Love's Inferno: When Fire Meets Ice

Love's Inferno: When Fire Meets Ice

By:  Bethel W.C Eke  Completed
Language: English
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Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned... Hopeless romanticist Doris Evans is convinced she wants nothing more to do with romance after one too many betrayals and broken hearts. But then she crosses paths with the man who made her vow not to pursue love ever again. Just one look at him and she could feel herself melting like chocolate... She wants him but his heart is still as cold as ever. Now, she's had enough of being rejected and she's determined to make him taste a bit of his own medicine. But does she have what it takes to defrost his frozen heart and exert her big revenge plan? Workaholic Brad Bruce wants no woman in his life. Especially, not Doris Evans. She possessed all the attributes he disapproved of in a partner: Clingy, long-winded, and above all, Immature— Extremely immature! But still, she is like a fresh breeze to his all-work, no-play life. And, though he doesn't appreciate her carefree lifestyle, he knows more than anyone how strong the influence she has on him. Will he finally learn to loosen his tie—and open his heart? Or will he cling to his safe and predictable life, even if it means missing out on true happiness?

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Love reading this book. The storyline flowed along and kept me hooked! My favorite is the wonderful ending, I just love it!!
2024-03-08 10:33:58
default avatar
The writing was good. Interesting twists in the story. However, I got irritated when Doris was being immature. Love how 8 years old Nora and 4 years old Max acted and spoke mature. Hated that the transition between events was not always smooth and the wrong gender was used often. Nice, happy ending.
2024-02-18 04:27:48
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Caitlin Blackwell
I really loved this story, the characters were believable, the writing was excellent, and I laughed a lot!!! Would definitely recommend
2024-02-09 08:58:34
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K a
Pretty good story….worth reading.
2024-02-09 01:26:45
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ismail sherine
good job writer, captivating storyline, keep up the good work
2024-02-08 12:06:35
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Debbie writes
The book is captivating and the character thoughts are well portrayed, I love it.
2023-12-15 18:45:48
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Bethel W.C Eke
Author's review: If you enjoyed Evelyn and Jason's story in "When The Wrong One Loves You Right". Welcome to Doris and Brad's story. "Love's Inferno: When Fire Meets Ice." You don't wanna miss this...
2023-12-14 18:25:24
73 Chapters
DORIS EVANS scurried through the crowded airport, searching frantically for the lost and found office. Her heart pounded against her chest and her breath shortened and quickened as she pushed her way through the throngs of people. She felt panic rising inside her, and her hands trembling as she fumbled through her pockets, looking for her phone. OH, DORIS! YOU AND YOUR SCATTERED BRAIN! How had she misplaced her purse? There were important things in there that she couldn't afford to lose. Just when she was about to lose it completely to panic, she spotted a sign pointing to the lost and found, and she hurried towards it, feeling a glimmer of hope. She shoved past someone as she reached the entrance. Subconsciously, she apologized hastily before proceeding to the clerk's desk. Doris cleared her throat. "Uh. . . Hi, there!" She said, addressing the clerk. "I lost my purse some minutes ago." Desperate, she pleaded with the clerk, explaining that she had her passp
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JUST LIKE many other women in their youthful prime, Doris had believed in fairytale love, in the idea of Prince Charming who would whisk her away from her mundane life. She'd fed herself on a steady diet of romantic comedies and love stories. Though she'd also been warned about the other side of love, the side where people's hearts get broken and lives get shattered, she in her true hopeless romantic fashion had chosen to ignore them all and push for love and romance. She'd fall in and out of love and had her fair share of broken hearts and bruised egos. But yet, she held out hope that maybe, just maybe, there was someone out there who was meant for her. And, boy, had she been through a lot finding that "someone" meant for her! From the jerk in high school who had left her for the blonde cheerleader only for the reason, she'd been much more curvaceous than she'd been—like, how was it her fault mother nature decided to visit her a little later than others? To the bastard in her f
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A few months after Doris arrived in Paris, striving to sort out her life as she settled into the new environment, she'd received an anonymous email filled with malicious affronts and abuses. She waved it off and took it less seriously. Those kinds of messages didn't look weird to her. As a celebrity, she was used to getting anonymous messages daily. Most times, some of her enthusiastic fans would create edits of her pictures or videos with themselves in them and send them to her email, declaring how much they loved her. Same way her anti-fans send her all sorts of hateful messages and grotesque edits. But that particular email was extreme and one she shouldn't have taken lightly but Doris, in her carefree manner, brushed it aside as a bitter hater doing what they did best—spread hate. She was unaffected by the situation until she started receiving death threats and photos of herself in various locations, which indicated that whoever was sending her the emails was stalk
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"LET ME get this straight," Brad said through clenched teeth, struggling to keep his anger in check. "You made me come all the way from LA on short notice to defend your son for sexual harassment?" The last two words escaped his mouth like explosives. Are these people kidding me right now? He wasn't supposed to be here. He was supposed to be spending time with his daughter today as he'd promised. His little princess was the only person he lived his life for, ever since his ex-wife walked out from their lives. His ex-wife! The thought of that woman fueled his temper. In his eyes, she had been the perfect woman for him. Clever, stunningly pretty, and, best of all, a total Sci-Fi fanatic like himself. They used to talk for hours about the things they both loved, laughing over tall tales from all of the exotic places that they had visited. They had been inseparable. It was hard for him to believe that their beautiful relationship had ended so badly. . . and
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DORIS KNEW she was being petty but what could she say? She was wired that way. It was already an hour past the initial time they had agreed on and she was well aware Antoine Baudelaire and his lawyer were already in the meeting room but she deliberately wanted to make them wait. Two days ago, The Baudelaire's lawyer had contacted them, requesting to settle out of court. It was a long, strenuous debate between her, Elena, and the legal team. She was so adamant and wanted nothing more than to see that Baudelaire delinquent sniffing metal rods behind the slammer but Elena didn't want to press charges since they agreed to settle. She knew that taking legal action would be expensive and time-consuming, and she didn't want to waste any more money and time, but Doris was reluctant to let the matter slide. "We have a strong case and I'm confident in our chances," Doris said, her voice inundated with conviction. "Honestly speaking. . . we don't have a strong ca
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NO WORDS could begin to depict what Doris was feeling at the moment, seated at one of the tables at Le Bistro Chabots, awaiting anxiously for Brad to walk in. Le Bistro Chabot was a sight to behold, with its high ceilings, ornate chandeliers, and plush velvet upholstery. The dark wood floors and paneling gave the restaurant a timeless elegance, while the large windows overlooking the Parisian streets added a touch of modernity. The tables were adorned with crisp white linens and sparkling crystal, and the waiters bustled about in neat uniforms. The atmosphere was one of sophistication and refinement, with the gentle buzz of conversation and the soft clink of silverware on china adding to the ambiance. But the true beauty of Le Bistro Chabot was in the details. The art on the walls was carefully curated, and the flowers on each table were perfectly arranged. The crystal glasses sparkled in the candlelight, and the wine list was filled with the finest vintages. But perhaps the m
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"I THINK it's about time we consider expanding D&M Agency," Geneviève opined with certainty the moment the executive committee meeting started. Doris wasn't in the best state of mind, not after that humiliating and infuriating ordeal yesterday. Everything still felt surreal to her. She still couldn't believe she'd been stood up by that... that... Inhale and exhale, Doris! She mentally instructed herself. There was no point calling him derogatory names. Be the bigger person. But no matter how much she breathed, it still couldn't calm the rage and hurt she was feeling that kept bubbling out of proportion whenever she envisioned him having a laugh in his hotel room while she sat at the restaurant for over four hours waiting for him. ASSHOLE! There she said it. Today wasn't it for her. Particularly not to discuss business matters. Work was the last place she wanted to be at today, she'd just wanted to stay in the comfort of her home, wrapped in her thick duvet cov
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SQUEALING, THE little boy climbed onto Doris' lap, giggling mischievously. "Hey, Sweetie!" Doris singsonged, planting a kiss on his forehead. "I'm sorry, Ma'am. I tried to stop him," Annie apologized ruefully. Then she made a face at the kid. "But he's such a naughty boy." "It's okay, Annie," Doris replied chuckling. With a polite nod and one last funny face directed at the boy who, likewise, gave in return a bit of his own display, the petite brunette was out the door. "Hey, Sweetie, what are you doing here?" Doris asked, stroking the little boy's head who was still giggling on her thighs. "Oh my gosh, Mummy! I was like super duper bored, and I begged Nanny Lucy to take me to the playground. And when we got there, I saw all my friends from school, like Johnny and Sarah and Grace and Jacob! We played tag and hide-and-seek and we even got ice cream after. The ice cream shop had chocolate and vanilla and strawberry and even some fancy flavors I've never heard of
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"YOU'RE PUTTING that place up for rent?!" Jason asked, a note of surprise in his voice. Even over the video call, Brad could sense the shift in his friend's demeanor, from casual and relaxed to amazed and curious. He sat up a little straighter, his eyes wide and questioning. He seemed to be waiting for an explanation as if he couldn't quite believe what he had just heard. Perhaps it was the suddenness of the announcement or the fact that he hadn't expected him to make such a decision. Either way, it was clear that the news had caught him off-guard. Jason Lyndon was about the only best friend Brad had in the universe that he could trust with his life. They hadn't actually started out as friends. They had begun as mortal enemies. They'd met in the third grade of their elementary school when Brad had just transferred to the school Jason attended. He had been the new kid and didn't know much or cared to. Their animosity had begun when someone broke the overhead proje
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THE DINING room was bathed in early morning light, as the sun shone through the large windows. A soft breeze drifted in, carrying with it the sweet scent of flowers. Brad and his daughter, Nora sat at the table, each lost in their own thoughts while Mrs. Hopkins bustled around the kitchen, making sure everyone had what they needed. Brad was so engrossed in reading the morning paper that he barely noticed what was happening around him. As he reached for his coffee to take a sip, his eyes drifted for a second, and caught a glimpse of his daughter with eyes fixed on her breakfast. She absentmindedly poked at her cereal, taking a few half-hearted bites, but leaving most of it untouched. She sat hunched over, her shoulders rounded, a far cry from her usual bubbly self. Something was clearly bothering her, and Brad's parental instincts kicked in. He set his paper down and turned to his daughter, concern etched on his face. "Hey, sweetie," he said, his voice gentle. "Is every
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