
A Hotel?!!

As Camila spun her head in a complete 360-degree rotation, a dizzying sensation overcame her, causing her world to split into two. With a lopsided smile plastered across her face, she clumsily rose from her seat, swaying unsteadily towards Ethan. Turning her head towards him, she slurred, "I'm gonna go now, Ethan." Ethan's eyebrows shot up in amusement, realizing just how intoxicated Camila had become from the numerous cocktails she had consumed.

Concerned, Ethan reached out and gently grasped Camila's arms, attempting to steady her. "Camila, you're really drunk," he observed, his voice tinged with both worry and amusement.

With an exaggerated grin, Camila retorted, "Nah, I'm too big to get drunk. Only kids get drunk!" Her words elicited a chuckle from Ethan as he struggled to keep her upright.

Suddenly, Camila stood still, closed her eyes for a brief moment, and then opened them again, a newfound clarity apparent in her expression. Flashing another smile, she reassured Ethan, "I'm fine now. I can make it home on my own. I'm old enough, you know." Her words, spoken with an unexpected maturity, seemed to suggest a sudden sobriety.

Grabbing her bag, Camila turned away, her movements still somewhat unsteady but with a determination that spoke of her stubborn independence.

Camila stumbled her way out of the bar, her gait unsteady and her balance precarious. As she ventured into the night, the effects of her intoxication were evident in her wavering steps and occasional missteps.

Meanwhile, inside the bar, Ethan found himself enveloped in a sense of loneliness. Ryan and Allison had departed earlier, leaving him to his own devices. Remembering that he had obtained Camila's contact number earlier from her, an idea sparked in his mind it was time to go home. Determined to alleviate his solitude, Ethan rose from his seat, bidding farewell to the familiar surroundings.

Navigating his way through the bar, Ethan veered towards the alternate path designated for car owners, leading him to the dimly lit car park. His footsteps echoed against the pavement as he approached his vehicle, a sense of purpose guiding his movements. With a swift turn of the key, the engine roared to life, breaking the silence of the night.

While Ethan was on his way past the front of the bar, en route to his own destination, a sight caught his attention. There stood Camila, still lingering at the bar's entrance, seemingly stranded without a taxi in sight. Concern washed over Ethan, prompting him to offer her a ride home. Determined to help his inebriated acquaintance, he steered his car towards her and came to a halt, pressing the button to emit a loud horn. The car's window glided down smoothly, revealing Ethan behind the wheel.

Startled by the sudden sound, Camila's bleary eyes widened as she recognized Ethan Whitlock " Oh… It's Ethan Whitlock" Camila said pointing at Ethan. A bemused chuckle escaped Ethan's lips, amused by Camila's intoxicated state.

" Camila let me drop you off at your place" Ethan offered looking at Camila at her unsteady posture.

" Don't worry Ethan, I can get home myself" Camila replied with a smile.

Ethan, concerned for Camila's well-being, insisted on giving her a ride home despite her initial refusal. "Camila, let me drop you off. It's late, and I don't want you waiting for a taxi alone," he urged, his voice laced with genuine concern.

Camila, still determined to find a taxi, shook her head stubbornly. "No, really, Ethan. I'll get a taxi soon. Don't worry about me. Bye," she slurred, her words slightly slurred and her gestures unsteady.

Ethan understood her desire for independence, but he couldn't bear to leave her standing there, vulnerable and frustrated. As Camila continued her futile attempts to flag down occupied taxis, Ethan made a quick decision. He maneuvered his car to a discreet location, hidden from view, and parked. From his hidden vantage point, he observed Camila's struggle, his heartstrings tugging at the sight.

Unwilling to give up on helping her, Ethan repositioned his car once more, this time stopping directly in front of Camila. He pressed the horn, its sound piercing the night, catching Camila off guard. Her eyes widened in surprise as she recognized Ethan's car once again.

Rolling down the window, Ethan spoke with a reassuring tone. "Camila, please, let me take you home. You've been standing here for so long. It's not safe. Get in." His concern and sincerity were evident in his words.

Camila, feeling a mix of gratitude and defeat, finally relented. She nodded, her frustration giving way to a sense of relief. With unsteady steps, she entered Ethan's car.

Ethan turned to face Camila, concern etched on his face, as she staggered while entering his car. He gently supported her, guiding her towards the backseat, and asked with worry in his voice, "Camila, where is your place?"

Camila managed a faint smile, her head spinning, making it difficult for her to focus. Suddenly, her legs gave way, and she collapsed into the backseat. Her consciousness faded away almost instantly.

Desperately, Ethan tapped Camila's cheek, trying to rouse her. "Camila, can you hear me? Where is your place?" he pleaded, his voice filled with urgency. But there was no response from her, adding to his growing concern.

With a mix of anxiety and determination, Ethan shook Camila gently one last time, realizing with a sinking feeling that she had completely blanked out. A faint smile lingered on his lips.


In Camila's dream, she found herself in a breathtaking place adorned with a vibrant array of flowers. Delicate petals gracefully descended, gently landing on her hair as she swayed and twirled, completely immersed in the mesmerizing dance of the falling blossoms. Her voice intertwined with the rustling of petals, harmonizing with the enchanting scene.

As the dream unfolded, Camila's senses were heightened. The bed she lay upon caressed her body with a comforting tenderness, its softness embracing her every curve. She instinctively turned, seeking solace in the embrace of a figure beside her. The warmth radiating from their touch brought a sense of security, and she held onto them tightly, cherishing the connection.

The tranquility of the dream began to fade gradually, giving way to the gentle intrusion of morning light. Its golden rays painted her face, delicately rousing her from her slumber. With a contented sigh, Camila slowly opened her eyes, the vision of the flower-filled paradise lingering in her mind, leaving her with a lingering sense of beauty and serenity.

Camila's eyes fluttered open, adjusting to the light as she surveyed her surroundings. Reality crashed down upon her, and her heart skipped a beat. A wave of panic surged through her as she exclaimed in disbelief, "A hotel?!"

In that instant, her gaze fell upon the duvet covering her, and her eyes widened in shock. The realization hit her like a tidal wave, threatening to sweep her away. Trembling, she slowly lifted the duvet, and what she saw beneath it caused her breath to catch in her throat. A gasp escaped her lips as her face turned pale. "Oh my gosh!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with a mix of embarrassment and dismay.

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