
My Claim - Part I

I entered the grand hall, my heart fluttering with a mix of excitement and nervousness, my hand securely wrapped around Erdem's arm. The weight of our precious bundle, Ezio, nestled in his father's embrace, added to the warmth and love that radiated between us. All eyes turned toward us, the spotlight shining on our new family as we stepped into the limelight.

As we made our entrance, smiles began to spread across the faces of the crowd like ripples in a calm lake. The air buzzed with anticipation and joy, their eyes welcoming us into their embrace. It was a moment of pure bliss, feeling the acceptance and happiness emanating from those around us.

Just as we were beginning to settle into this newfound sense of belonging, Ciro appeared, his Luna in tow. A rush of familiarity and comfort washed over me as Ciro approached, a beaming smile on his face. We embraced tightly, the years of separation instantly fading away, replaced by the unbreakable bond of friendship. Ciro congratulated Erd
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