
Chapter 4

Don closed his eyes when he smell a familiar scent. He can't be mistaken! He rushed to find where is that scent coming from. He saw a woman sleeping on the waiting area of the hospital. The closer he is to the woman, the stronger the scent is! He stopped to inspect her, she looks very tired. Don is a hundred percent sure the scent is coming from her.

For a while, he just stood there to watch her until he can't control himself, he have to touch her. As he slowly caress the woman's face, a memory of the past flashes back.

Athena! This can't be! Why is the memory of Athena flashing on his memory as he is touching this sleeping woman's face. He suddenly stood up. He wants to go away but the woman's scent is so strong. Its like a magnet that attracts him to be near her.

Out of nowhere. A faint voice said, "Mate.. Mate.."

"Pine? Is that you?" Don asked, he is stunned to hear from his wolf again. He is convinced his wolf died after he radio silenced him for years.

"Mate.. He is our mate!"

"Pine! I missed you so much! I'm glad you came back! The elders have been convincing me to do a ritual for me to get another wolf but I refused. I left the pack!"

"Don't you think I don't know that? Mate!.. She's our mate Adam!"

"I don't go by that name anymore! I am Don, the big boss of the Underworld."

"Nye!" Pine sneered. He do that when he's not impressed of something that Adam does or says.

"Adam, she's up! Our mate is up! Talk to her or I'll take control."

"Are you out of your mind? You will scare her!"

Sarah wakes up, the voice she's hearing woke her up. She slowly opens her eyes to find a man's face staring at her, so close.

"Mate.." Adam can't control himself when he gaze at those brown eyes.

"Yes, she's our mate! Claim her now, Adam! Mate.. Mate!"

A slap landed on Adam's face that wake him up from a trance.

"Excuse me! Who are you?" Sarah asked after pushing the man's face geeking at her.


"What?" Sarah asked, brows furrowed. She thinks the man might be not in his right state of mind so she stood up. She wants to stay away from him. Then she remembers her mother. She rushed to the nurses' station to know if it's safe to see her now.

Pine is not happy to see their mate leave so he wants to take control but Adam stopped him.

"Mate is getting away! Adam, do something!"

"Pine, you idiot, listen to me! She's human, do you understand? She's not like us! If the pack finds out we have a mate, they might kill her again! You promise me never to show signs you're there. Play dead the way you used to do for years. Even when I was in danger before, you played dead! So just keep playing dead, okay? It's not safe for our mate. Let me figure this out the human way! I promise you I'll find a way for our mate to be ours. But her safety is our priority! Do we have an agreement here?"

"Mate's safety is our priority! Let's protect her Adam!"

"Good. Now, play dead!"

"I'm playing dead again, Pine is signing out!"


Don's phone ring but he ignored it. He seems to have forgotten why he's in the hospital now. The woman's scent has intoxicated him. Her effect on him must be felt by Pine too so he have to control him or else the pack will find out about their mate. He's quite sure his beta is following him now that they know where to find him. He have nothing against Simon as he was loyal to him but he don't want to go back to the pack no matter what happens. He will always dismiss Simon no matter what. It's all for the best.

Don knows what to do, he have to take a potion to lessen the hypnosis effect of his mate to him. He knows the hypnosis will wear off too once he adjusts to her presence but he don't want to be very obvious to the prying eyes following his every move. Pine would be devasted if something bad happens to their mate so as he promised, he will protect her. In the mean time, he have to stay away from her as he don't have the potion now. It's in a safe at his office. To leave is the best thing to do at the moment.

His phone ring again. This time, he have to answer the call.

"Boss. The receiver is in the hospital. Have you tracked the phone now?"

"No! I'm leaving the hospital now!"

"But boss.."

Adam turned off his phone. In the human world, money is very important. It's what makes the world go round. But in his world, money is valuable but not that important. Loyalty, love, trust, bonds are some of the treasures that money cannot buy. If you have all those, you are rich already! As wealth is not measured by money but by one's happiness. And on his last days in the pack, he became the poorest of them all as he was a broken Alpha. A disgraced Alpha without a wolf. It was the worst days of his life.

He won't risk his second chance to have a mate again, to love again. Money can be earned again but love? It is rare! Rarer than the rarest of diamonds! If he let this pass, he might not find love again. He don't care if his mate is human! We all bleed the same and that is a beautiful thing. It only shows that humans or wolves could be together. We are all bloods separated by our selfish beliefs.


"Boss, all the money is gone! The receiver has withdrawn it all!"

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