
Chapter Two - Olíviah

After a turbulent night and having the displeasure of meeting Miguel Henrique again, I finally managed to get home, well and without any further incident. As soon as I got inside I tried to tell my family what had happened at school. At first everyone looked at me scared and a little afraid. My mother never tired of repeating that I was crazy and senseless.

- How can you do such a thing? - When I told you to be a teacher, I asked for your inspiration to be me. And I would never do such a thing.

- Of course not, woman! - Mom looked at my father with a disapproving look - You would do worse than Olivia, I'd have to take you to jail.

But I made it clear to my mother and to everyone else that I was innocent and how liberating it had been to be rid of my abusive former principal.

- Mom, stay calm, okay? - I tried to reassure her. I have good recommendations from other schools.

- I hope so Olivia, and I hope God will talk some sense into you - I smiled, Martha was always dramatic. A little more than me.

I had spent years not hearing from him and avoiding anything related to him like news in sports journals. Meeting him again was as if the ghost of the past had come to rub my face that even my chicken ex-boyfriend had started a family and was doing well and I, at 28, was single and unemployed. No, it was not normal for me to feel this way, but at that moment I had a moment of weakness, because even though it had been a teenage love, it had marked me very much.

I closed my eyes and started to do something that always worked, I imagined my life with my ex, in this case Miguel Henrique, I didn't need much effort, I started to imagine myself with my head full of branches and married to an idiot. That was it! That was how Giselle must have been and I was sure that even then, alone, I was happier than my former friend had been.

- Wake up Oly! - I've been here for half an hour, what's wrong? You look weird!

- No! .... well! - I took a deep breath - It's a long story.

- I'm all ears. Come on, let it out!

- Remember Miguel Henrique? - I raised my eyebrow - So...I had an unpleasant encounter with him today. And he even damaged my car.

- Hello? - My sister looked at me scared - What do you mean?

I told my sister everything, she was that kind of person that you could be at rock bottom and there she was with a solution. But if you were to research her life, in any area, it was crazy.

- Do you still like him? - Rebecca frowned, "For you to have stayed like this...I have terrible news. And gee, it's been so long.

- No, no, no. It's just that it's been a long time since I've heard from them. Every time there is news about them I turn the page or change the channel. Besides, he is married to the fake friend, remember? - I got up from the couch tense - I just want to tell him a few truths, that's all, because he has been so naughty. - I shrugged - Well, I'm going to sleep ok?

The days went by and I couldn't get tired of looking for an occupation. I wanted to have a job, staying at home counting the cracks in the ceiling was tiring me out.

Until my phone rang. It was an unknown number and I didn't usually answer, but I imagined it was a job offer.

- Hello? - I said

- Hello? Could you please speak to Olivia Cavalcante? - The woman on the other end said.

- Yes, this is she! What can I do for you?

- Oh yes! Hello Olivia, I'm a friend of Marcia's - my smile died on the spot, friend of Satan?! - Well, she referred me to you as an educator and gave me good references.

What do you mean Braasil? And here I thought I was going to be sued.

The woman who had fired me had days later indicated me for a job opening? It was too much to digest.

- I'd like to schedule the interview for tomorrow, is that okay? - I was stunned. It's just that I have a certain urgency to find someone.

- Well...yeah...yes! - I said, picking up my pen - can you give me the address?

After writing everything down and hanging up the phone, I still did not understand... the same woman who had signed my resignation letter, had indicated me for a job? What was to come?

The next day I got up, took a shower and finally got ready for the interview.

I was confident that everything was going to be alright, if there is one thing that I always took into consideration it was that we have to trust ourselves and always think positive.

I got my car even though it was broken down and drove to Gávea, the place where my newest supposed job was.

As soon as I found the street, I couldn't believe it, the place had only mansions. It was also not for nothing, I was in the South Zone of Rio de Janeiro.

- Good morning! - I smiled raising my dark glasses - Is this where Ms. Helena lives? I have an interview...

- Yes Miss Olivia - he cut me off - Miss Helena is waiting for you. Come on up!

Right at the beginning there was a huge garden, well kept by the way, then I noticed the huge pool with the dark blue tiles and a waterfall, on the floor of the pool the acronyms MH on the floor.

A lounge area that I imagined was used for parties and in the center of the grounds the house that to access had a huge staircase with several potted plants on each side.

Once I reached the living room, the house from the inside was even more beautiful. The living room was a tone of ice white with marble furniture. A huge black sofa gave the room a classic feel.

- Hello Olivia, I'm Helena, sit down." The woman pointed to the sofa. - Make yourself comfortable.

- Pleasure - I held out my hand to her. A little nervous

- Well, Marcia recommended you as an educator and as I told you, I want you to be a companion to my grandchildren. I've heard that you have a way with children and they need it a lot? it's a complicated situation, they lost their mother and my son? well, his work prevents him from being with them all the time.

Helena was the face of the fine, wealthy woman. Her blonde hair and fair skin and expensive silk blouse showed it. Her low, yet desperate tone of voice denoted that she saw in me a solution to her problems.

- I have never worked with only two children and it seems even more complicated because of the situation in question...they lost their mother and it is not easy to adapt to this," I forced a laugh, "and the lack of a father helps the father distant because of the death of his wife?

I had dealt with all kinds of children before, but the situation with these twins was much more complicated. I found out that they had lost their mother when they were only 8 years old in a tragic car accident and after that the father was no longer affectionate with the children. This resulted in both of them changing their behavior...

- So, I ask for your help ok? - She pleaded with her gaze - Look, many give up out of fear but I feel that you are the person who will help my grandchildren.

- Ok! - I sighed - This may sound crazy but I also feel that I have to do this.

I don't know what had happened, I don't know if it was the woman's desperation or maybe doing my part with those children but I knew well that I had done the right thing by taking that job that had fallen from the sky.

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