Shadow In The Night: Secrets Of The Howling Heart

Shadow In The Night: Secrets Of The Howling Heart

By:  Daisy Chaseley  Ongoing
Language: English
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When Mira first set foot in to the city of Bucharest to pursue her studies, she never expected to get involved in a near-fatal accident and get saved by a mysterious man. And she definitely didn’t plan on fantasising about him, only to discover that he is her professor, Izan. The attraction between grows to be undeniable, but Izan kept his distance, hiding a dark secret that could endanger them both. Mira was determined to find out more about him, even if it meant breaking the rules. And their paths intersect once more when she finds Izan injured in an alleyway, and she becomes his caretaker, realising the connection they share goes beyond just physical. But before she can understand their bond, he disappears without a trace, leaving her heartbroken. Week’s pass, and Mira discovers the truth behind Izan’s abrupt departure. Confronted by the reality of his existence, she still finds herself irresistibly drawn to him, despite the startling revelation that he is not human—he is a werewolf. As their worlds collide, secrets unravel, and a forbidden romance blossoms amidst the captivating allure of Bucharest. But their happiness is threatened by a dark force that seeks to destroy them. When Izan becomes the prime suspect of a murder he didn't commit, and Mira must prove his innocence before it's too late. Will they overcome the odds and find their happily ever after? Or will they lose each other in a web of lies and danger? Their journey unfolds, entwining fate, love, and the mystique of the supernatural, promising a destiny neither of them could have foreseen.

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19 Chapters
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Their kindness and warmth were undeniable, the scent of old money surrounded them, along with a hint of sophistication that hinted at their wealthy and refined upbringing. Yet, despite their privileged background, they exuded a down-to-earth charm that made me feel at home in their presence.The evening flowed smoothly as guests arrived, filling the space with chatter and joy. We gathered around the dining table, where a feast awaited us. Every dish served was a work of art, bursting with flavour that delighted the senses. From the appetizers to the main course and desserts, each bite was a culinary delight, showcasing the skill of the chef and the essence of fine dining.As we chatted and laughed, time flew by like it always does when you're having fun. Before I knew it, the evening came to an end, and guests began saying their goodbyes, expressing gratitude as they left. As the dinner wrapped up, Zoe and I headed to the club. Stepping out of the car into the cool night air, faces f
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