
Who am I? I'm a Jackson.

Before going to bed, I took my diary and wrote down a quote from Lise Kiberwa's poetry collection called "Wind", Completely for no reason at all!:

>>Like the wind, I don't want to belong anywhere.

Just like the wind, I want to be felt but not seen. Like the wind, I want to both strengthen and extinguish the wildfire. 

Like the wind, I want to stress some poor old lady gently sweeping her compound by bringing all the dirt she's been removing. 

Although I want to be like the wind, my vulnerable heart needs a home.<<

That night, we chatted about that day and how her  adopted parents are my real parents. she was totally stunned but I can tell that she already knew about it.

 On the one hand, I was so happy Because I met my Real parents. On the other hand, I was sad because my parents who raised me for 23 years, and my sisters I loved so much, were not my real siblings. 

She comforted me and told me that I'll get used to it eventually. She asked me what was next, and I told her that my father Jackson wanted me to join them and live with them from Wednesday. I asked her what she thought about it, and she told me that it's okay, though I knew she didn't mean it. 

 "So we're going to live together," she said, teasing but I understood exactly what she meant. I told her that I was going to live there from Wednesday through Sunday, and after University I'll rent an apartment somewhere else because a 23years old guy is old enough to take care of himself. She seemed to agree and she told me that it was a good idea.

Wednesday, Taylor came to help me pack my belongings. I told her that I was going to leave My PlayStation to Cory and she agreed.

My actual mother came to pick me and she helped me load my stuff into her pickup. 

Then After, we shared lunch with both Robinsons, Taylor, and Mummy Representing The Jacksons family. 

We said goodbyes and mummy thanked the Robinsons so much for their Kindness. 

For that time it wasn't too teary like last Sunday though.

Robinsons one after another, hugged me everyone except Britney, whispering unique words in my ears:

My adopted Mummy told me that I was still her first and only son, that she'll always love me. 

My Adopted Daddy told me that he was proud of me. 

Cory said that she loves me so much, that I'll always be her brother, and thanked me for the PlayStation. 

Britney only cried. I kissed her on  the forehead and I held  her in my chest till she calmed down.

Then We took a Robinsons-Jacksons photo and then we left. 

Mummy didn't know that I had a driving license but I asked her if I could drive and she accepted. It was a few minutes drive so We arrived around 3 PM.

The gatekeeper opened the gates and I parked in the garage. In a blink of an eye, I was the only one left in the car! So I opened the doors and stepped out to unload my belongings. 

I was busy locking the door when I felt buckets full of water being poured to me!  

Everyone was laughing and cheering as Daddy and T chased me in the backyard throwing Flour and water on me singing "Welcome home Davis"

Suddenly I tripped and fell into the swimming pool and Daddy jumped into the water too! 

Taylor had started to record the whole thing while mummy and Dinah were cheering and clapping.

In the water, we splashed water at each other. Normally Daddy looked very serious but I never knew that he could be that playful and funny. 

The water was not that cold tho, that's when I felt my phone in my pockets! "oh no, my phone is wet!"  I shouted, throwing it out to Taylor.

"Oh c'mon it was too old, right? Tomorrow we'll get you a new one" he said, pulling me out of the water. We were still laughing. 

Inside the house, mummy and their housekeeper unloaded my stuff and arranged my room. They showed me my room and the first thing I did was hit the bathroom to take a shower. 

Afterward, I dressed up and went to the living room. after long conversations, I asked my parents  what they think about me dating Taylor.  Dad told me that as long as she's not Dinah they were okay with that, which made everyone crack a smile. 

After dinner, We had an overnight talk until it was 01 AM. That's when everyone went to bed.

In the morning, I woke up feeling so happy and stable, that's when I found a credit card with a password And a note saying that they went to the hospital  to work, written on a leaf of the sticky note. On the back of that paper, read "Take care of your sister and your Girlfriend!  XO Daddy.  I realized that I overslept when I read on the clock hanging in my room, it was around  9 AM

I dressed up and went to the bathroom, then after I ate my breakfast which was prepared by Taylor. My parents had a pickup and an SUV so they went to work in the SUV.

On the fridge, there was a paper saying "Car key on my couch. That pickup has insufficient juice and doesn't exceed 0.5k bucks!  Love Mummy" 

We watched the movie with Taylor and Dinah, then in the afternoon we went to buy the phone.

I informed the housekeeper and gatekeeper that we were going out to the store, and I drove them to the phone store.

On the road, we talked and laughed and then I played a  CD with songs. There was my favorite song so  I sang along. Both Taylor and Dinah had no idea that I can sing so they were shocked! Taylor pulled out her phone and started to record me.

At the store, I bought a new phone and earphones then I paid 260 dollars. 

On our way home, we passed the toy shop and Dinah asked me to buy a unicorn. Since I had spent only 300 dollars, we stopped and bought it.  

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