
Kaoru's Pain


-Author: I do not condone underage drinking, the drinking involved in this chapter is solely for the purpose of the story and is not meant to encourage anyone to repeat behavior seen in this story-

Kaoru felt like a coward for running away from the woman that he’d been in love with his entire life. He knew it was cowardly, but he couldn’t think of anything else to do when he saw Asher, Roo, and Luca go up to that stage and call her their mate. 


‘How is it even possible for Kir to have multiple mates?.... I hope that nobody saw me.’ 

"You're not just a coward Kaoru, you're also a disappointment. How many more signs do you need before you finally accept the truth?" Leon, Kaoru’s wolf, said to him. 

"You know what Leon, I already know that I'm being an idiot, no need to rub it in." Kaoru said back to him. 

"I wish I could just accept this, but Kir's not just a wolf, she's also a royal. Having multiple mates is just going to complicate her life even more since she will only be able to choose ONE husband, not four." Kaoru thought to himself, separating the thought from his mind link with Leon. 


Kaoru knew that Leon would end up telling him to just accept what happened as fact without asking any questions. Kaoru sighed with defeat. “Alright, I know what I have to do.” Kaoru told himself and his wolf before closing off the mind link for good. 

A few hours later.

"Hahahaha! This is perfect! Absolutely PERFECT!! With Luca being one of the girl's mates my plan will work without a hitch! A beautiful royal alpha female with multiple powers AND multiple mates? This must be a sign from the Moon Goddess that she approves of my plans for the future of the supernaturals!"

"Now all I have to do is have Asher get rid of the competition, and everything will be splendid." An unknown man said to his wolf before picking up his phone and dialing Asher’s number. 


"Hello Boss." Asher answered. 

"Asher I have another task for you, I need you to go to Linaria's place and grab a few things, she'll explain the job." The man said before hanging up. 

Kaoru walked into the club and looked around before sitting down at his usual table and waving a waiter over to him. 

"How may I help you Master Regaldi?" The waiter asked formally. 

"I wish to speak to my father." Kaoru said flatly. 

"Uhhh....uhhh....uu-uummm...." He cleared his throat, "Yes Master of course." He said before rushing off to get Kaoru’s father. 

While waiting for his father to show up, Kaoru decided to go behind the bar and grab the largest bottle he could find. Normally, he wouldn’t be caught dead drinking alcohol but right now the circumstances were different….

"Well well well....What do we have here?" My father asked in an amused tone upon seeing Kaoru finishing off a bottle of Rum. 

"Well, y...y...youuuuu toooooooook soooooo long to *HIC* get down here old man!" Kaoru yelled at his father. 

"HA! Alright, what's going on Kaoru? You never drink this much. Well actually, you never drink at all......"

"Oh goddess, who died?!" Kaoru’s father began to freak out. 

"N....nnnn.....nobody diiiiied you olddddd ffffffart! Shut up and listen to me!" I yelled. "It's Kiiiiiiiiiiirrrrrrr! Shhhhhh-" 


Kaoru had thrown up all over his father’s shoes. 

"Alright, you need to sleep it off and then we can talk about Kir." Kaoru’s father said before helping Kaoru up and walking him to his room upstairs.

"Hey Linaria, the boss told me to come by for a briefing and a pickup for my new task? What did you get for me?" Asher asked the purple-haired woman as he entered the house. 

"Boss wants you on an assassination mission this time, Ash. You're going to need weapons and no distractions." Linaria responded as she searched around the room for my weapons and gadgets. 

"I've got a bad feeling about this Asher, we should go." Asher’s wolf warned him through their link. 

Asher brushed it off, “Oh be quiet, it’s not like we’re going to be told to kill Kir or anything, not even the boss would go that far.” 

Asher snapped out of the mindlink when Linaria tossed him a wolf dagger. “Damn, so it’s a wolf, huh? Any clues as to who is such a threat that we are resorting to assassination and not just capturing and torturing them?” Asher asked, starting to feel like something really bad was actually about to happen. 

"Here's the file on the guy, not sure exactly what he did but, unlike you, I don't get to question the boss's decisions without punishment." She said as she tossed Asher the manilla folder. Asher got a sinking feeling in his stomach as he looked down at the folder that would tell him just how screwed he was at the time. 

Asher opened the folder and immediately understood that the feeling of dread and doom that had been building was rightfully present. Asher stared at the name on the first page, completely frozen in place, until Linaria began talking again. 

"So? Are you going to just stand there and stare at the papers or are you going to tell me how you know the guy?" Linaria asked, catching Asher off guard. 

"What makes you think I know him?" Asher said, trying not to sound too defensive.

"Dude, Ash, did you forget that I know you like the back of my hand?" She asked before grabbing the folder back. "Kaoru Regaldi, huh? Doesn't ring a bell, should it?" Linaria asked as she looked up at Asher’s pale face.

"Remember how I told you that I found my mate?" Asher reminded her. 

"Yeah? So?" She taps her chin for a moment. "OH MY GODDESS!! No way! Is this guy your mate?! Are you secretly gay?!?! Why didn't you tell me? You know I wouldn't judge you Ash!" She spoke so quickly that it was hard to keep up with her. 

"Linaria!!! No, alright! He's not my mate, and I'm NOT gay!!" Asher said as he grabbed her shoulders to calm her down. 

"Then, what's the big deal?" She asks while tilting her head. "He's not MY mate. But Kaoru Regaldi is my mate's childhood friend. Do you understand now?" Asher asked her and began pacing. 

"Crap! What are you going to do then? Tell the boss to give it to someone else? Quit the organization? Go on the run and elope with your mate so that you two can live a peaceful life and have hundreds of pups?" She asked. 

"One, none of those things are options. Two, my mate doesn't even like me, how the hell would I convince her to elope with me? Three, we're NOT having hundreds of pups!! Maybe three or four, but that's not the point!" Asher sighed and took a deep breath. "Well, Linaria, looks like it's time for me to say goodbye to you." 

"What? Why goodbye? And why are you so sad about it? It's not like I'll never see you again?" Linaria questioned me. 

"Linaria, you don't get it. If I don't kill Kaoru and try to quit then the boss will have someone else kill both me and Kaoru. And if I do go along with this mission and kill Kaoru Regaldi then, not only will my mate be trying to kill me, but she will also have the entire kingdom looking to slit my throat. No matter what I do, at this point, I'm dead. So goodbye, my good friend." Asher said before walking out the door and straight to his room.

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