
Thinking about him


Sunlight danced on the cerulean waves, a glittering symphony that played upon the infinite expanse of the ocean. The horizon stretched beyond the limits of sight, unfettered and wild from the vantage point of my new apartment, a sanctuary perched high above the world's mundane clamor. Life was undeniably sweeter here, each breath imbued with the briny zest of sea air, promising a day unshackled from yesterday's shadows.

Yet, as I lay there, ensconced in the soft embrace of Egyptian cotton sheets that whispered against my skin like the gentlest of lovers' caresses, my mind drifted—unbidden—to Mr. Lombardi. The thought of him ignited a tempest within me, a maelstrom of desire and indignation that clashed with the tranquil morning. "How dare he call me unworthy," I murmured to the empty room, the words falling flat against the backdrop of rolling waves. His rejection stung, an incessant throb in my chest, but it was his craving, the way he devoured my pussy with such ravenous hunger
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