The Alpha King's Last Wish

The Alpha King's Last Wish

By:  Glory Tina  Completed
Language: English
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"I would like to say I'm sorry; I haven't been the best version of myself. I am sorry for my inability to communicate effectively, and I know these past few weeks haven't been the best." "I do not want your apology, Xavier; I want to know why you have changed so much and become someone I barely know. I want to know what happened." She said, staring up at him, "Was my love never enough?" She didn't want to show her vulnerability, but he had always seen it. "It was always enough," he said as he stepped towards her, crossing into her personal space. Her heart picked up its pace, and she stared up at him. She could have told him to step back, but she wanted this. "You were always enough. I am sorry if I made you feel like you weren't." He said, and his lips met hers.

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Book #1: The Alpha King Ugly BrideBook #2: His Forbidden MateBook #3: The Alpha King Runaway BrideBook #4: The Alpha King's Last Wish.Please read in this order This is the last book of the series. Thank you for staying around for it.Attention!! For distinction purposes, the slave army will be referred to as slaths in this book. Thank you for staying around this long. Happy reading.Three months ago"Fada!" Lyon called, running down the stairs to where King Xavier stood beside his carriage, which had just brought him home. Queen Mia followed behind the little boy with a smile, holding the baby boy in her hand.He dropped to his knees with his arms open as he welcomed his son into a loving embrace. "Lyon," he breathed in satisfaction."Welcome home, Fada!" he said, his little arms wrapping around what they could of his father's neck. "We have missed you."At his words, Xavier's eyes lifted, and he saw Mia, his mate, and Luna Queen standing not so far from them. His smile increased
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1: Brokeness
NOWIt wasn't the first time Mia had woken up without Xavier beside her. She had subconsciously gotten used to waking up without him beside her. Being used to it didn't remove the ache his absence brought her.Something had happened. Something happened to him, and she didn't know what it was. He wasn't the same Xavier she knew, at least not in the last three months.They slept beside each other, but she felt she was beside a stranger. She couldn't read his mind anymore, and in the seven years they had been true mates, that had never happened. She believed her inability to read him was her fault initially, but then she realised it wasn't. He had created a barrier in his mind to keep her out of it. It didn't make sense; why would he do that? What was he hiding from her?She confronted him a week later, and he told her he had nothing to hide.It was a lie; she didn't have to read him to know that. It was the first time in years that he had lied to her, and it hurt. What was he hiding, an
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2: The fool's duty
Mia's lips quivered, and her eyes blurred at the sight before her, but she held herself together. She couldn't give him the satisfaction of seeing her in tears. He didn't deserve to, not after what he had done. He had broken their vows to belong to each other alone and no one else.She turned and walked away from the study as fast as her legs could.She needed to escape to a private place where no one would see her. She needed to find a place where she wouldn't have to bother about being queen and looking the part. Go far away, hide, and cry because of her shattered heart.She wanted to grieve her loss, and she wanted to be alone.Xavier didn't come after her, and she was happy about that.Her mind played back the grunts he made, and she remembered the blonde-haired woman's hands all over him as if he belonged to her. Her hand also had his most intimate member in her possession. She didn't need to see it to know it was there; how he responded said it all.Why would he do this to her?
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3: The Ainsworth men
Princess Kailani came to visit the capital and her family. In the last three years, she had made Soule, the northern region, her home, and though she had responsibilities to the throne as the princess, she asked for pardon to leave. She told them that staying in the capital only brought her pain from the loss of her mate, and she couldn't bear it. She promised she would do her duties in the north and rally the king's army together, and she also ensured that she kept the order there. Xavier granted her request and told her she was always welcome to visit. Mia remembered the joy the princess had on her face at the king's permission.In the last three years, she has visited over a dozen times, spending no less than a week with the royals before returning to the north.Having Kailani in the palace was a breath of fresh air. Mia knew she wouldn't feel as alone as she had in the last few months, especially the last few weeks.She didn't have to say a word about where she and Xavier were to
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4: Duties and strength
Mia sat in the maiden's court with her mind wandering. Usually, she stayed focused on the day and the issues at hand, but now she was disoriented. Kailani returned to Soule this morning, and a part of her wanted to leave.In the last week, Kailani stayed at the palace. Mia didn't feel alone; she had someone to talk to. Kailani understood a lot of things she was going through, being royalty. She understood the responsibilities of marrying an Ainsworth and how painful it could be. It was a trauma bond, but a bond nonetheless.Mia wondered how things would go for her now that Kailani had left for Soule. She would become alone but for her sons."My Queen," she heard her name called, and she snapped out of her thought."Luna Elena told us some slath armies are just like us." A maiden seated in the first row spoke."Yes," Mia nodded, "they are beings, broken to the point that they do not care about their safety or even life. But just as they have werewolves, they have those who aren't. All
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5: Love
It still surprised Mia that, despite the coming war breathing down their necks and staring them in the face, love lingered in the people's minds. The rate at which mates united in holy matrimony in the last few months had doubled, and it felt as if the impending end of their existence heightened their need to belong to each other even more.The same could be said for the family of Elder Hunter Grey, who was added to the council of elders a year ago. His oldest son, Mac Grey, had found his mate and wanted to be united in holy matrimony.The king and queen received a formal invitation, and so the king promised that they would be in attendance at the feast.Mia knew what their presence would entail. It meant they would have to put up a show before the people. After Xavier summoned her into the study to deliver the news of the marriage and their invitation, it was the first thing that crossed her mind."We are no longer together," she informed him."The people didn't know that, but your a
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6: Always Enough
Mia tried to pull her hand out of his grip, but he only tightened it more, so the only way she would be able to set herself free was to make a scene."Let me go," she said through gritted teeth. He didn't do as told and, instead, wrapped his other hand around her waist.He had a smug look on his face, and she was about to smack him, damning whoever was watching, when she heard their titles from behind."My king and my queen."Mia stopped struggling with the king and, glancing up at him, saw the triumph on his face, knowing he had her in a tame state.Damn him.He released his grip on her arm but didn't let go of her waist. Instead, he turned her around, so she saw Marc Grey, Alpha Hunter's son, approaching them with his newlywed bride beside him."We are so sorry to interrupt you." He said and bowed his head. "My father told me about your presence, and I just had to come and say my greetings. Thank you for gracing us with your presence and your majesties.""You are welcome, and I am
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7: The Capital 3
Mia woke up the following day with a smile on her face. There was a lot ahead for her today. She had agreed to go with the king to the sites of the capital 3, especially the warrior's institute, and review their progress so far.Yes, they were not where they needed to be yet, but she was optimistic. The events of last night were all good; there was only a better future ahead for them.Xavier didn't need to explain; she understood he had battles, and she would wait until he was ready to discuss those battles. He was honest with her; she saw it in his eyes; he meant every word, and her heart believed it. The Xavier she saw last night differed from the one she had lived with these past months, and she found her faith.She got ready, and just as the maid finished dressing her hair, a knock came to her door."My queen, the king is waiting for you," the voice of Sir Alex said from across the door, and she rose to her feet.She walked to the door and opened it. "I am ready; we can go now."S
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8: Blonde Lady In White
Xavier released Mia's hand and stepped towards the soldier. The weariness in his eyes still lingered, but he pulled himself through it."Soldiers, you can stand at ease," he ordered, and the soldiers immediately obeyed. "I have heard of your diligence, dedication, and perseverance in the training course and how intense they are. I know you may never see me again—at least not until the war begins—but I want you to remember why we fight and who we fight for. You do not fight for only the king and queen; you fight for Wahala. Remember, you fight for your home; you fight for your mothers, fathers, sons, and daughters. You fight for your friends at home, praying for victory and the right to live as free men and maidens. Never forget, and if you ever ask yourself why you're here, tell yourself this.""Yes, your grace," they replied in unison.Immediately, a flag bearing the seal of Wahala fell through the uppermost building, and all eyes turned to the flag, and all the soldiers saluted the
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9: Sorrow in tears
Mia didn't know how long she stayed on the ground, sobbing before the medical unit arrived with a moveable bed. They carried the king onto it and took him into the medical unit of the warrior's institute.Mia turned to Commodore Ian. "I will much appreciate it if the king's state of health is kept here and not spread."He bowed his head to her, showing her the respect she didn't deserve after what she had done. "Yes, my queen, the warriors are sworn to keep the secret of the king; you have nothing to worry about.""Thank you," she said, and she followed those who had come to take the king with them.She stood at the door and watched as the head of the unit attended to Xavier, trying to stabilise his heartbeat. They stayed a while to achieve their goal, and once they attained it, they departed the room, leaving the king to get enough rest."The king shows extreme signs of fatigue; a few hours' rest is all he will need to help himself. That would be the best time to return to the capita
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