Song of the Winter Solstice

Song of the Winter Solstice

By:  Ruru Mont  Completed
Language: English
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When Idrish is accused of killing an elven royalty, the female hunter is forced to join the winter arena in the king's favor. But as a commoner of Springgan, a country with a bloody history of slavery and hierarchy, can she protect the ones she loves...when she can barely protect herself? *** What happens when an elf is in possession of a power that's beyond one's social standing? Idrish Aeric is living at the bottom of Springgan's strict hierarchy, barely able to scrape a living for her younger siblings through hunting and foraging. Her simple life flips when she receives a legacy from a royal elf and she has to run to protect her family. In order to escape death, she's forced to enter the elven royal family through marriage and join the winter arena in the king's favor. But in a world ruled by power and slavery, is Idrish ready to step up her game to change the system--or will she wind up dead before the song of the winter solstice plays?

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2024-03-03 16:46:19
42 Chapters
Chapter 1. The Sin
A chorus of chilling winds whispered through the trees, teasing my chapped lips as if beckoning them to tremble. The enigmatic touch of winter's breath painted frost upon my very core, a shiver racing down my spine like a clandestine dancer. The frigid tendrils of cold had ensnared my muscles in their icy grasp, numbing every sensation from my cheeks to my fingertips. The world around me seemed hushed, draped in an ethereal shroud of silence that only winter's arrival could bestow. My senses were tantalized by the aroma that hung heavy in the crisp air—a symphony of snowflakes, each one a delicate note contributing to the grand composition of nature's breath. This was a fragrance unique to winter, a blend of cold purity and untamed wilderness. The snow-laden ground and the towering sentinels of the forest seemed to hold their breath, waiting for the world to awaken from its frozen slumber. For hours uncounted, I had stood sentinel, a lone figure amidst the vast expanse of nature's th
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Chapter 2. The Arrest
"Are you somehow an oracle?" How can a trash like me become an ardent leader? "She coughed again, then tightened her grip on the back of the sofa. I see it when I see it. If it doesn't happen, it's my failure. " With her eyes tightly shut, she steeled herself for the impending agony. A breath caught in her throat as she prepared for what lay ahead. Then, a sensation, as if the fabric of reality itself was being woven anew, rippled through her. She gasped, a rush of awe and astonishment surging within her. A delicate touch, cool and gentle as a whisper of wind, brushed against her cheek. And then, like starlight tracing a path, a trickle of tears, silvery and radiant, graced her skin. It was as if the very essence of enchantment coursed through her veins, an ethereal symphony of emotions that left her breathless. Legends whispered that a royal elf's blood held a value beyond measure, a currency of unparalleled significance, worth its weight in the purest gold. And in the same sacred
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Chapter 3. House Calore
The rhythmic canter and gallop of the colossal wolves over the frozen terrain jolted me awake from my slumber. The delicate touch of snowflakes against my cheeks served as an icy awakening. A weathered wagon, groaning with age, bore the weight of my prone form. With every creak of its timeworn frame, the ache in my body seemed to burrow deeper, like a relentless creature seeking refuge in my very flesh. As the journey continued, the landscape transformed. Before us stood a castle, its silhouette hauntingly familiar, though the details eluded me. The very air seemed to pulse with a sense of foreboding. It was here that the agony intensified, a surge of raw intensity coursing through me. The metallic restraints that encircled my hands and feet, robust and unyielding, tightened their grip with a vice-like force. The sensation was as if the very essence of pain had taken on a tangible form, seeking to consume me whole. House of Calore.House Calore was one of the most powerful Springgan
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Chapter 4. The Monarch's Outlook
Witnessing the anguish etched in the depths of his eyes was a torment in itself. The king stood there, a portrait of suffering and animosity, the weight of recent loss heavy upon his shoulders. And before him stood the supposed perpetrator, me, adorned in finery and well-fed, untouched by any visible harm, despite his recent tragedy. I was but the prime suspect, the one to whom the soldiers had traced the path of discarded bloody garments in the woods. Yet, the mere presence of evidence does not a murderer make. While circumstances may align, not every accused is necessarily guilty. But within this complex web of circumstance lay the root of the queen's flight. A pursuit was afoot, a relentless chase that had driven her from her place of power. There must have been a reason, a hidden truth veiled beneath the surface. If survival was to be mine, it was a puzzle I had to unravel. But how could I ever lay bare this convoluted tale? Especially in the presence of the council—a body whose t
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Chapter 5. Killan Calore
"Father, this is no longer about my duty as the prince of the seventh. For the stars' sake, this is my life we're dealing with!""This is larger than life, Killan!" The King's previously calm voice rose. I can feel the intensity in his voice—a mixture of rage and urgency. The escalating argument between the king and his son left me in a state of uncertainty. The prince, once distant and untouchable, had now woven me into his narrative. Bound by engagements to both a princess and the woman accused of murdering his mother, a vendetta lay beneath their seemingly fairytale romance. His public rejection of our union, branding me a savage hunter, seemed to contradict his own argument. His gaze shifted to me, holding a fire of curiosity and intrigue. In his perspective, I was the villain, and he the hero. "Miss Rendin, I don't believe you fully comprehend the nature of your legal situation. Frankly, I don't think you grasp the weight of your predicament." His words felt like a personal aff
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Chapter 6. The Engagement
I came across the scroll on the worktable at the center of my room. There was one sealed scroll with a golden ribbon tied around it. A royal wedding invitation.There were a lot of possibilities for what my chest might experience first. In all likelihood, there was never any excitement. Anxiety, resentment, and panic set up housekeeping.I suppose it's normal for an elf like me to feel degraded. That I was merely a pawn in the game played by superior creatures. However, my body raised an objection.Just how long will this take? When will we see a change in the system? How soon will the triangle flip? How soon will the triangle's peak move?There was just nothing I could do!three days.It took them three days to come up with all the wedding plans. Then it was set to happen tomorrow. It's very conspicuous how they rush everything for their hidden agenda.I knew what they were after. I may have pretended to be stupid and uneducated in front of the royal court, but my brain didn't recipr
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Chapter 7. Marrying the Prince
A gentle-faced princess stood before me, radiating grace and poise. They said she resembled a goddess. The fate of the meteorite is the same as that of the star. Her silvery hair and prominent ears marked her as a princess. After all, she was a princess."Your Grace," I greeted."Lady Idrish Aeric." As she approached me, she bowed gently. She had the poise and grace of the monarchs I respected as she walked. She offered me her right hand, a smile on her face.I looked at her perfect fingers that missed a callous, then back to her unblemished godlike face. I held her hand and gently gave her a shake. Soft. Warm. "I a—am Idrish Aeric, Your Grace.""House Flos, the second region, the kingdom of vines and agriculture... Princess Lanuza Flos."Usually, I know a kind of elf when I see one. I seldom get a miss on that. I felt a good aura around Princess Lanuza. Apart from her gentle face and very soft-spoken, I thought it was true in the kindness shown."How have you been adjusting, Lady Idr
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Chapter 8. Worthy
I felt like I was in the middle of a cold war, where all sides had their own agendas. I realized I was being utilized as a chess piece—a movable piece to help another player achieve their goals.Anytime is good for me, because I may be used at any time... by dying.Either I satisfy the intrigue of the council, or I obey the monarch. The king, after all.Prince Killan, because of his reasoning. It's not just a surface-level concern on his part that I'd be bragging about the powers I have.In this case, what might possibly be Lady Montay's motivation? To what does the council look forward?"Princess Idrish, please step it up a notch. Prove your mettle and you will be sent to the winter arena." Montay's actions were rather oblique. I just didn't click with her. If they make me abandon her in the woods, every bone in her body will be broken.I implore your grace to demonstrate your talents. Another whisper reached my ears.When Killan looked at me, his dark eyes met mine. His jaw clenched
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Chapter 9. The Mors Map
A sigh of relief washed over us as the next few days passed. Everything that had been prepared for was about to take place. No authority was interfering with the destiny I had accepted for so long. There's no king keeping tabs on me. No prince or husband would ever risk his life by doing something I didn't give them permission to do.Me, alone, in the weight room. Taking in the season's best from the arena over the past winter, spring, summer, and fall.What I saw was nothing but wounded and dead warriors, as well as a few victorious ones.The arena proved fatal for the vast majority of the delegates.The tournament, which will take place in a week, will take place in the middle of the snow month, just like the winter arena I grew up in.In Mors's woods, ten competitors from ten different regions would square off to determine who would emerge victorious. The group would be split in half, with five players on each side. In Septen, five people would work to defend the city's six towers
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Chapter 10. Last Night
The most difficult test ever set before the queen. I was equipped with the queen's gauntlet. Powerful protection for the arms and hands.Throughout the entirety of the journey, I kept paraphrasing what the prince had said to me.I had a sneaking hunch that the former queen of the seventh region had been involved in some sort of covert power transition. Despite the fact that it attracted me, I chose to ignore it because there was no way that a humble elf like myself could ever hope to purchase such a potent artifact from the queen.When an elf is given a power that it is unable to control, the elf's body goes through some kind of change or reaction. It is possible for innocent individuals to become ill, hurt, or even killed when a new leader is unable to successfully wield the reins of power.So why did nothing bad happen to me? What was wrong with me that I only felt my hands get heavier, as if I were holding tons of steel, and nothing else?Why did the queen pick me to be the heir to
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