
Chapter 2

Nadia's pov

The cool air wrapped its icy hands around my body, despite the fact that I was putting on my favourite, worn out leather jacket. Wrapping my arms around me, I shook like a leaf as I walked to the bench I saw at the bus stop. It was past two in the middle of the night and I was on my way home after quitting my job at the club. 

I would have taken a taxi home, but my money had been stolen from my purse and I had only my bus card with me. I suspected it was one of the girls who had been giggling the other time, but I couldn't go back to challenge them. With no other choice, I went to the bus stand, believing I should be able to get a bus in New York even if it was late in the night. 

The city never sleeps and all.

I sat on the bench and closed my hands to pray for a miracle. After sitting for close to ten minutes in fear of getting mugged, kidnapped, raped, the thought of walking home seemed realistic, even though it wasn't. A yawn escaped my pink lips as I settled in as best as I could. Using the back of my hand to cover my mouth, I shook my head to dispel the drowsy feeling I had been combatting all night as I sauntered from one client to another. 

“Just some minutes more and you'll be home,” I muttered  to encourage myself to be patient, taking in the environment before checking the time on my phone.

2:47 am 

The sound of a dog barking nearby had me glancing up from my phone to examine the area again like I hadn't already done it before. The whole street looked so deserted, except for the few souls hurriedly walking to wherever it was they were headed. My eyes spotted an old man wearing dirty and torn cloths. He was searching the black trash bag that was kept by the side of the road, a bottle beer in his hand. Ignoring him, I snuggled deeper into my leather jacket, trying to starve off the early morning breeze.

With nothing to do as I hopefully waited, I thought about the incident that happened earlier. Justin had been so adamant that I serve him in the closed booth, but I felt I could handle him. My overconfidence at being able to take care of myself had me underestimating his strength. So when he held my arms and pinned me to the chair, kissing his way down my neck, I was surprised and alarmed. All my taekwondo skills, which I had learned to prevent moments like this, failed me. In the end, I had to use my head to break his nose. He released me instantly, clutching his pretty boy nose as he yelled in pain, cursing loudly. I was about to escape when he grabbed my leg. Quickly, I took the open bottle of bear and slammed it on his head. It was then the Vip guests got to know what was going on. 

If I knew all this would happen, I wouldn't have gone into the booth with him. I released a sad sigh as thoughts of how I would pay for father's hospital bills crossed my mind. Serving people drinks was not what I intended to do for the rest of my life, no matter how promising the tips were. But it was something I needed for now. So every night I would cover my conscience and my face with a mask, and then put on a pair of nothings created to tempt even a monk and begin to wait on the rich. I hated the job, but not as much as I did my boss, Gideon. The serpent couldn't keep his slimy hands to himself. Having slept with more than half of his girls, both the dancers and waiters, the unsatisfied freak wanted to add me to his number of casualties. I called it casualties because that was what it was. It was astonishing that most of the girls found him attractive. They spoke of him with such abandon that I couldn't help but wonder if he hadn't charmed their brains out of their skulls. A smile brightened my weary features as I imagined him swinging a coin in pendulum fashion, commanding the girls to find him attractive. What started as a small smile grew into a wild laugh as the image became a cringe-worthy film.

My laughter died when a car zoomed out of the corner and sped past me. It was that exact moment the old man decided to cross the road. I screamed for the man to get out of the way, but he was too inebriated too take caution. Just went I thought he was a goner, the car took a sharp turn that caused it to spin till it turned over. The whole place was deathly quiet as fumes filled the air. Bag forgotten, I ran to the overturned car, coughing loudly thanks to the smoke. The homeless man joined me. I immediately gave him my phone to go call for an ambulance. At first, he stared at me like he didn't understand a word I said. His eyes were dazed. A quick slap to the face fixed that problem and he ran to do as I told him. 

“Hello! Mister! Can you hear me? Say something or grunt if you can hear me?” I said, trying my best not to touch him. I knew from a friend of mine that it was not good to move victims of accidents anyhow, so I didn't touch him. He didn't say anything. Fear filled my heart for the stranger whose blood had covered half of his face. I was still trying to get him to respond when I smelt it. 


If I was afraid for the man in the car before, now I was afraid for myself. The homeless man came back to kneel beside me.

“I have called them. They would be here soon.....” He trailed off as he caught the unmistakable scent. Not wasting time, he took off... With my phone still with him.

“Hey! Where do you think you're going? Are you just going to leave him here? He swerved so he wouldn't hit you.”

“I have to save myself!” He replied, not stopping.

“My phone!” but he had gone.

Desperation made me begin to call the stranger with an aggressive form of panic. He still didn't say anything.

‘He is dead, Nadia. Leave. Can't you see he isn't responding?’

This thought and more crossed my mind. After giving it one more try and I still got nothing, I stood up and began to run away. I hadn't gone far when I heard him cry for help. 

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