
Mated to the blind Alpha
Mated to the blind Alpha
Penulis: Elowyn A

Chapter One

Amelia's POV

Everything was a blur for the past few days, some of the highest-ranking Alpha's were coming to our pack for a wild celebration where the unmated may find their mates. It happened every year on the same day where the moon will be full and the goddess will bless many wolves with their mates and every year, I never found mine. Call me cruel, but I wouldn't particularly mind not having a mate, I mean with all the 'mine' type of scenario's, I rather not let my life turn into a cliche movie. I was perfectly fine with the life I lived, I mean I had my mum and my dad, and my younger siblings as well as a job at the library around the corner, what more would I want?

So every year when the Alpha's and the unmated come to our pack, the West Pack, I would go to the library and hide there until it's all over because let's face it, I don't like big events. Honestly, being in a big crowd of hormonal people just kinda sucks, plus the smell of arousals would fill the air is kind of disturbing if you ask me.

But, I do love reading about how people find their mates, especially when it comes to romance human books, I mean is amazing. I also love reading about how our kind came to be and how the Moon Goddess was ever so kind to give us mates, I love how there is always another half for us to live with, but I just kinda want to explore the world before finding my mate, who can potentially be possessive and not let me go anywhere, I mean that's what happened to my mum after all. My dad wouldn't let her out of her sight before they mated and had me. So you can see my opinion on having a mate.

In the current moment, the pack was frantically getting everything perfect. The big hall where we will be hosting the big ceremony or party was going to be filled with draperies and smooth, white silk to represent the moon. Then was going to be a big buffet and rooms for people who wanted to mate instantly, furthermore, there were the tables for the Alpha's and their Luna's as well as tables for everyone arriving. It was one huge shebang and it was one of the most exciting events for everyone, especially for my sister Alia, who turned 19 a month ago, whereas I was 22. She was ecstatic about meeting her mate and embarrassingly told me she wouldn't mind mating on the spot. Which of course as the older sister I am, slapped her in the head and told she was too young and wait until she was 20. She threw me the bird before laughing along with me.

My other sister Amy, who is twelve doesn't give a flying shit about mates and told me herself she rather live alone than have someone constantly watching over her, I liked her spirit, even if she swore from time to time. The second youngest was Johnny, otherwise known as Johnathan and he's only nine and told me he really doesn't care until it happens, good for him I said and the youngest of all of us is little Timmy, who turned 4 said he will love and cherish his mate, or in his words 'wuv and perish my muate', because perishing your mate is so nice.

So my whole family has their own opinions about mates, my parents who are in their fifties are hopefully going to stop having kids, because every time my mother is in her heat, my dad can't help but put a seed in it and trust me, you wouldn't see my dad while my mother goes in heat or 'get it on' while you were a very young child. I've been scarred for life.

Our heats come in irregular times after you meet your mate, you may never have your heat until eight years later, or you could get it the second you meet your mate, hence why people 'get it on' when they first meet each other at the ceremony.

While everyone was getting ready, I walked to the library and sat in my usual spot. Rarely people came into the library, and if they do, it's usually to randomly start making out in the aisles of books, and maybe begin to take each other's clothes off until I come in and start whacking them with the heaviest book I could find, which was the history of werewolves, maybe it would knock some knowledge into them about doing it in the library.

I had randomly grabbed a book, opened the pages up and inhaled the amazing scent of a book and enjoyed how it reeked of old age, it was honestly such a good smell.

As time passed by, the smell of cooked meat and vegetables filled my nostrils as the time of the Alpha's and the unmated arriving was soon upon us. As usual, I craved for the delicious food of the ceremony, with enhancing smell, you can't help but smell it. I tilted my head a bit so I could smell the air more clearly, at first it was just the books and dust, but then I could smell the roast beef, pig crackle, steamed chicken, cooked vegetables, apple pie, blueberry pie and the most wonderful smell of chocolate. It was absolutely heavenly.

After contemplating some time about going outside, I dropped my book and rushed out the doorway, only to stumble into someones hard chest, making the floor come to me in a matter of time.

"Bloody hell. You have a hard chest." I said, whilst rubbing the sore spot on my forehead, something hit me hard and I was sure I was going to bruise. Looking up I saw the Beta's son, his hands crossed together over his chest with a stern look on his features.

"Excuse me. I was walking here," he spoke, authority lacing through his voice as he stood there rigid as ever with his eyes looking deeply into my own. He was an asshole that's for sure, soon to be beta after the Alpha's son would take reign, even if he was handsome, his personality was a flop.

"Sorry. I didn't see you there." I replied smoothly, standing up whilst he kept staring at me.

"Next time, how about you look where you are going." he snapped, walking towards the library bumping me on the shoulder as he did so.

"Asshole," I spoke under my breath, hoping he didn't hear me.

I walked towards the hall's kitchen, allowing the overloading scent of delicious cooked food fill my nostrils as I took a peek at what was to be served tonight. Rows and rows of food were lined up, ranging from a whole load of meat to the desserts and fruits, as well as the champagne and drinks on one end of the bench. I noticed that Stephanie, who was one of the cooks here, an omega who I was good friends with was seemingly cooking up something. I walked over to her, a small skip in my step like a child.

"Hey Steph, what are you cooking?" I asked as she watched her stir a chocolate bowl. She glanced at me and smiled, looking back at the bowl she kept on stirring.

"Chocolate pudding, Alpha Carlos' favourite." She commented, as her eyes trained solely on the bowl. Steph has had a crush on Alpha Carlos ever since she laid eyes on him, but of course, as an omega, she couldn't really stare for long and bowed her head in submission as he passed by.

"Oh, you know his favourite dessert? Stalker are we, Steph?" I teased slightly as I watched a small blush form on her chubby little cheeks.

"Oh, hush. I only know it because of Talia, who happens to be Alpha Carlos’ next conquest." she scoffed as she added some more ingredients to the bowl. Talia was 'the one to spread her legs' of the pack, only used for her folds as all the pack members took advantage of it, usually when they were angry or their mate cheated on them.

Obviously. the ceremony was her favourite as she could slide into all the Alpha's pants. She was beautiful, to say the least, but Stephanie was absolutely adorable, with her light brown hair always pushed into a bun, her cheeks were always rosy and she had bright blue eyes, she was also kind for an omega and she was a great cook too.

"Well let's hope Talia will keep her hands to herself when he's around" I smiled hopefully of a good outcome as I walked away from her, leaving the kitchen and outside of the hall. In an hour the Alphas will be here and there mateless members, and already everyone was strolling in with their fancy suits and dresses. Our pack was very rich and grew in numbers in a short time, we were also rated fifth strongest in all of America due to the high-rank warriors and defensive line, so naturally, our pack had the fanciest clothes and had a prosperous area.

As they all started to file in, I rushed home. My feet picking up at werewolf speed as I made a dash. Once I reached the front door, I used my keys to open it and step inside. Already, my sisters were dressed up as well as my brothers, everyone was invited, every pack member, even the omegas who worked in the kitchen. I wasn't dressed for the occasion yet, so I watched as everyone hurried to get ready, my mum put on her pearls, my dad fixed his tie and my sisters made sure their dress was wrinkle-free, plus my brothers who were trying desperately to fix their ties. When I coughed they all looked at me with an alarmed expression. Alia noticed my arrival and almost screamed before running up to me.

"You're not dressed, hurry up! We haven't got much time. Goddess Amelia, you're so ugh!" she yelled and dragged my sorry butt up the staircase and into my room. I watched in amusement as she looked into my closet, frantically trying to find an appropriate dress for the occasion.

"I swear to the Moon Goddess if we do not find a dress, I'll kill you." she threatened as she kept looking for a good and decent dress. I snorted as tried to complete her quest.

"Found one!" She squealed seconds later, before she threw the dress towards me, making it land on my face.

"Goddess Alia, chill, " I groaned as she hurried me into the bathroom to change.

"Don't chill me! You haven't found your mate yet, and I swear to the Moon Goddess if you complain, I'll whack you with my high heels," she warned as I put on the dress. Groaning as it made all my sides ache with how tight it was. Looking into the mirror, I smiled at my reflection, even when the dress was so tight, I admired how good it looked on me. It was a dark blue floor length dress with a slit running on the right side and stopped halfway up my upper knee. I had thick blue straps and a tight chest area, making my breasts look bigger than they already were. It was also tight around the waist area, exposing the little curves I had around my waist and butt. I looked pretty damn good.

"Okay, I'm done!" I yelled out as I open the door, I had expected to see my sister sitting on the bed. But, I saw nothing. Curiously, I walked into my room and there she was, trying to find a pair of heels whilst holding a hair straightener in her hand.

"Try these on," she said without looking at her, throwing me a pair of dark blue heels matching my dress. I scoffed and sat on my bed, taking off my shoes and slipping the heels on, they were a little bit lose, but they had fit fine and when I stood up they made me a couple of centimeters taller, and I was pretty short.

"Alright time for hair!" she squealed and instantly turned around with a beaming smile, which widened further as she took a good look at me. In an instant, she had already whipped out her straightener and started to play with my hair, occasionally she would use the straightener. It almost seemed like five minutes before she retracted the device and beamed.

"Oh, my Goddess! You look amazing! Time for makeup!" she gasped and unplugged the hair straightener, whilst grabbing all my makeup utensils and forcefully plopped me down onto the bed. I winced at the impact.

"No Alia, I'll do makeup," I spoke, pushing her away from me as she tried to apply some eyeliner. She pouted a little bit, but reluctantly nods her head and walks out the door, leaving a trail of her smelly sadness behind her.

'You could have let her,' The pouty voice in my head spoke, of course, my wolf Crescent would say that. Crescent is my wolf you see, when we had our first shift, she was that nagging voice in my head and obviously an annoying one, but I love her and she loves me.

'Well, I don't even bother to go to these events Cres, I don't want my make up to go to waste,' I retorted back to her, as I went over to my mirror and started to apply some mascara on my eyes, whilst I talked to Crescent.

'She was being kind!' she snarled playfully at me, I smiled and applied some lipstick after my mascara was done. I was never a big fan of makeup and only applied the basics because I liked the way I looked without it.

'Yeah well, too bad,' I replied, before shutting the link off before she could get any more annoying. I waltzed downstairs where my whole family was waiting patiently for me. Of course, everyone looked so amazing with their outfits, the pretty and good-looking genes seemed to be passed down to everyone in the family, which surprisingly I had too, well, most of them.

We all had different shades of blue eyes, different shades of brown hair and different skin tones ranging from pale to slightly tanned. Surprisingly, we all wore a shade of blue, my mother wore a sky blue outfit which complimented her eyes wonderfully, my dad had a matching colour for his tie and my two brothers had simply the same shade of pale blue for their ties as well. My sisters also wore matching dresses, which came in a nice dark blue, however much lighter than my very, very dark blue dress. As I went down, their eyes landed on me, my mother's eyes welled up with tears as my dad gave a look of approval, two brothers smiled at me, whilst my two sisters squealed in delight and rushed to hug me.

"You look amazing!" they yelled and wrapped their dainty arms around my waist, squeezing the living life out of me.

"Okay, okay, you can let go of me now!"

I breathed, trying to pry their hands off of me, but being unlucky, they wrapped their arms once again.

This is going to be a long night.

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