
Mafia's Addiction
Mafia's Addiction
Penulis: Oluwatobi Banks

The Encounter

Stephanie's POV

You don’t know how great it felt to be done with college.

Three long years away from home, I wonder how much has changed since I left.

The plane ride from New York to American was long.

Thankfully, I had second class so it wasn’t as exhausting.

When I landed, I grabbed all of my luggage and I went to go find my parents.

Instead I found a chauffeur holding a sign with my name on it.

I walked over to the guy and smiled. He took my luggage, and took me out to the limo that was waiting. Talk about rolling out in style.

The car ride was silent, but quick. Soon the huge house, which I grew up in, stood out in all of it’s glory. Man did I miss this place.

When the car stopped I jumped out of the car, and ran inside. I automatically went straight up into my room, and jumped on my bed.

“Oh I missed you so much,” I yelled into a pillow.

“Still an idiot,” I heard a deep voice chuckle. Kent!

I quickly shot up, and jumped on my brother causing both of us to fall to the floor. “Oww,” he groaned.

“Shut up if I’m fine you’re fine,” I chuckled.

“I broke your fall!” he complained.

“Shut up and hug me,” I giggled, and hugged him. He sighed and hugged me… well squeezed the life out of me.

“I missed my little sister,” he said in a baby voice.

“You’re little sister can’t breathe,” I gasped, as he let go of me.

I rolled off of him, and on to the floor. “Thank god, I thought I was about to die,” I exaggerated, and stood up.

“Oh get over it,” he laughed, and stood up as well. I took a good look at my brother, and noticed a big change.

His figure was a lot more muscular then it used to be, and his arms were covered in tattoos.

His hair was a darker brown then it use to be, and he looked a lot….scarier. But I know he’s just a dork.

“Well you look,” I paused, “Different.”

“Thank you,” he smiled, “You look…Terrible.”

“Good I was trying to look like you today,” I smirked, and he frowned.

“Well I see you two are getting along better then ever,” my mother’s amused voice, chuckled from behind me.

“Mom,” I yelled, and turned around to hug her. We held each other close and I could tell she was crying.

“I missed you so much,” she sniffled.

“I missed you too,” I chocked, trying to hold back my tears. We pulled away, and she stroked my hair.

“You’re so beautiful,” she smiled.

“Really,” I smiled, “Because I was told that I looked terrible today.” I looked back at Kent, and he smiled.

“I’m not wrong,” he smirked. I turned around and punched him in the arm. “Oww,” he whined, “Mom she hit me.”

“Can you two act your age,” she giggled, “Kent your 23, and Stephanie you’re 21. So get along you two.”

“What are you talking about this is a strong sibling bond,” I smiled, and hugged Kent.

We both gave her a cheesy smile, and she just laughed. “Where’s dad?” I asked.

“He’ll be home soon he had an important meeting to attend to,” she explained.

“Oh okay,” I replied, “Well I don’t know about you but I am hungry.”

“Same,” Kent agreed.

“Well there’s food in the kitchen,” my mom smiled.

“To the kitchen,” Kent yelled and ran down the stairs.

“Yay food,” I yelled and followed Kent to the kitchen. Man it feels good to be home.

Stephanie’s POV

After grabbing a much needed shower, and throwing on some blue sports shorts with a matching top.

I was sitting on the couch chatting with my mother and brother.

“So loser when are you gonna be able to play me in some tennis,” Kent smirked.

“Ready to lose so soon?” I challenged.

“Ha Ha,” he laughed, “I’m not gonna lose I’m gonna kick your as*-“. He was cutoff by mom.

“Kent Michael Banks,” she warned, “That sentence better end in butt.”

“It was,” he lied, “Anyway you ready to lose?”

“Pssh,” I giggled,”I’m ready to kick some…Booty.”

“That’s my girl,” my mom smirked. Kent and I grabbed some rackets out of gym, and walked outside to our tennis court.

Our mom grabbed us a bag of tennis balls from the garage, and gave them to us.

“Alright lets do this,” Kent yelled, and served the ball at me.

Luckily I was able to return it, and hit hard. It went back and fourth for a bit before Kent hit it out.

“Nooo,” he groaned.

“15 to zero,” mom hollered, from her chair on the patio,”Or 15-love.”

Kent and I played 3 matches of tennis. Sadly I only won the first one.

“I’m the winner,” Kent chanted. He’s been doing this for 10 minutes, and I’m getting pretty annoyed.

As we walked onto the patio I took a tennis ball and threw it at the back of Kent’s head.

“Really,” he frowned, and took a drink of mom’s lemonade.

“I was drinking that,” mom frowned.

“Sorry mama,” Kent apologized, and rubbed the back of his head.

I poured myself a glass of lemonade, which was taken out of my hand by Kent. “Thanks sis,” he smirked, and sat in one of the patio chairs.

“You’re welcome,” I mumbled, and poured another glass of lemonade.

I sat down in the chair next to Kent, and took a sip of my lemonade.

“So how was col-” mom was cutoff by dad walking out back.

“Dad!” I shouted, and hugged him. However, I felt rejected when he didn’t hug me back.

I pulled away, and looked at him. He had tears in his eyes, and he looked at me with guilt.

“What’s wrong dad?” Kent asked.

“I-I’m so sorry Stephanie,” he sobbed.

“What happened?” I asked.

“I-I sold you,” he chocked.

“You did what!” I shouted.

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