
Chapter 2

The evening sun cast its gentle glow as Harper Davis settled into her living room, eagerly anticipating Rachel Hill's arrival. This long-awaited rendezvous had been the subject of Harper's anticipation for weeks, and with its realization, she struggled to contain her boundless enthusiasm.

Moments later, Rachel entered, her luscious red locks effortlessly gathered in a carefree ponytail. "Hey, Harper," she uttered, her countenance beaming as she stepped into the villa.

Rising from her perch, Harper traversed the space, closing the gap between them. "I am really grateful that you graced me with your presence, Rachel," she expressed, tenderly clasping her hand. "An ardent desire to talk with you has consumed my very being."

Rachel recoiled slightly, her discomfort palpable. "Is something happening?" she inquired, assuming a position on the divan.

Harper seated herself beside Rachel, drawing nearer to her. In hushed tones, she divulged, "My concerns always revolve around Willow. I cannot endure that woman any longer! She epitomizes uselessness—a paucity of wealth, no accomplishments, and an utter dearth of pride. And yet, fate has seen fit to bestow upon her the role as my son's wife, Lucas."

Sympathetically, Rachel nodded in acknowledgment. "You are right, Harper, it is very unfair. But what course of action lies within our grasp?"

Harper's smile grew wicked, imbued with a sinister intention. "We hold the power to remove her from our path, Rachel. We possess the means to make her vanquish without a trace."

Rachel's eyes widened in astonishment. "What on earth are you suggesting, Harper?"

"I am telling you that we should kill that bitch, Rachel," Harper declared with an eerie calmness. "Willow is a gullible and unintelligent individual, incessantly seeking our validation. If I were to summon her to a secluded location under false pretenses, she would undoubtedly comply. And that would grant us the opportunity to dispose of her discreetly."

Rachel hesitated, visibly shaken by Harper's audacious proposition. "Harper, this is extreme. Consider the potential consequences. What if we are caught?"

"We shall not be worried too much," Harper assured her, brimming with unwavering confidence. "Every detail will be meticulously planned. The demise of Willow shall appear as a fortuitous accident. Once she is out of the picture, Lucas can continue his relationship with you."

A heavy sigh escaped Rachel's lips. "Harper, I am plagued by doubt. I cannot bear the thought of causing harm to anyone."

Leaning closer, Harper employed a seductive whisper. "Ponder it, Rachel. Shall you forever reside in the shadows, concealing your relationship with Lucas? Will you perpetually endure the clandestine role of being the other woman? The mistress? Or would you prefer to embrace an open, shameless connection with him, unburdened by remorse or guilt?"

Rachel lowered her gaze, engrossed in deep contemplation. Eventually, she lifted her eyes to meet Harper's gaze and reluctantly nodded. "O-Okay, fine," she murmured. "Let’s do it. But you have to make sure everything, Harper,”

Harper's face curled into a satisfied smirk. "Wonderful. I've designated a location for our plan. Let us convene there tomorrow night, under the veil of midnight. And Rachel," she added, her hand resting gently on Rachel's shoulder, "rest assured, everything shall transpire flawlessly. We undertake this endeavor in the best interest of our kin."

Rachel nodded, a resolute gleam in her eyes. "In the best interest of our kin," she echoed softly.

Over the ensuing hours, the two women meticulously strategized, leaving no detail unaddressed. They carefully chose a secluded spot on the outskirts of town, away from prying eyes, where they could discreetly dispose of Willow's existence. The selection of a heavy metal pipe as their weapon was mutually agreed upon after much deliberation. They even rehearsed their alibis, ensuring their narratives aligned seamlessly should they encounter scrutiny from law enforcement.

As the night progressed, Harper and Rachel's anticipation swelled. The prospect of finally severing ties with Willow and embracing the freedom to be with Lucas overwhelmed them with excitement.

Their preparations for the forthcoming rendezvous reached their conclusion, and Rachel departed to her own abode.

Harper's thoughts drifted aimlessly when the shrill vibration of her phone startled her. She hesitated briefly, contemplating the identity of the late-night caller. With cautious reluctance, she glanced at her phone's display, astonished to find Willow's name appeared.

Exhaling a breath laced with irritation, Harper reluctantly answered the call. "Why, Willow, do you choose to intrude upon my tranquility at such an ungodly hour?" she snapped, irritation etched across her features.

Willow's voice quivered with anxiety, her fingers trembling as she clutched the phone. "M-Mom, I... I desperately need to talk with you. It's very important,”

Harper exhaled audibly, her impatience thinly veiled. "Tss. Fine. Then tell me what you want, now,” 

"I know that we haven't always shared the same perspective, Mom," Willow began, her words laced with vulnerability. "However, I find myself in dire need of your help. Lucas has been showing peculiar behavior lately—withdrawn and distant. I'm at a loss as to what could be troubling him. Should I give up on our marriage?”

Harper's eyes rolled heavenward in exasperation. "I’m not a marriage counselor, Willow! How would I know? And what do you expect me to do about it?" But deep inside, she was surprised Willow is thinking of leaving her son.

A deep inhalation preceded Willow's response. "Mom, I need you, as his mother, to talk to your son. Perhaps he would be more receptive to your words."

Harper scoffed disdainfully. "And why, pray tell, should I help you? You are far from deserving of my son."

Tears welled up in Willow's eyes, her voice quivering with raw emotion. "I understand, Mom. But—”

"Tsss. Alright, alright! Fine!" Harper cut her words, her tone tinged with reluctant compliance. "I will talk with him. But remember, Willow, you are indebted to me. There will be no next time,” 

Willow nodded on the other line, a mixture of relief and gratitude etched upon her features. "Thank you, Mom.”

An hour later, Rachel dialed Harper's number, her voice filled with anticipation. "Have you contemplated our plan? Your words have resonated within me, and I find myself in agreement. I want to kill that bitch, Harper."

Harper's conscience tugged at her, a sense of unease washing over her. She knew she should put an end to this sinister plan, but the fear of disappointing Rachel held her back.

"Yes," Harper responded, her voice trembling with uncertainty. "We can proceed with it tomorrow."

Rachel's voice brimmed with exhilaration. "This is great! The anticipation of witnessing Willow's misery is quite overwhelming to me, Harper,” 

A fleeting moment of hesitation washed over Harper, prompting her to inhale deeply. "Rachel, there is something I must say. Willow called me earlier, expressing concerns about Lucas. I think she suspects he may be involved with someone else."

Rachel's tone turned icy, a chill slicing through her words. "What do you mean, Harper?"

Harper's throat tightened, a lump forming within. "Perhaps... maybe we should reconsider the plan. It's possible that Lucas might make his own decisions regarding his relationship with Willow. We might not need to intervene."

Rachel emitted a scoff of disbelief. "Don't be absurd, Harper! We have come too far to retreat now! Don’t do this to me!”

Harper could feel her determination waning. "But Rachel, I don't want to tarnish my hands with such actions."

An incredulous tone laced Rachel's words. "Are you insinuating that you feel pity for that bitch, Harper?"

Startled, Harper hurriedly responded, "No, Rachel! I would never harbor any fondness for her. It's just that I am feeling impulsive. Maybe Lucas intends to pursue a divorce on his own."

Rachel's voice adopted a menacing quality. "I highly doubt it, Harper. Lucas would never risk tarnishing his reputation! Do you genuinely believe that an undeserving commoner deserves to be with him? A man who possesses no genuine love for her? A man who has deceived her all this time? No, Harper. We are doing what is right. We are doing the fate she deserves."

A heavy sensation settled in Harper's gut, a foreboding realization creeping in. Rachel's words rang with conviction, but Harper couldn't shake the nagging feeling that their course of action was morally askew.

As the night deepened, Harper lay in bed, restlessness plaguing her. She tossed and turned, thoughts of Willow and Lucas ceaselessly churning within her mind. She yearned for Willow's presence to be extinguished from their lives, but an unsettling doubt gnawed at her conscience.

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