Magic in the Moonlight

Magic in the Moonlight

By:  Dave  Ongoing
Language: English
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Yesterday, my name was Elizabeth Summers. I was 43 years old with a good job that I didn’t like much, but it paid the bills. When I woke up today, I was told my name is Kimberly Sparks. My birth certificate says I’m 24 years old. I don’t have a job or a place to live. But there’s a seriously hot guy taking me home with him. Elizabeth Summers died yesterday in a terrible fire and Kimberly Sparks was born. But I’m not a phoenix; I’m a werewolf. Who knew?

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17 Chapters
Chapter one
I looked around at the mound of documents and hoped (for the dozenth time today) that I could flee to the Bahamas. I grinned as I recalled my lunchtime phone talk with my closest buddy earlier in the day. I'd tell him if I went missing that afternoon to start searching on the white sand beaches of Nassau since I was sick to death of the audit at work and anxious about the full day of meetings I had booked for tomorrow. He'd laughed and reminded me that I had a week of vacation coming up as soon as the auditors left.I would have told him I loved him if I had known that was the final time I would ever see him. Oh, not anymore, not for a long time. But Samuel Nash was the most influential person in my life. He'd been my boyfriend for several years. When that didn't work, what bothered us the most was the prospect of losing our close relationship. Samuel and I made a pact that no matter how tough or distressing the issue was, we would work through it together. He'd been my best buddy sin
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Chapter two
It was warm and dimly lit. Quiet. I could hear something beeping faintly in the background, but it was far away and didn't bother me. I went back to sleep.But I had the strangest dream. I was growling on my hands and knees in a hospital bed. The guy from the basement, the one who forced me to drink his blood, was present. He was assuring me not to worry because no one was going to harm me. He continued speaking to me in this calming, gentle tone, but I was furious. Why? What has gone wrong? But he advised me to sleep again, which seemed like a nice idea, so I cuddled up on the bed. My tail beat a few times on the bed before I fell asleep again.Wait. My tail?I pushed my eyes open again, perplexed. White walls, shady windows, a faint beeping, and a stench could only be described as a hospital. When I glanced down, I saw an IV in my left arm. My right arm seemed to be in a cast. I tried wriggling my butt in the bed, but nothing moved. Even yet, I couldn't detect a tail. Just a dream,
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Chapter three
So I'm not a vampire after all. Derek kept his word. But I'm not human anymore. I'm a werewolf, apparently, but I'm not sure I believe it.A werewolf, indeed.The day began routinely enough. Dr. Scott came over and informed me that I'd done such a good job with my Jell-O and applesauce supper that he was promoting me to solid meals. And what about my broken arm? It's almost healed. He believes the cast will be removed tomorrow. He said I'd be allowed to shower later today since my knee was as good as new. I asked him how long I'd been in the hospital, and he skirted the topic once again. It enraged me to the point where I let out a serious-sounding roar. That was a little frightening.He removed the bandage from my neck. Dr. Scott hesitated when I asked for a mirror to see it."I'm not going to lie to you, Elizabeth. Right now, your neck looks awful. That man ripped you to shreds. You have many stitches that will fall out in a day or two. Just trust me when I say that the scar will di
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Chapter four
My dreams that night were sweat-filled nightmares filled with wolves and the bastard vampire that attacked me. He repeatedly shoved me against the wall and taunted me. He laughed more the more I bled. The wolves circled, growled, and attacked at random. Derek loomed over me, earnestly telling me things that screamed at me. I had died. I used to be a werewolf. I used to be a vampire. I'd never be able to return. All of my friends and family are no longer with me. Throughout it all, I was engulfed in a vortex of agony that enveloped me. My monitors must have given me away because the nurse came in and injected me with something that put me under so deep that my nightmares couldn't reach me. Dr. Scott removed the cast from my arm in the morning, and I spent over an hour in the shower washing my skin and hair until I couldn't smell anything except soap. The only thing that remained hurting was my neck, so I washed it. I was shaky and trembling at the end of the shower, but I made it on
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Chapter five
Dr. Scott kept his promise. A half-hour later, an orderly arrived with a wheelchair, and we were going. As the elevator doors closed and we descended to the below-ground laboratory, I felt a shiver go down my spine. Part of me worried whether I'd ever be able to come back up.The tests were not painful. An X-ray, a CAT scan, blood samples, and an MRI were all procedures I'd had before. When they returned me to my room and I crawled into bed, something inside of me calmed. I nearly sobbed with delight when Derek arrived a few hours later. He was holding a huge pizza with cheese and pepperoni! I grabbed a handful of his shirt and yanked him down for a loud, smacking kiss on the cheek as he placed it down on the bedside table."Sir, you've made my week. Thank you very much!"He laughed and made a courtly bow that, in his jeans and t-shirt, should have looked ridiculous, but he did it with grace. "I am just yours to command, whatever the Lady wants."I laughed and grabbed a lovely piece.
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Chapter six
Dr. Scott gave me two gowns so I wouldn't flash anyone on the plane. He tried to hide his snicker of amusement, but I saw the look that passed between him and Derek. I ignored it, put my gowns on, and stomped off toward the main entrance.The driver didn't blink, but the pilot openly grinned at my attire. I sighed and settled in for the flight. It was a pretty snazzy little plane. Large, leather captain's chairs (that swiveled!) in elegant bone color, a small round cherry table bolted to the floor on one side, and plush navy blue carpeting set off the inlaid wood accents on the walls and the hand-blown glass light fixtures. I buckled in and thanked Derek for the blanket he tucked around me. I don't remember much after that until Derek shook me awake as we were getting ready to land."I called ahead. One of my pack will be waiting at my house with some clothes for you. We can go out shopping tomorrow if you like, but you seem pretty beat. Let's get you home and settle in for the day, o
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Chapter seven
I was only vaguely aware of being carried up the stairs and into my new room. I was warm and comfortable and safe, that was all I cared about. When I was put down on my feet, I protested and tried to snuggle back into that warmth."Kimber, can you just stand there for a second? I need to turn down the bed so I can put you in it."I mumbled a protest in a sleepy, childlike voice and leaned against Derek. He held me against him with one arm while turning down the bed with the other."Okay, into bed you go," and I scooped off my feet and slid into the sheets.I blinked up at him owlishly, "What'd you call me?"Derek grinned at me, "Kimber. Kimberly is a mouthful and Kim is too short. You seem like a Kimber to me, sort of unusual and elegant. Is that okay with you?"It was already too warm in the bed. I pulled the sweats off and tossed them on the floor, leaving me in my t-shirt and panties."S'okay. You're weird, but I like it. I'm going to sleep now." My words were slow and sleepy. Talk
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Chapter eight
When we arrived at Derek's place, it took several trips to haul everything to my room. Noelle helped me unpack, talking casually about the shopping and how much fun it had been. Once everything was hung and organized, she went back to her place to get ready for the party that night. Before she left, I apologized."Noelle, I'm sorry about today. I didn't mean to pry into your head that way. I can't control it. I'm so sorry I made you remember that day and made you sad."She looked at me in astonishment and drew me into a firm hug. "You stop being silly right now. I was already thinking of that day. You didn't cause it, seeing that man who looked like my brother did. There's no need to apologize. Now try to relax and get some rest before the party."I could feel her absolute sincerity and it helped put me at ease. Noelle was an extraordinary person. I nodded in agreement, but after she was gone I drew myself a hot bath and climbed in for a soak.I was floating lazily in the tub, making
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Chapter nine
When I woke up the next morning, the house was quiet. I couldn't hear Derek moving around. My whole body ached from sleeping in the same position all night. I'd been so tired that falling into bed and falling asleep had been pretty much simultaneous. Suppressing a groan, I rolled over and mentally reviewed everything that happened last night.Marsh and Tasha were nice. The rest of the pack wasn't bad. I was just too uncomfortable with all of the speculation to see it last night. I knew the time would help. I just needed to get to know them. Except for John; I wasn't much interested in getting to know him. I couldn't fault him for his interest, but the way he went about expressing it was completely wrong. Intimidation and entrapment were not the way to a woman's heart.Then again, Derek had been pretty damn possessive. "She is mine and doesn't ever forget it," is that what he said? Something like that. Did he mean it or was he just claiming me to get the others to back off and leave me
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Chapter Ten
I woke up once in the night, shaking and sweating. I didn't remember the dream, but the panic and fear stayed with me. The urge to go climb into Derek's bed was strong. But doing that would be inviting something I wasn't sure I was ready for. Instead, I turned on the lamp and read for an hour or two. Eventually, I calmed down, turned out the light, and went back to sleep.The next time I woke up, it was light out. The first item on my new shopping list: are curtains. Other items soon followed. Computer, cell phone, car -- why did everything I need start with c? Amused with my silly list, I decided to go have some coffee. I could hear something clicking softly in the basement and realized it must be someone working out. Derek, maybe? Or had the pack shown up again?There was a fresh pot of coffee already brewed, so I helped myself. I looked around for the phone, but as I picked it up, I realized I didn't know Noelle's number. I'd have to ask Derek for it so I could call her. I hoped an
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