
Chapter 192 – Never Mess With Lisa Kane


Tiffany twists the map in front of her, trying to get another view.

They got through to Denver somehow. You can't just throw twenty years of friendship down the drain. " "Jonas he says, massaging his temple against what I'm sure is a headache. I can feel my head throbbing already.

"How about you, Blake? Have you found anything yet? " I ask.

"Demigods are symbolic creatures, but I've been staring at the maps for hours now and I can't find anything with any resemblance to any of their symbols." He points towards the maps he's been working on. I can see several dots and lines, but no tangible lead yet. "Nothing is coming up."

"Keep trying." I feel we're close to solving this puzzle.

The letter B. I looked up to see Stefan motioning towards the kitchen. I stand, leaving our work and heading to the kitchen.

I don't know about you, but I'm suggesting that we keep the Prime Alpha occupied at all times. His voice is rather hushed. He knows Epsilon, the Gregorian alphabet, and the r
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