
The Aftermath of my rejection

The Forgotten Mate 2.

The Aftermath of my rejection.

The tears flow uncontrollably down my cheeks as I find solace in the corner of the extravagant ballroom. The vibrant masquerade masks that once held a hint of hope now taunt me, mocking my shattered heart. The pain of rejection sears through my soul, consuming me from within.

I had dared to dream, dared to believe that perhaps, just for a fleeting moment, I could experience the love and acceptance that had been denied to me for so long. But fate, in its twisted irony, had other plans.

The whispers of the crowd echo in my ears, their words like venomous arrows piercing my already wounded spirit. The mask that conceals my identity feels like a shield against their judgment, but it cannot shield me from the agony that consumes me.

A shadow falls over me, and I look up, hope flickering in my tear-filled eyes. It is Asher, my mate, the one whose rejection shattered my heart into a million irreparable fragments. He towers over me, his eyes filled with contempt.

"Look at you," he sneers, his voice dripping with disdain. "A pitiful excuse for a wolf, unworthy of love or companionship."

His words strike me like a physical blow, leaving me gasping for air. The pain in his eyes mirrors my own, but instead of empathy, it is laced with cruelty. I had hoped he would offer solace, but instead, he adds salt to my already festering wounds.

"What did you expect, Bloom?" he continues, his voice laced with mocking laughter. "Did you honestly believe that someone like me would want a weakling like you as a mate? You're a disgrace to our kind."

His words cut through me like a knife, each syllable a testament to my inadequacy. I struggle to find my voice, to defend myself against this onslaught of cruelty, but the tears choke my words, leaving me silenced and defenseless.

Asher raises his hand, and before I can react, his fingers grip my arm with a vice-like grip. The pain shoots through me, a physical manifestation of the emotional anguish I bear. He squeezes tighter, his fingers digging into my skin.

"You're lucky I didn't reject you with a good beating," he hisses, his breath hot against my ear. "Consider yourself fortunate that I spared you that humiliation."

My heart shatters anew, the remnants of hope crumble to dust. In that moment, I realize that not only have I been rejected, but I have become the object of his scorn and derision. I am a pitiful creature, unworthy of even a shred of compassion.

The tears blur my vision as I stumble backward, desperate to escape this nightmare. But Asher follows, relentless in his pursuit of my pain.

"Run away, Bloom," he mocks, a cruel smile playing on his lips. "It's all you're good for. Just remember, you will always be alone. No one will ever want you."

His words hang heavy in the air, suffocating me with their cruelty. The pain that radiates from my arm pales in comparison to the ache in my chest. The realization dawns upon me that love, acceptance, and happiness will forever remain elusive.

I turn away from him, my shoulders hunched with defeat. The weight of his rejection bears down upon me, crushing my spirit. I retreat further into the shadows, seeking solace in the darkness that mirrors my inner turmoil.

As the sobs wrack my body, I whisper into the void, my voice barely a whimper. "Why? Why must I endure such pain? What have I done to deserve this never-ending torment?"

The echoes of Asher's cruel words still reverberate in my ears as a wave of despair crashes over me. But the torment doesn't end there. Fate, it seems, has a twisted sense of humor, ready to heap more pain upon my fragile heart.

Through tear-blurred eyes, I see Anastasia approaching, a wicked smile etched upon her face. She saunters toward Asher, her hips swaying with a confidence that pierces me like a knife. And then, in an act of betrayal that surpasses all comprehension, she kisses him, right in front of me.

Their lips meet, and a surge of agony courses through me. The anguish of seeing my mate, the one who was supposed to complete me, entangled with my tormentor, is almost too much to bear. But I am rooted to the spot, incapable of tearing my gaze away from the scene unfolding before me.

Asher breaks the kiss, a smirk playing on his lips as he glances in my direction. "You see, Bloom," he taunts, his voice dripping with malice. "Anastasia is the one who truly understands what it means to be desirable. You, on the other hand, are nothing but a pitiful creature."

Anastasia, fueled by her triumph, steps closer to me, her eyes gleaming with sadistic pleasure. She raises her hand, and I brace myself for the impending blow. Her slap lands on my cheek with a resounding crack, sending pain coursing through my entire being. But I refuse to give her the satisfaction of a reaction.

"Look at you, Bloom," she sneers, her voice laced with venom. "You're nothing but a pathetic excuse for a wolf. Weak, worthless, and utterly undeserving of love or respect."

Her words hit me like a barrage of arrows, each one finding its mark and tearing away a piece of my already fragile self-esteem. I feel the sting of tears welling up in my eyes, threatening to spill over, but I hold them back, refusing to grant Anastasia the satisfaction of witnessing my vulnerability.

She continues her assault, her slaps raining down upon me with increasing force. Each strike ignites a fire of pain, but I bite my lip, willing myself to remain silent. I know that any response, any sign of weakness, will only fuel her sadistic pleasure.

"You're a stain on our family, Bloom," Anastasia spits, her voice dripping with disdain. "No one will ever want you. You're destined to be alone, forever."

I feel my heart constrict at her words, the weight of her insults crushing my spirit. But deep within me, a flicker of defiance remains. It is a tiny spark, almost extinguished by the torrent of abuse, but it refuses to be snuffed out completely.

Through tear-filled eyes, I look up at Anastasia, my voice barely a whisper. "Why?" I manage to choke out, my words raw with pain. "Why do you hate me so much? What have I done to deserve this cruelty?"

Anastasia scoffs, her eyes filled with derision. "Deserve?" she mocks. "You don't deserve anything, Bloom. You're nothing but a burden, a constant reminder of our family's shame."

The tears flow freely now, their warmth mingling with the rain of my shattered dreams. I feel the weight of their collective judgment pressing down upon me, suffocating me with their unrelenting cruelty.

In the depths of my despair, I seek solace in the only escape I can find. The hidden room, tucked away from prying eyes, becomes my refuge from the cruelty of the world. With trembling hands, I uncork a bottle of wine, the rich aroma filling the air, and pour its contents into a glass.

As I lift the glass to my lips, I can already taste the bitter sweetness of the alcohol, the promise of temporary oblivion. The first sip burns my throat, a painful reminder of the anguish that resides within me. But I persevere, seeking solace in the numbing embrace of intoxication.

The wine flows freely, each subsequent sip erasing a fragment of the pain that clings to my heart. The room spins around me, its walls morphing into blurred shapes. I welcome the disorientation, as it offers a respite from the harsh reality that haunts me.

The alcohol takes hold of my senses, loosening the shackles of despair that bind me.

" Can I join you???" I heard from behind,It was a masculine figure also in his masquerade mask just like me but unlike him I am hiding my tears behind my mask.

" Who are you"

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