
Another Life Of Torment.

The journey to the neighboring pack, ruled by the infamous Lycan King, was a torturous one. The rattling wagon bumped along the rugged terrain, each jolt sending shivers of pain through my battered body. The chains that bound me clinked and clanked with each movement, a constant reminder of my captivity.

As the wagon rolled to a stop, my heart pounded in my chest. This was the moment I had feared—the moment when I would be handed over to a new master, a master rumored to be even more ruthless than my uncle. The pack guards opened the wagon doors, their eyes devoid of compassion or sympathy.

"Get out," one of the guards barked, grabbing my arm roughly and yanking me from the wagon. I stumbled, my weakened body struggling to keep up with their callous treatment. With each step, the weight of uncertainty pressed down upon me, mingling with the heaviness of my growing belly.

We approached a grand palace, towering walls casting ominous shadows. The air crackled with a foreboding energy, as if the very walls whispered tales of suffering and despair. My heart sank further as I realized this would be my new prison, a gilded cage with no escape.

As we entered the palace, I felt the weight of countless eyes upon me. Whispers echoed through the corridors, fueled by curiosity and speculation. The guards led me to a room, barren and cold, devoid of any comfort or warmth. It was clear that my purpose here was not one of privilege or care.

A guard, his voice laced with cruel amusement, sneered at me, "Don't think your condition will grant you any special treatment, girl. You are a slave, and that's all you'll ever be."

Fear knotted in my stomach, threatening to choke me. The rumors I had heard about the Lycan King, Alpha Liam. flooded my mind—the tales of his ruthless rule, his disregard for those beneath him. I had hoped for a reprieve from the chains of my past, but it seemed fate had conspired against me.

Days turned into weeks, and I was subjected to relentless labor, my pregnant body pushed to its limits. The guards showed no mercy, driving me harder with each passing day. I toiled in silence, the weight of my circumstances crushing my spirit. But deep within me, a spark of defiance burned.

One evening, as I rested beneath the pale moonlight, exhaustion threatening to consume me, a familiar scent filled the air. A figure emerged from the shadows, his presence both intimidating and captivating. It was the Lycan King himself.

"Who are you?" he demanded, his voice laced with a mix of curiosity and authority.

"I am Bloom," I whispered, my voice trembling with a mixture of fear and determination.

" You must be the bloom with a bastard seed growing in her womb " He said and I flinched away because I felt pain.

The Lycan King's piercing gaze bore into mine, and for a moment, I caught a glimpse of something beneath the surface—something that hinted at a complex web of emotions. But it vanished as quickly as it appeared, replaced by a mask of indifference.

"You are nothing to me," he declared coldly, his words slicing through my heart like a jagged blade. "A mere slave, nothing more."

Tears welled in my eyes, but I refused to let them fall. I had already shed enough tears for a lifetime. With a heavy sigh, I gathered my strength and a shard of hope flickered within me.

"I may be a slave," I said, my voice steady but laced with a quiet determination. "But I am more than just a vessel for labor. I am a woman, a mother, and I will not let my circumstances define me."

" You better bury that you think it is confidence, It will only lead you and your baby to an early grave" He said and walked out.

But before I could decipher his expression, he turned away, leaving me with a sense of longing and unanswered questions.

As I lay in the darkness that night, the weight of my circumstances pressing down upon me, I vowed to myself that I would not be consumed by the chains that bound me. I would fight, not only for my own freedom but for the life growing within me—a beacon of hope in this desolate world. And with every ounce of strength left in me, I would forge my own destiny, determined to break the chains that threatened to crush my spirit.

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