
the beta's surgery

She strolled to and fro in front of her bed where she watched her servant clean the exhausted human on her bed. She never believed there was a day she would be grooming a human instead of feasting on their flesh.

"Not one scratch!" she warned her salivating maids who she knew were sneaky enough to make Jasmine's finger go missing. As it is they were already failing to stop their wolf from devouring the unconscious human.

She couldn't sleep the previous night after the Alpha King asked for the beta's report from Jasmine. Her father's temperature was increasing every minute and it scared her to death. The following morning, Alpha Ray was no where to be found. Under his orders the rest physicians in the civilization were acting funny. She couldn't believe he was choosing his ego over her father's life.

Hours later Jasmine regained consciousness. At first she thought she was back home on her queen size soft bed but the smell of brown scandal could never be in her room. There was no way she was in the Goku empire. She jumped up dramatically, still confused as to where she was. Her wrist stung making her notice the injury and the swell. The burning lamps reminded her of her unfortunate fate. It was better for this monsters to feast on one than to actually keep one alive, she thought.

"You should learn to be less curious," A voice called out, making Jasmine shiver as she processed the information. She turned to meet the eyes of the most beautiful female she had come across so long.

She looked tired and she had bags underneath her eyes. One could tell she was stressed and sad from just a look.

The two women share a very uncomfortable gaze as they stare at each other's physique. Jasmine had noticed her clothes removed and she was now wearing something very similar to Mira dress. Only that Mira's looked more luxurious and Jasmine's was more plane.

Their company was interrupted by the entrance of the same women who had earlier cleaned her up. Some held trays of dishes while others held molded containers meant to hold liquid. They arranged them neatly on the other side of the room before leaving quietly.

"Come eat with me." Mira offered before turning her back on Jasmine.

"No." Jasmine answered back even though her stomach wasn't agreeing with her.

"Why are you doing this?" She asked unable she was been granted this level of hospitality.

"I am not doing anything human. I just need your help." Mira tried to speak back in a neutral tone but completely failed, making Jasmine flich a bit. Such arrogance in the tune of someone in need of help.

"What makes you think I can help you?"

"You need to cut that thing off my father's skin!" Mira said, hiding her desperacy as she spoke now in a much composed and calm tone.

"I can't do that, I am not a surgeon. Where is Alpha Ray? Jasmine asked in almost one breath not understanding why she was panicking.

"You won't say his name for now." Mira scolded, making Jasmine step back from her. She really hated being threatened which she never fails to detect in the werewolves loud tone that always ended with some animalistic growl whenever they spoke.

"Mira I don't think I can help, I am sorry. My wrist is fucked as it. I have zero experience when it comes to surgery, don't you have other physicians over here?"


"Don't you think you're running away from responsibility my Alpha, Alpha King would be so mad at you!"

"Baylor, please be quiet, I am trying to do some meditation here" he opened his eyes to warn his Beta. They were currently on top of a rock that gives them a great view of their settlement.

"You are my anchor. I will tell you when you're wrong regardless. We are talking about the beta Edwards here. Do you really want to compromise your relationship with Mira?

"First of all I want you to know that there is no connection or relationship between mira and I. Everything we have is forced upon me.

"She is your mate, Alpha!"

"I don't think I would welcome any further interuptions from you, shut the fuck up or clamp your mouth with your fingers!"

"Second of all, I will say I am a little bit hurt and disappointed that you don't trust me and think lowly of my capability. I am not running from any relationship. That bacteria. It's not a flesh-eating one Beta Edwards will be fine the next 2 days.

"What if that girl is right?"

"She cannot be. There is not a chance that she might be. I took her to the lab to fool and trap her. Turns out she was a smart idiot. Look, I am very sure she made her result up. You know I am hurt that you are all considering a report from a human that literally has no business with us. It's making me consider my relationship with you all."

Alpha Ray's Beta kept quiet for some minutes before he spoke again.

"I guess we would just wait for the results from the vampires then."

"As we should." Alpha Ray took a deep breath before resuming his meditation on the plane horizon.


Jasmine got to know that the powerful civilization had no priority for health and it wowed her. None of the werewolves physicians couldn't perform a surgery. The only thing they were mostly trained to do was aid in giving birth to a baby werewolf.

"Save my father and I'd be forever indebted to you." Mira pleaded while Jasmine looked in at the beta numbly. The poor thing was dying.

"I think we have a doctor amongst my people!" Jasmine snapped , remembering her servant Samia. Samia used to be in school of medicine. She might know a few others too that would be able to take the bull by the horn.

An entrance was made and Mira dropped to the floor before bowing, making Jasmine and the rest of the servants in the room do the same.

"Greetings my Alpha," Mira whispered audible before the rest did,

"Greetings" they acknowledged in sync.

"You're giving this human a freedom she does not deserve, Mira, why is she following you around and where is Ray?" He said in his hoarse voice as he stepped in further.

Like father, like son! Jasmine huffed bitterly and inaudibly. She wasn't listening to the conversation the duo had as she continued to glue her gaze on her feet while she thought about the possible chances of escaping the civilization. She had to gain their truth first and she was doing just that.

Jasmine couldn't resist puking as her small team of humans performed a raw surgery on the Beta. She really complimented his ability to withstand pain but she remembered, he wasn't even human after all. There was a chance the werewolves were more tolerant to pain than humans.

All the organs in the beta's stomach were now exposed, that was when the he began to have a convulsion.

" Move!" Alpha Ray miraculously made his way in the surgery room with an injection in his hand before shoving her away from his direction. Her little team stepped back as they watched Alpha Ray miraculously stabilize him.

"I really hope he dies," One of her team members whispered and Jasmine tried to hush her immediately. Alpha Ray was quick to turn around and his death glare that sent shivers down their spine.

After what seemed like an hour he completed the surgery before leaving the room. Jasmine and her team disposed of their bloody gloves made of absorbent material before looking miserably at each other.

"What's next now, Princess?" One of the girls in her small team of three inquired. The princess gulped a spit down her throat before she looked around. Alpha Ray had effortlessly come to take the credit of their hard work.

"I need a cast as soon as possible," She mouthed, holding her injured wrist which had been on her pelvis all along. It stung badly and it gave her a fever too. It was swollen and it felt uncomfortable. She tried not to panic at the thought of losing her wrist due to further damage in this poor civilization.

It wasn't long till the girls were seized from their resting place. They didn't resist nor whine. They were dragged along in front of Mira who stood outside. She looked away after sharing a brief moment of eye lock with Jasmine. Jasmine huffed as she cringed about the attitude of the monsters. They were such ingrates. Why were they being dragged to now?


"Now this is so ridiculous!" One of the girls cried out bitterly after they were all dumped in a dungeon. The dungeon was cold and dark but it felt more peaceful and safe than the room they had been chained up in since their captivity.

Jasmine was quiet while she looked on. She focused her gaze on an angle in the dark dungeon before closing her eyes and resting her back on the wall while she was seated on the floor. A girl scooted closer to her making her subconsciously flinch.

"I am sorry," the girl said as she sat the same way as the princess did. Jasmine let out a sigh and the others continued to whine, worsening her headache.

"You have a fever," The girl asked, resting her chin on Jasmine's shoulder.

"Yes I do. What is your name?"

"Martha." The girl answered shortly.

"Do you think they are going to kill the rest at that place?" She added again after a brief silence referring to the rest of their people that were probably still chained up.

Jasmine shed a tear from her left eyes at the realization. If that was it then that was a clear reason they brought them to the dungeon instead of letting her go back to her people, she thought.

"No." She answered, masking all the negative thoughts in her mind from appearing in her tone.

"Nothing is going to happen to them." She added again drawing the attention of two panicking, to settle down.

They all sat quietly in the dark now siting close to one another as they shared body heat.

The princess' condition began to worry them as she shivered due to her fever.

"We need to stay strong for whatever would come out of this."

It was long before they were matched out. Surprisingly, they were not pushed nor dragged. Jasmine's wrist was now tenderly swollen, she had a fever too. They all matched in a straight line with fear and uncertainty as they were sandwiched by two guards at their front and back.

They were all quiet but the tension was real and for the second time she was in front of the Alpha's King throne. The man responsible for the extinction of various settlements in the human world.

"Kneel!" A guard ordered them and they did as they were told.

" You!" The Alpha King roared after a brief moment of silence. The tension was a odd one and Jasmine didn't know what to make of it, each second tiked as she watch the Alpha king's lips that was quivering in bitterness,

"You killed my Beta!!!" He accused and you could hear the pain of losing a loved one in his voice.

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