

Bronton was so confused. He had not had a relationship with anyone for the past three months so the phone call was a bit strange. The caller had cut the call and when he tried calling back the number was switched off.

He had been deep down in his thoughts when his phone had rung again. Without looking, he answered,

"I am not responsible for your pregnancy." and cut the call. He did not care.

Nothing was going to jeopardize his chances of marrying a naive girl whose father was willing to sell her off to the highest bidder. He would find the woman who was claiming to be pregnant for him and shut her down, and not in a good way. Or maybe he could leave that work to his publicist. He did not have time to play with pigs in the mud, no, he was too clean for that.

Bronton shook his head and lay down in his bed. He had decided to postpone his trip back to his grandfather last minute after the shocking call had come through. He also had some loose ends he needed to tie before going back. He knew he was going to be away for quite some time.

While lying down, he thought about his mother and how his father had treated her. Most times he did not blame her for abandoning him at his father's house. She had been a college girl who had fallen in the wrong hands. His mother just wanted to get some money to pay for her college.

According to Bronton's grandfather, his father had promised to fund her college life if she married him and that was what she had done. At the time she was still riding on the honeymoon phase and did not know the real characters of Eliam, Bronton's father.

When Eliam discovered that Gracie was pregnant with Bronton, he chased her away like a dog, with nothing on her back. Gracie suffered throughout the pregnancy, she survived on goodwill from friends and a few relatives. After Bronton was born, she tried to sue him for child support but he bribed the judge because they played golf together. Gracie had no other choice but to give up the baby and disappear.

She reappeared years later when Eliam had already given up custody of Bronton to Bronton senior. Bronton's me had been changed from Jermaine by his grandfather. He did not want anything to taint his grandson's future.

Bronton had tried to repair the relationship he had with Gracie but never succeeded. They were neither friends nor enemies and he preferred it that way. Gracie had gotten married again after Eliam had divorced her. She had given birth to two more kids beside Bronton. They barely talked, only sent occasional holiday greetings and happy birthdays.

Bronton did not want his children to end up like him. Despite not growing up with his father, his grandfather had taught him all the things he knew about life. He was confident he could be a good husband and father. He would compensate for what he could not do with money and presents.

He was still thinking about his family that was and his family that he was about to build when his phone rang again. He cursed before answering the call.

"What do you want?" He asked, without looking at the caller ID.

"Sir, this is Old Prisley. The former owner of the diner. I was just calling to ask if you are back in town. I wanted us to talk about my former employees." Old Prisley said on the other end of the line.

"Ooh, about that. We will talk when I get back. I am still tied down here. I am sure we can find them something to do. You know what, tell them to come to my office on Friday with their CVs." Bronton said.

"Thank you very much sir. I will let them know about."

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