


"You can stay here and let me escape the herd by myself, or you can come with me," Russell offered. " You have the luxury of choosing between the two."

In addition, I immediately agreed with the proposal, with no hesitance on my part. " There is zero doubt in my mind that I will be leaving with you. This is our only chance, so let's make the most of it before it's too late."

Although I had said so, Russell retracted his statement after coming to the conclusion that he loved me even more than everything else. Since then, Russell has been giving serious thought to ending our bond.

Without another word, he released his grip on my face and shook his head, "no, I can't take you with me into the unknown territory." I was very dissatisfied.

I gave him an extremely solemn expression. "Russell, I have no idea what you mean by that. In fact, we're both committed to making this relationship work. The current situation is too chaotic for you to simply abandon me. This is our only chance, so let's make the most of it before it's too late."

In spite of this, Russell gave the impression that he was contemplating something, as evidenced by the fact that he was rubbing his face in a way that suggested he was doing so.

I stood up, took his hands in mine, and placed them on my heart, which was pounding so hard I thought I was going to die.

Russell and I were destined to be together; our love was written in the stars. There has never been a moment when we weren't 100% committed to acting as one.

I tried to sway his opinion by telling him, "Please listen to what I have to say because the moon goddess has planned for our relationship. Do not think for a second that you can break our mate-bond at this point in our relationship. Ultimately, it's just me and the grave."

And Russell, in his haste, ended our talk with, "I'm sorry, but I can't continue to be your mate. Unfortunately, I'll have to free you. In all honesty, I am sorry. I am obligated to prevent harm from coming to you and save your life."

He then apologized by planting a kiss on my forehead and leaning over to tell me, "I'm sorry.  Up until the moment I breathe my last, I will always love you, Eva. I wish I didn't have to leave right now, but time is of the essence. Never fear, I'll be in touch as soon as I can. My aunt and uncle  will be taking care of you temporarily."

Tears welled up in my eyes as I begged Russell, "No, please don't leave me alone; I love you." I couldn't hold back the tears that were welling up in my eyes. As hard as I tried, I couldn't stop the tears from flowing.

His uncle, who had practically raised him, walked in and told Russell, "You need to leave now."

But I kept yelling, "No, pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. No.”

Russell looked at me lovingly as he said goodbye and I had to be dragged away by his uncle and his wife. The memory of that instant is one I will never forget.

I was going to follow him, but they stopped me and said, "Please hear us first, then you can go."

Nodding my head and saying, "No, I don't want to hear anything," I pretended I wasn't listening, even though I knew they were just killing time until Russell could leave. Russell's departure was something I anticipated.

As if speaking directly to me, the man's voice echoed off the walls. " He killed the alpha, the leader of the pack; don't you see that as a big deal?! It was all your fault; he attacked your brother until your brother told him everything, then he went to the castle and got into a fight with the two guards by the gate, and finally he stormed the alpha's castle without permission and killed him. He is now on the verge of having his entire life completely destroyed beyond repair. There is nothing else you can do but remain here. Your stunning beauty in this life will be a portent of damnation in the next."

Emotionally, his words tore me apart, but I persevered with what I had begun.

Before continuing, I hastily drew the blade from its scabbard and slung it around my neck.

And said in an almost threatening voice, "If you both don't unlock that fucking door now and let me follow Russell, I will end my life right now and right here."

I was prepared to take my own life then and there if they wouldn't let me leave with the one person I'd ever loved with all of my heart and soul. When it came to this decision, I was unwavering in my resolve. We were more than just mates, and I doubt I would have survived without him by my side. I wouldn't regret spending any time with him, not even if we both perished while fighting off the entire pack.

After that, they continued staring into one another's eyes as if they were having a mental dialogue or mind-linking about the situation.

The wife then sighed heavily and said, "Okay, you don't need to wait any longer; you can leave now. We are unable to break up you and your mate right now. Though, remember to prioritize your own needs and care for yourself. Think about the fact that you and he might have to keep running until the day you die. You need to get ready for this."

Even though I knew what was going on, hearing her say it made me nervous anyway. What I'm getting at is that we always planned to get away from it all and start our lives off on the right foot by being happy together. However, starting today, we'll be treated as if we've actually committed a crime. Why couldn't we just enjoy each other's company like a normal in love couple? Was it really because I am such a beautiful woman?!....

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