
Chapter Eight

As Ethan's anger intensified, his eyes bore into Amelia with an intensity that sent shivers down her spine. But she was not ready to forget her brief moment of happiness with Sarah, just because of Ethan's anger.

"Ethan, I understand your concerns, but I am not a puppet to be controlled," Amelia's voice quivered, but her words held a firm resolve. "I needed some time for myself, to reconnect with my friend, to feel a sense of normalcy amidst all the chaos. I can't live my life solely according to your dictates."

Ethan's face twisted further with rage, his fists clenched at his sides. "You dare defy me, Amelia?" he seethed, his voice laced with venomous disdain. "You are my wife, and you will do as I say. I will not tolerate your disobedience."

Amelia's eyes filled with tears, "I am not your possession, Ethan," she said, her voice trembling but resolute. "We are supposed to be partners, equals in this marriage. I will not allow myself to be silenced and controlled any longer. This constant surveillance is suffocating."

Ethan's frustration grew even more. His jaw clenched tightly as he struggled to find words to counter Amelia's boldness. For a moment, the air crackled with tension as they engaged in a silent battle of wills.

Finally, Ethan's voice erupted like thunder, "You forget your place, Amelia. You forget who you are dealing with," he sneered. "Mark my words, there will be consequences for your insolence. You will regret crossing me."

With a steadying breath, Amelia turned away from Ethan and walked towards the mansion's entrance. She knew that her actions would have consequences, but she was ready to accept whatever it is that Ethan would do to her. For she is no stranger to his embarrassments and hurtful words.

As she disappeared inside, Ethan was left standing there, his anger simmering, his pride wounded. Deep down, a part of him was shaken by Amelia's boldness, but his pride and pompous nature refused to acknowledge it.

"She must know her place", He whispered to himself.

By evening time, Ethan called Amelia into his study, his face stern and his voice cold. He wanted to ensure that his message was clear and that she understood the gravity of her actions.

"Amelia," Ethan began, his tone laced with disdain, "you have shown a complete disregard for my authority and the sanctity of our marriage upon which you signed and agreed to its terms and conditions. I cannot tolerate such insubordination."

Amelia stood before him, her eyes downcast but her spirit unbroken. She knew the consequences would be severe, but she refused to cower under his oppressive presence.

Instead, she said nervously "Ethan, I understand that I went against your instructions, but I had my reasons. Please, let's talk about this."

Ethan, his voice dripping with contempt, "Talk? What is there to talk about? You have shown a complete lack of respect for my authority. It is time you learn your place as my wife."

He continues, "Your independence is a privilege that you have lost, Amelia. Your actions have consequences, and I will ensure you understand that. From now on, your freedom will be restricted"

Amelia feeling overwhelmed, "But Ethan, how do I get to see my mom and monitor her treatment and recovery?"

Ethan continued as he completely ignored her question, his voice dripping with contempt, "You will no longer have the freedom to leave this mansion without my permission. Your movements will be monitored, and you will be confined to the boundaries of this estate. You will also be stripped of any social engagements or interactions outside of our home."

Amelia's heart sank, the reality of her situation crashing down upon her. She had never imagined that her marriage would become a prison, that her husband would use his power to limit her existence.

She looked up fighting back tears as she met Ethan's gaze. "But Ethan, isolating me like this is not fair. We are supposed to be partners, supporting and understanding each other."

Her voice becomes shakey "Is this truly the man you want to be, Ethan?" she asked, her voice steady but filled with sadness. "Is this the kind of relationship we should have, where control and punishment take precedence over love and respect?"

Ethan's expression hardened, his pride refusing to waver. "You brought this upon yourself, Amelia. You must submit and obey. You signed and agreed to it, so I will not tolerate any further defiance."

With that, the room fell into an uneasy silence. The consequences Ethan had imposed were like chains binding Amelia, she chose not to push the matter any further but instead decides to walk away.

As Amelia left the study, her words echoing in his mind, Ethan's stern expression softened for a moment. Guilt crept into his heart, a nagging reminder of the pain he was inflicting upon her. But his pride, his deep-seated need for control, quickly swept away any trace of remorse. He couldn't afford to show weakness.

Just as he tried to dismiss his guilt, Jenkins, entered the study. Jenkins had overheard fragments of the conversation between Ethan and Amelia and had observed the growing tension within the household.

"Sir," Jenkins began cautiously, his tone respectful yet concerned, "I couldn't help but overhear some of the exchange. Is everything alright?"

Ethan paused, briefly contemplating whether to confide in Jenkins. But ultimately, he decided to maintain his show of strength and dominance. He couldn't let anyone, not even his trusted butler, see the cracks in his carefully constructed image.

"Everything is under control, Jenkins," Ethan replied, his voice laced with a hint of annoyance. "It was merely a disagreement that needed to be addressed. I expect you to keep it to yourself and attend to your duties."

Jenkins bowed slightly, understanding his place in the hierarchy of the household. "Of course, sir. Should you need anything further, please do not hesitate to call upon me."

With that, Jenkins exited the study, leaving Ethan alone with his conflicted thoughts. Deep down, he knew that his treatment of Amelia was unjust, that his actions were driven by his insecurities and need for control. But he couldn't allow himself to admit his faults, not even to the trusted confidant who had served him faithfully for years.

Instead, Ethan buried his guilt beneath a thick layer of pride and arrogance. He convinced himself that his actions were justified, that he was merely maintaining order in his household. But a small voice inside him whispered of the pain he was causing Amelia, and as much as he tried to ignore it, it continued to haunt him in the quiet moments when his arrogance faded, leaving behind a lingering trace of regret.

Whatever guilt or regrets he feels would have to wait till he comes back from his business trip. He knew that he needed to address the issues in his marriage, to make amends but he also needs to ensure that the terms of their contract remains.

As he boarded the plane for Tokyo, Ethan found himself contemplating his next steps. He was ready to put his pride aside, to open up his heart and make amends with Amelia.

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