The Beast's Other Half

The Beast's Other Half

By:  Sadieperez9  Completed
Language: English
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The city walls are all Taylor has ever known, and yet her heart yearns for the wild lurking outside. Leaving the city is strictly forbidden, but Taylor's lust for the forest will not be tamed. Not until she has touched and seen the lush trees up close. Before her life as a wife and mother begins Taylor decides she must answer the call of the forest to satisfy her soul. She has to go past the protective walls of her home. She has to experience the wild first hand if she is ever to be truly happy.

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Stephanie Duda Bidelspach
are any of your other books being updated soon? love your work
2023-06-27 04:53:16
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Jennifer Crookston
I'm enjoying this so far.
2023-06-23 22:49:42
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Another amazing book. I’m a HUGE fan of your work.
2023-04-26 06:18:01
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Mica Dwyer
Great read. People need to be patient. Take your time. Your loyal readers won’t mind waiting. I know I don’t.
2023-03-14 06:17:15
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Hello, I know your human and you have a life outside of writing. But is there a update schedule? Or do we know when the next update will be?
2023-02-16 12:44:53
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When is this book updated? I’m already hooked on it.
2023-02-05 02:12:48
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The story is interesting. Hope the second book doesn’t take so long to know how this story ends.
2023-08-25 10:23:12
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Mary K
Books that aren’t finished SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED unless a strict update schedule is set. I now skip books that are incomplete because it’s a pain to get interested in a book that may never be finished or one that you have to reread the narrative or previous chapter to remember what it’s about.
2023-03-01 14:16:36
48 Chapters
Sleep has once again alluded me. My mind won’t stop thinking about leaving the walls. With each birthday I have felt more and more drawn to the lush greenery just on the other side of our protective barrier. I have ached for the freedom to explore. Just knowing there is a big world out there that I am not allowed to see is torture.The sounds from the street below begin to get louder so I glance at the clock to see if it’s time to start yet another mundane day. Sure enough it’s 6:44 and my alarm is seconds from going off. I groan as I turn over and position my hand over the off button. When the blasted machine erupts my hand drops like a weight and Nathan groans like I did moments ago. “Morning,” I mumble and he rolls over to wrap his arms around my naked body. “Morning,” he replies groggily and I grin despite the mood I’m in. At least Nathan get it. He understands my dislike for the city and the routine we call life, but most importantly he agrees. Ever since we were kid
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"Good night, sleep tight...," Nathan whisper sings, and the guard twitches. "Shhh," I hiss aggressively, and Nathan holds his hands up in surrender. He smiles at me, and I roll my eyes at his silly nature. I look back at the gate and watch the guard closely. He has been drifting in and out of sleep for the past five minutes, but he hasn't truly konked out enough for us to slip through the only gate not hooked up to the alarm system. A few more minutes pass, and my legs scream out in protest. We can't stay crouched here anymore. Someone is going to see us soon. It's now or never, and I refuse to let it be never. "Ready," I whisper as I look back at Nathan again. He nods, and we slowly creep forward. The guard doesn't move as we slip past him and lift the thick steel locking arm. Nathan pushes the door forward, and I squeeze past eagerly. He follows after a second, and the door clicks closed. "Did you place the stone," I ask, and Nathan nods. "Yeah. The arm won't
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She carries me away from my savior swiftly and directly into a cave. I don't see much of the landscape around me before everything goes dark, but there isn't one tree in sight, just flat earth. I guess they are aware of the dangers from above, unlike we were. "Simple rules. You will never learn," she grumbles to herself as she walks in the dark. I tense up as I feel her annoyance being transferred through her grip. She is angry about my actions, just like he was. But we didn't ask for them to save us. We knew the rules...I knew them. Nathan wasn't saved, but he knew what could happen. They chose to save me. I didn't force them or even ask to be saved. They could have let me die with him. My heart wouldn't be shattered right now if they had. This crippling pain and grief wouldn't be twisting my stomach. "I knew what going outside meant. Your people didn't need to save me," I snap suddenly, and before I can react, she drops me on the floor. I cry out as my butt-bone rams the compac
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"Human, come," Giulia says, and I follow behind her in silence. We haven't spoken since she left me in the room with the underground spring. I have been too upset to speak. Even when she handed me new clothes, I was silent. I didn't thank her for the clean clothes or even ask how they acquired them. I honestly don't care. I am too emotionally drained now.Being alone in that water only allowed me to think. I thought of nothing but Nathan and the leaders of our city. By the time I knew I had to get out of the water, my heart was in tatters. I follow behind her as she travels down the hall as best as I can, but the tunnel is dark. I am constantly tripping and bumping into her back to catch myself. She doesn't utter a word when I bump into her, and I don't, either. After about five minutes of blind torture, I walk straight into her side. For some reason, she stopped without even warning me. She quickly steadies me by placing her hand on my shoulder and turns me to face something. "Th
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The, our teachers loved talking about that beast. The connection she supposedly has with their creator lets her do impossible things. Like foreseeing the future and causing enemies pain. She is supposed to be as old as the world, which isn't surprising since the Lycans are immortal. Nathan used to joke around and say the beasts like being heroes and that's why the Oracle hasn't gotten rid of the bloodsuckers herself. Oh, Nathan. What am I going to do without you? You kept me grounded in the world. You were the person I knew I could depend on after we lost our parents. You were my safe place. I am alone now, all alone in an underground Beast den. My chest begins to burn, and my eyes sting, but I fight back the emotions that threaten to unleash again. I have cried so much that I am exhausted, but I can't sleep. I know it is almost morning, but I still can't close my eyes. "Human," Giulia says softly, and I look over at her. She has been studying me the past few hours we
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I shift uncomfortably as I get hotter and hotter. I feel like I am lying in a furnace. I am sweaty, and my pajamas are sticking to my drenched skin. We never let the house get this warm. Something must be wrong. "Nate, something is wrong with the air coolant. It's hot," I mutter as I roll over. When I open my eyes to see if Nathan heard me, I don't see my familiar bedroom or my awesome boyfriend. I see dirt and smoldering cinders where a fire was. "Get up," someone says frantically, and I lift my head to see the wild female I forgot about from last night. "You will burn yourself. Get up," she practically yells as my brain still can't catch up, and suddenly, I am in the air. Thick muscular arms are wrapped around my torso so tightly that I feel like I might snap. The grip doesn't last long because, within half a second, I am standing on the other side of the room with a massive naked sexy God in front of me. He doesn't even speak to me before lifting my arms and
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My day has been so boring. Alessia and I spoke a bit, but for the most part, she has been interacting with other Lycans who come into the room. None of them paid me any attention, so I just watched them communicate while remaining silent. I figure there is a reason they aren't acknowledging me, and I don't want to make anyone upset.The Alpha hasn't come by, which is bothering me. Every time I hear someone come in, I look over in hopes that it is him, but it never is. I don't know why I want to see him again so badly. He hasn't been nice to me once since carrying me to this underground prison. Maybe I am just curious about the Lycan leader. When I am not searching for the Alpha, I daydream about Nathan and what I could have done differently to save him. But even in most of my fantasies, I fail to save him from his fate. There was just nothing I could do. I am only human, and the bloodsuckers are stronger than me.Leaving the walls was a terrible idea. I don't know why I had to see
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On the way back, his strides are slower, and I know he is purposely walking beside me to protect me. He seems more nervous than he is letting on.His eyes keep looking at the sun, scanning our surroundings, and judging my pace. I feel anxious every time I sense his eyes on my legs. It's as if my pace is insulting him. I don't want him to be angry at me, so I swallow and pick up my pace. "I am sorry I walk slow," I whisper, and he grunts a little. "All humans are slow. I am only worried about your pace currently because the sun sets soon," he replies after a moment, and I take a risk by looking up at him. He meets my curious gaze, and I quickly look back down. I don't want to offend him or ogle him like I did earlier. He saved my life. I need to respect him. He has given me a clear timeline of when I will be going home. He hasn't been the most hospitable, but he is a beast, or I guess Lycan. "Why do they teach us to call you beasts? I mean, it's clear that offends you. Have
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The noises coming from the halls are loud and have been that way for a while. I haven't seen much furniture in any of the rooms I have been taken to, but the Lycans are definitely packing. "We are almost ready," Giulia says as she finally returns. When I got back to Alessia last night, Giulia was gone. Alessia told me Alpha sent her and a few others out to ensure those eleven were the only thirsty ones in the area. The rest of the night had been quiet, and I had fallen asleep against Alessia's leg. She had sung a beautiful Italian song, and I had drifted off. "What about the Oracle? I thought she was going to be here this morning," I ask as I dust off my bottom. Giulia nods as Alessia grabs the only things in the room and puts them in a bag. "She is. She is going to meet us there. She will most likely beat us, in fact, since we will be carrying so much," Giulia says, and my curiosity spikes. I bite my lip, and she tilts her head before smirking. "What else wou
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The dark canopy above us zooms past as Giulia sprints through the thick trees. Worry and dread keep me from relaxing while we travel through the forest, making it impossible for me to stop staring at the trees. I want to trust the lycans, and I honestly do trust them, but the thirsty ones have made a lasting impression on me. The trees are no longer a symbol of freedom for me. They are a sign of danger. After a few minutes of tense silence filled with the sound of running feet, we reach daylight again, and I sigh in relief. The lycans around me shift into their smaller selves, and Giulia places me on my feet. "The ruins are over the hill. Wait until you see. Our home here used to belong to a king. We each have our own room. The place is so big," Giulia says excitedly, and I look toward the bare hill curiously. "So it's a huge place," I ask, and she nods as we begin to walk forward at my pace. "The King called it a castle," one of the other Lycans says, and I look toward him. "A c
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