
Chapter 5


"I'm not sure what I'm going to do with myself."


 "I pray just to find someone who can help me so that I can use the money to feed my children", God help me," she cries inside herself while asking rhetorical questions.


 She bought the drugs and returned home with no money, and she is worried. "Take this, Daniel, and give the second pie to your sister.Here is your drug," she says to Miss Anita after you've finished your supper.

 . "Why wouldn't you be home at night to eat dinner with us?" Daniella asked. "I'd like to sleep, but I'm probably going to see one of my friends around the corner at night, so I might sleep late."


 "Don't worry, I'd like to get more meat pie and cookies for you and Daniella, okay?" "Yes, yes, Mom, I want cookies as well. Thanks, Mom."


 . "So go get some rest; I'll be right back, my baby. "OK, Mom!" Daniel is overjoyed because of what his mother has promised him.  Abigail went out again, looking for a solution to help Daniel and Daniella. She chose to remain at the bar with one cookie guy and a glass of wine to forget about her.


  When she saw Samuel's automobile arrive at the bar, she began flirting with him. She didn't identify it at first, but she could feel Samuel emerge from the car. "Hello Samuel,


He looks around for the person who is calling him, and she calls again. "Hi Samuel, this is Abigail; do you remember me?"


She joyfully drew closer to him with several kinds of British dancing. "How are you doing, Abigail?" I never expected to encounter you here after such a long time; what a faithful day."


I'm alright, and you see how you're looking wonderful," he said, laying her on his shoulder and patting him on the shoulder, hailing him as his most gorgeous.


"What exactly are you doing here"?. Do you come with anyone"? "Where is your man"?

 He stated this while glancing around for whoever would claim her. They entered the pub as a couple, sat down, and asked the bartender to give Abigail anything she desired.


  "No, I don't need much; just give me Baron wine and some pizza, Samuel."


 "Welcome, dear; you look lovely." I hope your boyfriend is the finest caretaker in the world."


She grins and feels joyful, expecting Samuel to toast her, although she fell in love with him at first sight. "I don't have a boyfriend. "I'm lonely with two kids. I took care of myself and the kids. Alone,  I am the parent of two kids," Abigail stated soberly, dissatisfied with her condition.


"Oh, I'm so sorry for that, and I'm so sorry for being the one to push this out."


"Please excuse my stupid brain."


 "No, no, it's just normal" is merely the start of the introduction. "Samuel, tell me about your family."

Don't worry; I haven't considered any, so tell me about your family.


She placed her hand under her chin to listen to what Sam had to say. "My loved ones say, "I don't have a family; I live alone," Samuel says with a grin. My only family is my work and a pal.


 "You are also a part of my family." "How could I be your family?" she laughs. "You must be joking with me, aliens."


 "Stop saying you're not an alien; just meeting doesn't mean we're just friends; as long as we stay together and talk, you're also my family."


  Samuel asserts calmly that he will glance at Abigail, brow to brow. "Okay-ok accepted,. Can you tell me more?. How come you didn't have any family?. How are your mom and dad doing? They are also family."


 "No, I don't have one," he says, looking up, tears streaming down his cheeks. "My family was murdered 15 years ago when I was 15 years old." "It happened like this: we were robbed by armed robbers, and the first thing they demanded was money."


 "We provide that money; my sisters got rabies when they wanted to rape my mother; my Daddy tried to stop them, but he got shots. My mother was raped to death by ten men." That's when my brother and I began working hard and living like men."


 Because the narrative was so upsetting, Abigail felt like sobbing on stage. She stood up and wiped his tears with her handkerchief. "I'm sorry Samuel, just stop; it's okay for now." This is moving; I just feel the suffering, how you've been living since then, and how you survived it.


 "I apologize for stealing your drink. And at ease.


They began to scrutinize their features. They were drawn to each other since the narrative was moving, so they both stayed silent and stared at each other.


  They began drinking and eating while still looking at each other. Abigail inquired. "How come you're staring at me?,Do you like me?, I'm not particularly attractive."


"No, you are beautiful and caring," he said. "I was just imagining how it would be to have someone like this as a friend. I wish you could spend days with me like this because I'm always depressed." I need someone like you to be my favorite friend because you're simply someone I like."When did love begin?"


Samuel wondered how he fell in love with the young woman after just two days of meeting her "I don't know," he said. "I don't know; I think it's God."


Abigail smiled. Take your drink; Sam is just God," she blushed. "I assumed he arranged everything for God. "Where are you going to go tonight after you leave here?" Samuel inquires."I'm going to meet my children."


"They'd have been expecting me by now because I promised them meat pie and cookies." Abigail ordered another glass of wine since she realized Samuel loved her after their chat and planned to fool him.


  She intended to become intoxicated so Samuel could take her home or log her; it had been a long time since she'd had sex with a guy.


 . "Hey waiters, Samuel, do you drink?" "Yes, order two." Samuel also had Drunk erase her family's murder violently.


"I'm dizzy, Samuel," she says, her head wobbling as though it's being removed.


"Are you able to drive, Sam?"


 "Yes, I can drive with a big laugh."


"I don't think you'll be able to drive, Sam."


"If it's not too much trouble, there's a hotel on Order Street." That's great; take me there.Samuel responded by getting up and shaking his leg on the floor.


"They both hold their breath and go to the hotel. Good evening, everyone," they said in such a loud manner that everyone present began gazing at them and laughing.


 They collaborated with the receptionist.

 "Are there any available rooms?" sure, sir?


 "OK," I said, "can I have the key?"


 . "This is the key to room 213, Take the stairs, turn right, and the last room is 213." The receptionist detailed the moment she realized they were both




They follow the path until they reach the chamber.

 Abigail spoke to herself.

Can what I'm thinking truly happen?


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