed the line. You should have stayed hidden and become nonexistent.”

Levin attacked. With a quick step, he unleashed his right fist. Henry managed to dodge by jumping back a few steps. He started to counter.


Henry’s fist caught Levin right in the stomach. The man reeled pitifully.

“Damn you! How dare you...!” Levin stood up.

The atmosphere immediately became tense. The audience fell silent at Henry’s attack.

Levin turned into a wolf, ready to attack with full force.

With a single step, his body darted quickly, his fist preparing to deliver a lethal blow.

“Take this, you bastard!”

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