
Chapter three

Grayson's POV

I've been blind for as long as I can remember, my mother and father told me that I've been cursed by a witch, who strongly disliked Alphas and had a long feud the werewolf world. The witch, who I never knew, thought that all Alphas were possessive and always wanted what was theirs, never sharing, so she cursed us, thinking that Alphas could never love, she made me blind so I could never see my mate and be vulnerable to the world.

The only way to regain my sight, is for someone, preferably my mate, to tell me she loved me and meant it, not because of the mate bond, but loved me with all her heart and all her soul, she was to love me for me, not because of my status. Being 25, you'd think I would have found her, but sadly, I haven't, nor did I have the time.

I never had time for it, every time the West Pack, would host the 'unmated' ceremonies, parties or gatherings, but I would not attend to them. I was a blind Alpha, and that made me vulnerable, it was my disadvantage, causing other packs and rogues to want to ambush my pack and try to take control. I had to work hard, train, try to enhance my other senses so I could be stronger and not weak. I pushed my mate life away, even though I knew that if I found her, and if she said 'I love you', then my blindness would go away and I could be a stronger and a more capable Alpha, but obviously, my pack came first. It's cruel, to say the least, but I needed to do it, for the good of the pack.

When I reached the age of 12, I started to train. I would build up my other senses and fight hard with the rest of the warriors and keep the status of my pack as one of the strongest packs in all of America, and if I didn't keep up our status, our pack would fall. Fifteen long years and I did the same routine, and when I was announced Alpha of the pack, I knew the challenges ahead. For the first few years of being Alpha, many wanted to take over. Other smaller packs constantly fought with us, rogue attacks killing a few of our innocent members and all had the same motive, to bring the BloodHowls Pack down. Of course, I didn't let them win, I had some of the strongest pack warriors as well as multiple connections with witches and various other allies, so I defeated them, one by one.

It was easier to keep up the status without a Luna, yes, the pack desperately wanted a Luna, but they knew what had to be done first. So when the West Pack hosted the unmated parties, I allowed them to go, leaving me behind and some of the pack warriors to keep guard. This year, however, was different. A day before the party began, my mother was telling me how she wanted a daughter-in-law and how she wanted grand-pups before she died and my father reluctantly agreed. They knew how important it was for our pack to have it's Luna.

We were all in the dining hall, I was at the head of the table, my mother and father on the left side of me, not sitting next to me, but sitting where they should sit. My brother on the right side and my sister sat next to them. No one else sat with us, it was peaceful until my mother started talking.

"Grayson. You know how the West Pack always hosts the parties for the unmated. Well, I think it's time for you to go to them. I wanted the grand-pups son, you know before I go up with the Moon Goddess." mother bluntly announced, not trying to butter it up or make it sweet.

When she spoke those words, all of us choked on our food, my mother not paying attention to anyone of us, besides me. I couldn't see her of course, everything was insanely blurry. But I could hear her authoritative voice coming from the left side of me and I could hear my siblings trying to cough up the food lodged in their throats. Not being able to see, meant I couldn't see my food, so, I tried to find the steak I smelt in front of me and feel my surroundings, trying to ignore my mother as I ate silently.

"Don't ignore me. You're twenty-five and you need to find your mate, I don't want you to be blind forever honey," she spoke, as I could hear my father murmur in agreement. I set my spoon and fork down, hopefully landing on the plate, I coughed a little bit. I looked at the direction of my mother's voice, of course, seeing nothing but blur, I hoped I was staring at her and not looking like a fool and buttressing her point.

"Mother, it's nice to know you are concerned, but I cannot go right now. I've got pack duties, rogues have been spotted recently around the border, so I need to make sure the defensive line is secure, and seeing that we will lose some members because of tomorrow, the defense and offence lines have to be toughened up as it is a time where we are slightly vulnerable." I replied, trying to come up with more reasons why I should not go in my head.

My mother scoffed, as I could feel her cross her arms as she put her foot down. My other siblings, Mitchel and Kayla, were being silent as usual, but I could hear Mitchell laughing to himself at my unlucky predicament. My wolf slightly growled at me, telling me to end the conversation while I had the chance, but before I opened my mouth, she spoke again.

"Well. Your father and I can handle the duties, your beta has found his mate he can take care of mated warriors while you attend. She might be there you know, I'm sure of it. Don't go making excuses. I want you there at the West Pack tomorrow night whether you like it or not, whether you find her or not. I want you to have some fun for once and hopefully bring back you mate. This discussion is over, you are going and that is final." she bites, trying to show her dominance over me. My wolf snarled at her disrespect. Mother or not, he did not like her tone.

I held my hands tightly in fists, trying to calm down as my wolf wanted to take over to bite back at her, controlling my wolf I inhaled and exhaled, trying to contain my wolf from surfacing, he was very impatient, we were both impatient.

"Mother I don't think-" I said, but I was immediately cut off as my mother spoke once again.

"Grayson Cory Donovan, do not try and argue with me. You may be the new Alpha, but you are my son and you will do as I say. No excuses." she growled, as I could hear the chair scrape on the floor and the door slamming shut, leaving a very awkward silence in her wake. Obviously, I got my short-temper and stubbornness from my mother, but I couldn't be bothered dealing with her right now, my wolf was very agitated and wanted nothing more than to show my mother who was boss around here.

I rubbed my temples, trying to calm my wolf down as my siblings talked in hushed whispers, even though I could hear them they tried to be silent anyway. "Father. Go to my mother, she's obviously distressed." I ordered him. I could hear him sigh in defeat, and slowly walk out of the hall, only for him to stop and say;

"You mother is worried about your son, please listen to her and go, just as she said you may be the Alpha, but you are still our son and we still want respect from you." and without another word, he opened the door and left, my siblings going out with him, leaving me alone in the dining hall with my thoughts and the tense silence.

I couldn't believe I was doing this; I could feel my mother smiling at me from the as I headed into the limo with my gamma by my side. "Good luck honey!" my mother called out, and I could hear my brothers and sister laughing at me, even though they were almost at an age to find a mate. Scoffing, I dived into the front seat, whilst my gamma took the driver seat, it was ten, we were late to the party and it would take another hour or so to get to the West Pack borders, all my unmated males and females had already left and it was just me and Gamma Jacob all ready to go for the long night of partying. Yay.

The drive was long and quiet, the only interaction that I had with Jacob was when he asked if we should stop for gas, but after that, we were both silent as I kept on mind-linking my beta to make sure everything was secure every five minutes or so. I trusted my beta to keep everything under control, but the nagging feeling my wolf gave me told me that I should keep checking up, rogues were around, so it was possible for an unseen attack. I rubbed my temples in utter frustration, these stupid gatherings for the unmated were the reason why my pack would lose a couple of wolves because of their mates, especially our females.

As we neared the border, I couldn't help but feel unsettled, as if something was telling me something was going to happen tonight, I just knew it. I tried to sniff the air for something out of the ordinary, but nothing was coming up. And bloody hell, if someone asked if I could see anything, I'll pound them.

My blindness was something I couldn't control, but luckily, I gathered a sixth sense. I could feel when someone was staring at me, whether it be a male or female, I could physically feel it. I could sense where objects were as I walked, letting the vibrations of my footsteps be my guide and like how dolphins use echolocation, I could sense where I am stepping because the vibrations come right back at me, telling me how close the object was or how far it was. Hopefully, if I found my mate, she'll accept me and learn to love me so I could gain my sight and see everything that I have ever wanted.

What did the sky look like? Was it as blue as they say it was? What about the sunset? Did it dance with colors or was it a boring tone?

It was a never-ending cycle of questions, and obviously, I wanted my sight, then maybe I could find peace within myself.

"We're here," Gregory said, he stopped and rolled down his window so the patrolling guard could recognize us and would let us in. I could feel the guard's eyes on me as he gave me a once-over, and I could almost sense his nod and he seemingly let us through without any argument. He made a whistle as we entered the pack lands, obviously entranced by the land's beauty, I couldn't see it, but I could feel how filled it was as I tried to sense the objects around us. "Alpha, it's pretty impressive, not as impressive as our pack of course, but impressive," Gregory commented as we stopped to a halt. I could hear the melodic music and sense other bodies surrounding us, it was a cheerful area.

It smelled amazing, however overpowering at the same time. The arousals were heavy in the air, my wolf begging to be let out and take the women who were aroused, it was a delicious scent for all wolves. It was a calling of our nature, but I restrained my wolf. I was saving myself for my mate, that was all. I mentally told my wolf to shut up as we left the car, Gregory making sure the car was locked as I heard multiple beeps as I took long strides away from the car. Sensing Gregory's presence beside me, I allowed him to guide me to the hall, which by the sound of people, was filled with unmated and mated wolves.

Their feet were rusted around me, sending vibrations through my body as I could feel their gaze on me. The Blind Alpha was here. I smirked, as Gregory aided me in getting what felt like a stage. All eyes were on me now, everyone's heated gaze was on one of the most powerful Alphas of them all and I knew they thought I was impressive. My wolf and I basked in their astonishment, I never went to these things, it must've been a surprise for all of them.

"May I present to you Alpha Grayson!" Gregory bellowed out, allowing my name to sink into all the wolves, a silence followed and then a loud and happy clapping filled my ears as several of them cheered. Many of the unmated females were aroused at the sight of me, I could feel their presence as they came closer to the stage, as they tried to bask in my power, hungry for what I could give them. I ignored them as I was led off the stage, many other Alphas came and greeted me, giving me a firm handshake and their Luna's came and bowed their head in submission, allowing me to rub my cheek against theirs, trying to familiarize their scents. I nodded my head and proceeded to walk around the place, I tried to smell something that was supposed to be delicious, but the smell would have been masked by the scent of others.

These stupid gatherings, how can I find my mate here? I didn't understand why my mother would have insisted I should be here.

I sighed heavily, my wolf itching to escape and find her himself, I didn't want to be here anymore and face disappointment, so left the messy hall, away from the prying eyes of the unmated and left for some fresh air. I could feel my wolf howling, I was getting too distracted by being angry about my mother, that I almost missed it. It was heavenly, it was costing me in its scent as I couldn't get enough of it.

My wolf was yipping and howling as I just stood there, basking in its deliciousness. It smelt like vanilla, mixed with lavender amplified to a million. It was the most delicious scent I ever smelt, truly it was a glorious, never in my life would I have thought that it was this amazing. I allowed my legs to follow the scent, careful of my surroundings as I walked on what seemingly was a footpath and it led me to some small steps, which I made my way up with ease, trying to follow the scent that should be my mates. The more I neared her, the more smell became more powerful, it was like an everlasting drug, I couldn't get enough of it. I stopped at what was a door, the vibrations that my feet made coming back at me, signaling there was some sort of barrier between me and my mate. Using my wolf hearing, I strained them to hear my mates small gasp as I knew she could smell me, basking in my scent as I did with hers. I could sense she wasn't moving, she wanted to find me, but she wasn't moving, I was though. My hands were in a desperate search to find the door handle, but being careful at the same time, I did not want to make her think that I was an intruder. The more I tried to find the stupid handle, the more my wolf yipped and wanted to escape, my fur was already standing and I could feel my canines descend.

My Alpha side wanted to claim what was ours, and my wolf side wanted to take her instantly. Scared that I might scare her, I forced my body to run away from her. My legs had picked up speed as the connection that I had momentarily with her broke and I ran away, trying to calm my wolf and my Alpha genes before I did something I would regret. I hadn't found my mate at the age I was supposed to and my wolf was very agitated when we didn't find her and since we did, it wanted her badly.

I prayed to the Moon Goddess that I could keep my wolf under control.

After I left her wherever she was, I headed back into the hall allowing the other scents of other wolves to try and calm my wolf down.

My gamma came up to me to check up on me, while unmated females tried to rub their scent on me, but I growled at them and they backed off, I hoped anyway.

So, while my wolf repeatedly bugged me, I prayed that my mate decided to come out and find me. I wanted her, and hopefully, she wanted me.

I walked around some more, trying to find the scent I longed for. The night passed on in minutes and I found myself walking down a long corridor, only to be engulfed by the same smell I was entranced with probably a couple of minutes ago. I beamed, trying to sense if she was nearby, and she was. I quickly made myself find the source, trying to sense if she was in a room or not, but she wasn't, she was in an open area.

My wolf was once again howling as we neared what was a long corridor with pillars, my senses heightening as we could hear our mate sniffling and it pained me to think I was the cause of this. I allowed the vibrations of my footsteps to guide me as well as her amazing scent and soon I found myself, what was hopefully my mate as her scent was stronger than I anticipated. I swore her sniffling stopped and I felt her gaze on me, she was looking at my eyes, I knew they were blue, even if you expected my eyes to be white, somehow my eyes were still blue, even with my blindness.

I found my body kneeling down, allowing the scent to engulf me and my wolf as we happily went quiet for and allowed ourselves to share this moment with our mate. It was perfect, even though I couldn't see her, she must be beautiful. I needed to touch her, my wolf and I needed this.

With me, hopefully staring at her, I allowed my arm to extend out to touch her cheek. It was almost electrifying as my fingers skimmed over our mate's cheek, but what was the best part, was when I came in contact with it and I saw colors. It danced in front of me, it was amazing, my heart was starting to beat fast, I could hear her heart pounding in my ears as both pleasure and happiness seeped through us.

The colors still dancing around me, as if one touch from her could bring my eyesight back as if she was already in love with me. She was a gift from the Moon and she gave me the wonders of colors, something I never encountered before, and now I could see them, it was like they were auras. I could see the figure of my mate sitting right in front of me, eyes dazed as she took all of me in. I felt happy, I knew she was mine and it all it took was a breath for us to both know who we were to each other.


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