
Marriage Rules!

Cora sat on the bed, confused. She thought she was at the restaurant. But she was in a huge room that smelt like money. There were maids crying and a doctor smiling at her. 

"I'm so glad you're back, Madam Cora" the doctor spoke. 

 'Madam Cora? Mr Bellamy's wife?' she thought to herself. 

Cora stood up from the bed and slowly walked to the mirror. She stared at her reflection on gasped loudly. She's no longer Natalia, she's now... Cora, Bellamy's wife. 

"Are you alright, Madam Cora?"

"Does your body hurt?"

"Are you hungry?"

The maids asked out of care. 

Cora was still confused. She didn't know what to do. She didn't enjoy the fact that she was called Madam Cora. 

  'What happened to my real body? Did I die? Why?' she thought to herself. 

The doctor walked closer to her. 

"It's a miracle you came back to life, Madam Cora. Everyone here was worried about you. Mr Bellamy must be on his way now" he said. 

She nodded as if she understood what was happening. She walked to the bed and laid down to sleep. 

Everyone left the room, with excitement on their faces. 

"Madam Cora died, I also died but I was reborn into her body. How? How did that happen? Does that mean I'm married to Mr Bellamy" she spoke to herself. 

She picked the phone close to her and saw Madam Cora with another lady. She can't tell who it was but, she knew she was close to her. She doesn't even know the passcode of the phone. 

"I'll have to accept the fact that I'm now Madam Cora but, how did I die?" She asked herself again as her eyes closed slowly. Since she was weak, she dosed off. 



Bellamy was in the CEOs office, threatening his life. The CEO knelt on the floor, shivering in fear. Bellamy sat on his seat, with his legs folded. He has been silent, ever since he stepped into the hospital. All activities has stopped in the hospital. He didn't care if anyone dies due to lack of attendant. 

"Mr Bellamy..."

"Who am I, CEO sir?" Bellamy asked in a soft voice.

"You are Mr Bellamy A. Brooks, our biggest investor"

"And what will happen once I stop becoming your company's biggest investor?" He asked. 

The man raised his head as his eyes shot wide open. He didn't want to imagine what will happen to his company. 

Everyone company that had experience same thing were unable to rise again. 

His eyes met with Bellamy's dark eyes. Immediately, Bellamy stepped on his head, pushing his face to the cold floor. The man winced in pain. 

"Forgive me, Mr Bellamy. Forgive me" he whimpered.

"I'll forgive you and forget all of this happen, only if you bring Natalia back to life" he said. The man cried. Bellamy felt disgusted and raised his leg from his head. 

"The moment Natalia die, you've turn me into the worse person you'll ever see. You'll regret it. You have twenty four hour to find the killer, if she's not found, I'm withdrawing all of my investment from this company"

"Please, Mr Bellamy. Show mercy" the CEO cried. 

Bellamy slipped his hand into his pocket and walked away from the CEOs office. The man crawled after Bellamy but he didn't even show any bit of mercy. He walked out with his guards and Leon. 

"Did you see the girls face?" Bellamy asked. 

"I only saw her face once, young master. Forgive me, this is my fault"

"If you weren't my friend, I would have killed you at the spot"

Leon bowed in respect. He knew that already. 

"Her family came to take her body already. They didn't feel displeased at all. The nurses told me they used her for blood bank for their eldest daughter. She was at the hospital this morning when she was called to serve you at the restaurant" Leon explained 

"So basically, it's my fault. I killed Natalia" Bellamy tightened his fist, angrily.

"Don't blame yourself, young master. We should head home to see Madam Cora"

"Send her some gifts or anything. Prepare an investment withdrawal contract for MNT company. I won't be going home anytime soon" he spoke and walked away. 

Leon didn't even say another word. He just walked after Bellamy. It wasn't the first time it has happened already. 

He never cared about Cora anyway since her family sold her to his family, to save their company. Their marriage was not set yet as they both agreed to act under certain rules. 

On the day of their engagement, Bellamy arrived three hours late and left immediately after exchanging rings with her. He preferred to spend more time with Natalia but it's impossible now since she's dead. He has gone back to being the devil he use to be. 

The Brooks family, involving the Master, Bellamy's father and his two wives. Five sons and two daughters. Bellamy, being the second son and most feared one. Even his father sees him as a monster. He was smart ever since birth. He became the executive director of one of his father's large company at the age of 10 and schooled at the same time. 

Even as he was young, he treated his older employees like trash whenever they deserve it. Still, he helped orphanage home and churches. He was like a god in public eye but those who know him personally knew him as a devil. 

Ever since he met Natalia, he changed. He was no longer the devil people thought he was. If you annoy him, he would just ignore you. If it were to be before he met Natalia, he would have gravely punished the person. 

Leon can't imagine the type of life he'll live now that Natalia is dead. He opened the door for him and watched as he entered the car without any glimpse of expression on his face. 

Leon entered the first car and drove off as his guards followed behind.



Cora squinted her eyes as the rays of the sunlight pierced through the curtains. She blocked them from her eyes and sat up. When she opened her eyes and looked around, she realised what happened wasn't a dream. She was really reborn. She threw her leg down the bed and slipped them into her floppy slippers. 

"Is this also Bellamy's room? Did he come home last night?" She asked herself. She swiftly showered and wore something in the closet. 

She wasn't good with make up, so she just left her natural face. 

She left her room and walked around the house. Her mouth fell wide open. She can't believe she was going to be staying here, as Cora. 

She stumbled upon a huge door and opened it. 

She saw several maids, arranging various dishes on the table. Her eyes widened in happiness. 

They saw her and bowed their heads. 

"Good morning" she greeted them. They froze and raised their heads, exchanging glances. 

"Good morning, Madam Cora" they chorused. 

"Who owns all of this?" She asked. 

They were confused again. Natalia has no idea how Cora has lived whenever she's in the mansion. 

"Madam Cora, these are your breakfast"

"I'm shocked to see you dressed up and walking around healthy. We have no idea if your sickness has subsided for you to be moving around. The doctor will come later with your results, Madam Cora " the head maid spoke. 

Cora scratched the back of her head. She has no idea how to act like Cora. She just hope she doesn't get caught or anything. 

They walked her to her seat and served her breakfast. The maids waited her to start and Cora thought Bellamy was going to join her. 

"Does the food not suit your taste, my lady?" 

"Am I eating alone?" She asked. 

The maids exchanged glances with each other once again. 

"I'll call the doctor"

"I'll take her to her room"

Cora furrowed her eyebrows as the maids walked helter skelter. 

"What's happening?"

"You do not remember anything, do you? You died and came back to life, you must have lost your memory, Madam Cora" the head maid spoke. 

Cora has no idea on how to tell them that she hasn't lost her memory. She's just someone else. But, rather than for them to suspect her, she accepted what they said. 

"I must have lost my memory" she uttered. 

"Madam Cora, you are engaged to Mr Bellamy but you two have never eaten together when you're in the mansion" she said. 

Cora was shocked. She has seen how lovely they acted when they were outside in the restaurant. When she was Natalia, she sometimes even envied them. 

But, she can't believe it was different when they are inside. They were both putting on an act. No one would ever believe you if you tell someone this news. 

"I see..."

"The doctor has arrived" another maid butt in. 

Cora was then taken to her room, after eating. She spoke with the doctor who was marvelled at the sudden change in her test results. 

"It is indeed a miracle, Madam Cora. There's no trace of cancer in your body anymore. I'm sure young master would be so happy"

"Of course, he would" Cora faked a smile. She have to keep acting accordingly. 

She can't let them know that the cancer is gone because she's Natalia and not Cora. 



Two weeks later...

Cora hasn't seen Bellamy anywhere close to the mansion. He didn't even come to see how she was doing at all. She has been watching the News, reporting all of his activities to her. He has signed quite a number of contracts with different company just within two weeks and he has also brought down large number of companies. 

She noticed the hospital she normally visit to give blood to her sister was even part of the company. 

"Madam Cora?" Someone called her name from behind. She knew the voice was familiar till she turned her gaze from the TV to the man behind him. 

She immediately noticed his handsome face and thick black hair. 

"Leon?" She called out, out of excitement. Sometimes, she forgot that she's no longer Natalia. 

Leon furrowed his eyebrows. He knew that Cora has never called his name before. She either refers him to as 'hey' or 'you there'

"What brings you here?" Cora asked. 

He moved closer to her and placed a document on the table. 

"Me Bellamy sent this to you. The wedding will be held next week once you agree to those rules"

"Rules?" She asked herself. 

"The doctor told me you lost your memory. I'll remind you again what exactly you are to young master. You are his lovely wife in public but a stranger in the mansion. There's no special relationship between you two. There's no need for you to bear his heir and you mustn't pry into his private life. I'm sure the other rules in the document will make you understand your relationship with young master" he spoke. 

    'Strangers in the mansion? Is that what Cora is to him? Because of me?' she thought to herself. 

She was excited a little that she get to be Bellamy's wife for a bit but how can she make him fall in love with him, as Cora when there are so much distance between them. Cora picked the document and tightened her lips. 

"Bellamy..." She murmured his name. 

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