
Chapter 6

After Jake left, it was only Eleven and Eva there, of course with the maids and Nathan in his room. But there, on the back porch there were only the two of them, they sat while enjoying the view of the lake in front of them, that house was indeed a dream for many people. Eva held the iced coffee in her hand, occasionally she sipped the iced coffee and put it back on the table.

"El, how did you feel living away from your father?" Eva said, she leaned back on the chair and turned towards El who was busy looking at the view in front of her.

"I don't know, you know what? He's no longer a father to me, but a monster, he's aware of what he's done to me, to his daughter. I still often think this is just a dream, I hope to wake up with my mother hugging me, but in reality it's not like that .. Sometimes I wake up with just a blanket on my body, the bruises on my body are gone within a week, but the scars take longer to fade, I'm disgusted when he does that to me. He's my father, right?" El turned towards Eva who had seen her first.

"But you're safe here," Eva said.

"No, there is no safe place for me now, Jake bought me, he is no different than what my father did, you guys asked me to accompany your son without thinking about my condition, is that safe?" El said.


"Eva, I don't trust anyone now, other than myself, or even less trust in myself. I live in a nightmare every day, it hurts. I just miss my mom and wish I could meet her as soon as possible. What do you think? You and Jake hoped I'd thank you by keeping your son here? No, I'm here because I don't have anywhere else. But I'm leaving sooner or later," El said.

"No one is perfect El, if you say you always live in nightmares and feel disgusted with yourself, I have felt that too, to be honest, Nathan is not Jake's son. Someone raped me while I was at Jake's bar. He saved me, but it doesn't change anything, everything has happened and here is Nathan. I don't know who his father is, he's just a strange man I saw in a bar. I thought my life was ruined at that time, but Jake convinced me that life is indeed gloomy as hell, we just have to get used to it, that's the only thing that can make us comfortable and make our own paradise, when Nathan had an accident, which mother's heart wasn't broken, I myself felt that my presence in Jake's life was a burden, but Jake always said that my son was his son. also, whatever happens to him, it is his responsibility," Eva said and El turned to her.

"Does Nathan know about this?" El said.

"Of course, Jake told him himself," Eva said.

"There is no perfect life El, there is only a better life, and we created it," Eva said and El just turned her face away from Eva, she looked back at the lake in front of her. The weather at that time was bright, the sun was shining brightly and the green trees there made the atmosphere cool.

"We'd better go inside, it's time for lunch, you can eat first, I'll feed Nathan" Eva said.

"Let me deliver the food to him" El said and Eva just smiled at her.

Eleven brought a tray of food complete with drinks and medicine which Nathan had to take afterwards. Eva helped her knock on Nathan's room before going inside, she saw Nathan who was still sleeping, Eva only nodded indicating El could come inside and wake him up.

When Eleven came inside and Eva closed the door, El placed the tray on the table, she looked around Nathan's room before approaching him.

"Hey, wake up it's already noon," El said in a cold tone.

"Hello wake up lunch is ready" El said but Nathan didn't wake up either. El got closer to Nathan and made sure nothing happened to Nathan.

"Nathan, wake up," El said, there was no movement from Nathan as a sign that he heard Eleven.

"Don't make fun of me, wake up Nathan!" When El touched Nathan, he opened his eyes and stared intently at El.

"Don't touch me," Nathan said.

"What? Are you crazy? I think you're the deaf one" El says.

"What do you want in my room?" Nathan said.

"Delivering your lunch and medicine," El pointed at the table with a tray of food on it.

"Where is my mother? Where are the other maids? Why should you come here?" Nathan said.

"Whoever is delivering food to you, you better say thank you to them" El said.

"I'm not hungry, get a maid for me" Nathan said and he turned his head away from Eleven.

"Are you serious? I brought your lunch and you have to eat what I brought, I don't want to take that food back to the kitchen and seeing your mother worried because you didn't eat it!" El said.

"Do you think I care?" Nathan turned back to her.

"What?" El said.

"Who are you? You don't even know me, it was my mother and father who brought you here, they must have fooled you and rewarded you highly, you are one of the fools who fell for their seductions, they are indeed rich but I don't need friends who accept money from them just to stay here, so get out of here now!” Nathan said.

"Fine, if you don't want to eat, I will still force you to eat, I don't want to come to your room in vain," El said, she took a plate and sat beside Nathan's bed.

"What do you want? Get out of my room!" Nathan said.

"If you want me to come out, eat your lunch and I will come out, if you don't eat, I will stay here" El said, Nathan just looked at her, so did Eleven.

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