
An Unexpected Visitor

The bell for lunch rang as Kir headed back inside the academy, so she headed over to the cafeteria to grab herself some food. Using her abilities always took a lot out of her, but nothing took more energy out of Kir than using her blood to perform an injury transfer. 

There was only one problem. Kir found herself craving only one thing at that moment, Asher’s blood. Kir shook her head and decided to go to the only person that could help her right then, Kaoru Regaldi. 

Kir spotted the black-haired man, sporting his signature royal blue tie that many thought was the only difference between him and his purple tie wearing twin. 

What was funny thought, was that there were many things that make their identities easy to notice, but only Moose and Kir had ever been capable of realizing that Kaoru sports an emerald green wolf insignia ring, his counterpart, Kilo, actually wore an amethyst demon insignia ring. 

"Kaoru, I need your help, come with me." Kir said, with obvious urgency as the craving began to grow stronger. It only took the man a single second before realizing what was going on as Kir’s eyes began shifting to a scarlet color, the tell-tale sign that her vampiric bloodlust was taking control of her. 

The moment that they were in a secluded area, Kir wasted no time biting into Kaoru’s neck and drinking the sweet nectar that flowed through his veins. “Kir, slow down…” Kaoru said hazily as the effects of a vampire bite began to take over his senses. 

A vampire’s bite could have many effects on its victim, depending on the type of vampire that bit you. As a vampire from the first vampire’s line, Kir’s bite causes the victim to go into a euphoric state of mind until the wound healed. At least, when Kir bit Kaoru that’s what happened.

Kir never meant to drink from one of her friends in the first place, however a long time ago Kir had gotten severely injured while playing in the woods with Kaoru. Leaving her no choice but to feed on him as her injuries caused her bloodlust to completely take over her self-control.

That was the first time that Kir had ever bit one of her friends, however, it obviously wasn’t the last, as each and every time that Kir craved for blood, she would wind up turning to Kaoru for help. 


Someone suddenly yelled from behind Kir, causing Kaoru to snap out of his haze and instinctively hide Kir from the intruder. Kir looked up and was horrified to see her mother standing in front of them, staring with an interminable expression on her face. 

"Mrs. Bastet, I can explain! It's not what it looks like, I swear!" Kaoru said, trying to calm her mother. 

"Oh really? Because to me it looks like my daughter is outside the academy drinking from Kaoru Regaldi, despite her knowing the risks of such an act." Kir’s mother said. 

"Wait what?!" Asher asked, as he popped out of nowhere. Kir groaned at the horrible timing of her mate being in the same place at the same time. 

"Asher, look, it's not what you think." Kir calmly told her mate. 

"Oh Asher? So Kir, not only were you fooling around with a Regaldi, but you also had your mate coming out to meet you for a rendezvous as well?!" Kir’s mother looked as though she was about to faint from the scenarios coursing through her head.

"Kir, get inside my car right this minute, we're going home!" Renay yelled at her daughter. “And you two,” Renay looked at the two young men, “how dare you risk Kir’s reputation like this Mr. Romanov, after everything I’ve heard about you, I’m not too surprised that the first time we met was under such awful circumstances”  

Renay looked at Kaoru, “however you, Kaoru, I honestly never would’ve dreamed that you would allow yourself to fall so low, maybe your brother, but certainly not you. This just goes to show that you never really know someone as well as you think you do.” Renay sighed before leaving the two boys as she caught up to Kir and got into the car. “Honestly Kir…..” Renay sighed to her daughter. 

"Have all of your lessons taught you nothing?" Renay asked her. 

"Mom, nobody can hear us now, you don't have to act so formal." Kir told Renay, causing her to laugh slightly. 

"Well, I'm glad that you have so many options and that you're taking the time to weigh them out before deciding who you will marry, Kir." 

"But, you must try to remember to be more careful about performing such an erotic act in public." Renay reminded her. "EWWWW MOM!!! NO! Okay yeah I bit Kaoru, but it wasn't for THAT." Kir yelled at Renay, making Renay laugh once more.

"Mom, I only bit Kaoru because I was about to lose control." She told me. 

"Oh, I know darling, that's why I came to the academy today, I sensed that something was wrong so I came as quickly as I could." Renay informed Kir.

Kaoru knew as soon as he saw Kir’s eyes shifting to that scarlet color, she needed his help. Which is why he quickly followed her out into the secluded forest, just far enough away that nobody would be able to hear or smell us. Kir wasted no time getting down to business, biting Kaoru’s neck the moment they were certain they wouldn’t be found.


"Kir, slow down...." Kaoru said as he began to feel the haze of Kir’s bite taking over his mind and putting him into a euphoric trance. Kaoru had to use all of his mental strength to try and stay in control, however it proved to be feeble against Kir’s vampiric powers. 

"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE?!" Someone suddenly yelled from behind Kir. The yell snapped Kaoru out of his delirium as he instinctively moved himself in front of Kir in order to hide her from the unknown person. 


It only took Kaoru a moment to realize that the person who interrupted them was actually Renay Bastet, Kir’s mom and the former queen. 

"Mrs. Bastet, I can explain! It's not what it looks like, I swear!" Kaoru quickly said, hoping to calm Kir’s mother. 

"Oh really? Because to me, it looks like my daughter is outside the academy, drinking from Kaoru Regaldi, despite her knowing the risks of such an act." Renay said. 

"Wait what?!" Asher asked as he popped up out of nowhere. 

‘You've got to be kidding me....’

"Asher, look, it's not what you think." Kir calmly told her agitated mate. 

"Oh, Asher? So Kir, not only were you fooling around with a Regaldi but, you also had your mate coming out to meet you for a rendezvous as well?!" Renay said while holding her head, as though she might pass out. 

"Kir, get inside my car right this minute, we're going home!" Renay yelled at her daughter.

"And you two," she looked over at Asher. "How dare you risk Kir's reputation like this. Mr. Romanov, after everything I've heard about you, I'm not too surprised that the first time we met was under such awful circumstances." She said to Asher before looking at me.

"However, you, Kaoru, I honestly never would've dreamt that you would allow yourself to fall so low, maybe your brother, but certainly, not you. This just goes to show that you never really know someone as well as you think you do." Renay sighed out before leaving Kaoru alone with Asher. 

As soon as she was out of earshot, Kaoru began laughing. 

"What's so funny about you getting my mate in trouble?!" Asher questioned him. 

"Oh man, Kir's not actually in trouble. And neither are we. Don't you know who that was?" Kaoru asked the man. 

Asher shook his head. 

"Oh, that's awesome! Hahahahaha, so you probably assumed that all of that scolding was legit?! Ha! Nah man, that was Kir's mother, Renay Bastet, she's really cool." Kaoru told Asher. 

"...If you say so...but, can you please tell me what all that business about Kir drinking your blood was about?" Asher asked Kaoru. 

"Oh, yeah, Kir drank my blood because she was losing control of her vampiric cravings, that's all." Kaoru informed him.

"Is there some reason that all of the crazy things that have happened since yesterday, seem to be perfectly normal for you guys?" He asked, causing Kaoru to laugh again. 

"Yeah man, because this is basically normal for anyone that's involved in the Bastet family's lives. You think this is crazy? You still haven't seen the half of it dude. You only know about three of Kir's species and you still haven't actually met Kir's uncle yet. You might want to be prepared for that one. Especially since you'll be at the Bastet Mansion tomorrow." I informed Asher. 

"Wait, why would I be at the Bastet Mansion tomorrow???" He asked Kaoru. 

"Oh, right, I forgot to tell you. Here, Renay told me to give this to you." Kaoru told him as he handed him the invitation that Renay had sent to his house this morning for him to give to Kir’s mate. 


"Surprise! You're invited to meet the royal Bastet family for Kir's birthday celebration at the Bastet Mansion, where Kir will be officially introducing you as her mate!" Kaoru laughed at the end of his statement, knowing the poor boy didn’t stand a chance tomorrow.

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