
Over a drink?

Camila's eyes fluttered open, her heart pounding in her chest, only to find herself securely held in the arms of a stranger. She blinked in disbelief, her mind struggling to comprehend the surreal scene unfolding before her. It was as if time had frozen, and she found herself face-to-face with the man she had conjured in her imagination, the one who had unknowingly become her refuge from the persistent Alexander Ford.

As Camila looked up, her breath caught in her throat, and her eyes widened like a startled white dove. The man before her embodied her ideal, the epitome of her deepest desires. His strong arms remained wrapped around her waist, providing a sense of safety and warmth that sent shivers down her spine. She couldn't tear her gaze away from his piercing silver eyes, which delved into the depths of her own blue orbs, creating an electric connection that she had only dreamed of.

Every aspect of him seemed carefully crafted to match her fantasies. His eyebrows were perfectly sculpted, accentuating his ruggedly handsome face. His lips held a natural allure, inviting the touch of her own. And oh, his chest, broad and strong, was a testament to his masculinity, leaving her breathless with longing.

Camila's mind raced, trying to grasp the reality of the situation. How could it be that the very man she had imagined and wanted to meet in order to escape Alexander Ford's clutches now stood before her, embodying everything she had yearned for? It felt like destiny had intervened, orchestrating this extraordinary encounter with meticulous precision.

Silently, the man extended his arm around Camila's waist, gently lifting Camila to her feet. Sensing Alexander Ford's presence behind her, Camila swiftly interjected, her voice filled with urgency but at the same time gently, "Hey babe, there you are!" She shifted her gaze ever so slightly towards Alexander Ford, her blue eyes pleading for assistance. Understanding her unspoken plea, the man moved closer, his hand firmly grasping her waist. "Sweetie, I've been right here, waiting for my angel," he reassured her with a deep, masculine voice, causing Camila to smile at the endearing nickname.

Camila turned her attention back to Alexander Ford, not wanting to lose the interest of the man who was helping her or waste his time. With a hint of desperation in her voice, she turned and asked, "Are we good now?!" to Alexander Ford. Alexander Ford glanced at Camila, then glanced at the handsome man standing beside her, his frustration evident. Finally, he conceded defeat and walked away, defeated by the presence of her newfound protector like she said her boyfriend.

As Alexander Ford disappeared from sight, Camila let out a relieved sigh. Turning her attention to the man who had come to her aid, she found his arms still wrapped protectively around her waist. With a shy smile, she expressed her gratitude, "Thanks."

The man responded with genuine warmth, "Oh, my pleasure." Slowly, he withdrew his hand from Camila's waist, but not before adding, "I'm Ethan. And you?" He extended his hand, offering a handshake.

Camila stretched out her soft hands, accepting the gesture. "I'm Camila," she replied, her voice tinged with relief. The brief exchange of introductions provided a momentary respite from the chaos that had unfolded.

However, as Camila shifted her gaze behind Ethan, her heart sank. A man and a woman stood there, with the woman glaring at Camila with intense anger. Her eyes burned with a fiery rage, as if she longed to wrap her hands around Camila's throat. The harsh tension in the air was palpable, and Camila couldn't help but wonder what had triggered such animosity from a complete stranger.

As Camila's gaze shifted behind him, Ethan couldn't help but notice the subtle change in her expression. Her eyes, a striking shade of blue, flickered with a mix of curiosity and apprehension. His gaze fell upon her, and he found himself captivated by her allure. Every detail of her appearance seemed to align perfectly with his ideal partner—a vision he had long held in his mind.

He admired her figure, the way her body gracefully moved, exuding confidence and grace. Her flawless skin seemed to glow in the sunlight, radiating a natural beauty that was impossible to ignore. Her hair cascaded down her shoulders, a soft, lustrous mane that invited his fingers to run through it. And her lips, delicately curved, held a hint of a smile that enticed him further.

At that moment, Ethan felt a magnetic pull towards Camila, as if the universe had conspired to bring them together. The connection he felt was undeniable, and he found himself yearning to know more about her, to delve into the depths of her captivating blue eyes and unravel the mysteries that lay within.

As Ethan turned to see what had captured Camila's attention, he discovered her gaze fixed upon Allison, whose expression was not simply funny but rather filled with dread. Realizing his mistake, Ethan quickly redirected his focus back to Camila, feeling a pang of guilt for not fully comprehending the situation.

"Oh, my bad," Ethan admitted, his tone apologetic, as Camila's eyes returned to meet his. Wanting to alleviate any tension, he introduced his friend, Ryan. "Meet my friend, Ryan," Ethan said to Camila, searching for the right words to describe their connection. "Ryan, meet my new... angel Camila," he finished, recalling the endearing term he had used before.

Camila's smile reappeared upon hearing the word "angel," again her appreciation evident. Ryan extended his hand for a handshake, his demeanor exuding charm. "Nice meeting you, angel," he greeted her warmly. Camila reciprocated, her voice laced with flirtation, "My pleasure, handsome."

Caught off guard by Camila's choice of words, Ethan felt a sudden surge of jealousy simmer within him " Handsome?". Ryan, sensing the shift in atmosphere, glanced at Ethan with a knowing smirk, accompanied by a mocking smile. Camila, perceptive to the unspoken tension, maintained her smile, relishing in the playful dynamic unfolding before her.

Ethan proceeded to introduce Allison, his voice tinged with a touch of unease. "Camila, this is Allison. And Allison, this is Camila," he said, hoping to ease the palpable tension that hung in the air between Allison and Camila. Camila's gaze shifted upwards, meeting Allison's eyes, which still held a lingering sense of dread. Despite the uneasy atmosphere, Camila made a conscious decision to extend an olive branch.

She reached out her hand toward Allison, offering a gesture of goodwill. However, instead of reciprocating the gesture or uttering a single word, Allison simply stared at Camila, her gaze sweeping from her head to toe with a piercing intensity. The silence between them grew heavy, leaving an uncomfortable void.

Sensing the escalating tension, Ethan instinctively intervened, taking hold of Camila's hand in place of Allison's. Camila, unfazed by the turn of events, calmly lowered her outstretched hand after Ethan has shaken it instead. It was an unspoken acknowledgment that the connection she had sought with Allison would not be established at that moment or maybe would never will.

The bar seemed to exhale a collective sigh of relief as the awkward encounter dissipated. Ethan's eyes flickered between Camila and Allison, caught between confusion and a desire to salvage the situation. Meanwhile, Camila maintained her composure, understanding that not every introduction would lead to immediate rapport just like the incident with her now Ex boyfriend and Ex best friend she has come to the realization that not everyone will like her.

Ethan, not wanting to let go of the beautiful Damsel in front of him after introducing Camila to his friend, took hold of the opportunity. The sparkle in her blue eyes and the warmth of her smile made it impossible for him to let her go. At that moment, Ethan seized the opportunity and mustered his courage.

"I would like to have a talk with you over a drink at the bar counter if you don't mind," Ethan asked, his voice filled with anticipation, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips.

Camila returned his smile, her eyes glimmering with curiosity. "I really don't mind," she replied, her voice carrying a hint of excitement as she would like to know more about her ideal type guy Ethan.

Ethan nodded gratefully, feeling a surge of hope. "Thanks," he whispered, his voice barely audible amidst the buzz of the not-too-crowded bar.

As Ethan and Camila began to take steps toward the inviting glow of the bar counter, a sudden interruption shattered their fleeting connection. Allison moved swiftly, her hand firmly grasping Ethan's arm.

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