
Author: Barbara Rose



It was a funny thing. Confusing and scary, dreadful.

For some, it was much more positive than that. They found hope in time.

"Time heals all wounds."

They looked forward to the next day ⏤ the next week ⏤ month ⏤ year, and so on.

They anticipated getting older and the change that time would bring them. The wisdom and knowledge ⏤ the experiences they would have in that time, the ones you're told to enjoy because they happen in the best years of your life and time flies, so you're supposed to enjoy it while it lasts.

Liviana never knew what the hell those people were talking about.

"Time flies," yet her days dragged on until she gave up and ended them early, crawling into her bed at merely 6pm just to make it feel like the day was over and she had made it.

"Time heals all wounds," but why hadn't it healed hers? She still sat in pain, waiting for it to lessen with each passing day, but it never did. If anything, it only hurt worse.

Time is something Liviana hated. She loathed the whole idea of it. The fear, the hope, the pressure of it. Everything.

It wasn't until she met Blaze Castelli that she understood what everyone talked about, how they warned her to not waste time, as it's something you can never get back.

She wished she had listened.

Now, as she sat in this cold, empty room, bloodied and broken, she wished that she hadn't wasted that year on things that, looking back, seemed so minor compared to what she was going through now.

She wished that instead of arguments, she would have just apologized and held him close, like everytime was the last.

Instead of ignoring his existence, she would have told him how much she appreciated him, and how much he had done for her in their short time together.

She wished that instead of 'I hate you', she could tell him how much she loves him, that there was nothing he could ever do to make her truly hate him.

But she didn't, and now it was too late, because she never knew if she would see him again.

Time was something Liviana hated, but it was also something she took for granted.

And now it seems as though her time is running out.

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