Hot Summer Nights

Hot Summer Nights

By:  Desiree Holt  Completed
Language: English
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Part One: I Dare YouShannon Gregory never thought she’d actually meet in person the man she connected with online, leading her step by step into the world of BDSM and the role of the submissive. Now he wanted to meet her in person, on a treasure hunt that he promised would end with the most erotic, sexually fulfilling night she could imagine. Did she dare take the challenge?Part Two: Journey to the PearlMiranda Fox’s latest loser one made off with a perfect pearl she bought and she wants it back. Then a Chinese fortune cookie tells her “Find the perfect pearl and you will find the perfect lover.” But was her hot, sexy friend BJ McNamara, a man she never took seriously, the one to show her where the perfect pearl is and what makes the perfect lover? Part Three: Hot to TrotBuying a ranch on eBay was the wildest thing Autumn Kelley had ever done. But then she discovers the ranch comes with a foreman who makes her pulse pound and could give her an orgasm just by looking at her. And then she meets his friend. But what happens when Autumn inevitably has to come down from the orgasmic high?Part Four: Take a Chance On MeZoe Fortunato is getting married. Tomorrow. But for her wedding gift from Brad she wants one forbidden night as part of a threesome. Will it help the wedding or call it off?Hot Summer Nights is created by Desiree Holt, an EGlobal Creative Publishing signed author.

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51 Chapters
Chapter 1
Part One: I Dare YouShannon Gregory tossed her keys and her purse on the hall table kicked off her very uncomfortable shoes and wondered if her week could possibly get any crappier. The new junior partner at her law firm was turning out to be the bitch of the world, starting the week by copping a case Shannon has been babysitting for weeks. Then her secretary had quit without notice, and thank you so much for that touch of professionalism. Tonight she'd come out of the office to find a flat tire on her car and roadside service backed up the wazoo.But now, well after eight o'clock, the final blow landed. She'd come home to find a note from Mike taped to the door: "Took my stuff, key in usual place."Ah, yes, Mr. Macho Michael Houston, who had simply walked out of her life rather than discuss what was really wrong between them. It wouldn't have taken much time, either. She could sum it all up in one short word-sex! Or lack of it.You'd think people who'd been together for six mon
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Chapter 2
The tenor of the exchange changed so subtly she almost didn't notice. Then one day she realized everything he said was a command, and given in a way he knew she would obey. It frightened her, aware that everything about her was changing, and in a panic she'd shut down the computer and not even gone near it for almost a week. But the restless need that plagued her overrode any other feelings. Finally she gave in and logged back on. All his messages were there waiting for her. They all said the same thing-"Where are you? Why have you run away?"When she didn't answer he wrote, "Don't be frightened. I would never hurt you. Ever. That's not what I'm about."Just like that she was back into the role.They'd been emailing back and forth again for two weeks now. Their conversation continued to grow bolder, his commands more graphic. They made her squirm in the beginning but she soon found the whole thing was an incredible turn-on. The first time she actually fucked herself with her fingers
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Chapter 3
Shannon barely made it through the next day at work. Her mind was constantly dwelling on the web sites she'd seen the night before, and Cock Robin's last message to her. She was so distracted her secretary had to remind her three times she was late for a meeting. Finally, finally, she was out of the building and racing home, anxious to get to her computer.She took time for a brief shower, sprayed herself with the scent she favored and wrapped a bath towel around herself. Tonight she wouldn't have any clothes to remove because she wouldn't be wearing any. Opening a new bottle of wine, she carried it along with a glass to her computer desk, logged into her special email box...and there he was!"Hi, Misty. Been waiting for you."She poured the wine into the glass and took a healthy swallow before typing back "I'm here.""Are you naked?"For a moment she was tempted to lie, but she knew, even across cyberspace, he'd catch her out."I showered. I'm wearing a towel.""If I were there
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Chapter 4
Her watch showed one minute shy of seven when Shannon walked into the Hot Java. It was crowded, as she expected it to be on a Saturday night. The first stop off for people on the hunt before they hit the bars. She took a sip at the end of the bar, prepared to order a coffee until she cold figure how who to ask about her packageShe'd taken great pains to prepare for the evening, shaving every bit of excess hair from her body, soaking in the tub for hours, then massaging her special lavender cream into every inch of skin. Even her insides were squeaky clean. And she'd taken great pains with her makeup-not too much, not too little.She was indulging in one of her favorite pastimes, imagining what Cock Robin looked like, when the perky server behind the counter approached her."Are you Misty?" she asked.Shannon nodded. "Why? Do I look like a Misty?"The girl laughed. "No, but you look the only person in here about to jump out of her skin. You came for this, right?" She reached under
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Chapter 5
Michael just stood in the doorway, with his lopsided smile that still made her heart race. But what was he doing here? How had all this happened?"Misty, I presume?" His grin widened and his hand reached out to clasp gently over her elbow, tugging her inside. "Come on in, sugar. Have you enjoyed your little treasure hunt?"Shannon wobbled into the cabin on legs that could have been made of rubber. She'd been prepared for a stranger yet here was Michael! The man who had simply walked out of her life."I-I don't understand.""You will. Come sit down."Still trying to steady herself and absorb the shock of what was happening, she pulled her cell phone from her pocket, said, "It's okay. You're done for the night," and disconnected, Marti who had cursed Michael until a fly wouldn't light on him, would be furious, but there was no physical threat from Michael, her life was not in danger and Marti didn't need to come to this party.Michael raised his eyebrows. "You had Marti on an open
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Chapter 6
Michael let out a breath. "All right, then." Fingers pinched her swollen nipples before he bent to lick each one with his tongue. "Magnificent. I always loved your breasts, and dreamed of seeing them so swollen from clamps like these that they looked like over ripe berries." When he bit each one gently Shannon couldn't keep herself from crying out. "But there is pleasure in the pain, isn't there, sugar."His eyes when he looked at her were dark with passion."Well, Shannon? Answer me. Do you enjoy the pain? Does it give you a rush?"She nodded once. "Y-Yes, Master.""He took the wine glass from her and set it aside, held both of her hands and leaned closer. "Shannon, I want to be your master. I want you to feel comfortable with the things I want to do to you. With you. I want to teach you how great the pleasure in submission can be. The fact that you're here, that you've done everything I've told you to, makes me believe this will work. Am I right?""Yes." The word was barely a wh
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Chapter 7
Lifting Shannon from her position on his lap, Michael stood her on her feet, hands still behind her back, and reached out to lightly pinch her nipples. She would never have believed the streaks of pain would give her such intense pleasure. And when he leaned forward and licked the tip of each one, she had all she could do to control herself."Now," he said, palming her breasts. 'The next thing for you to remember is you must never come until I tell you to. Is that understood?"Shannon gritted her teeth, knowing a climax roiled just beneath the surface, and nodded."I didn't hear you," Mike said, pinching a nipple."Yes, Master," she gasped out. "I understand.""Good. You may unclasp you hands. I want to see you on your knees. Now."Shannon was grateful for the relief the movement of her arms gave her, and dropped to her knees as gracefully as she could."Open my trousers and take out my cock," Mike ordered.His slacks didn't require a belt, so she unbuttoned the waist, pulled t
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Chapter 8
Four hands caressed her ass, switching back and forth so she was sure which were Adam's and which were Michael's. Fingers drifted down to her pussy, gathering her cream and rubbing it into the tight muscle around her anus. Then one pair of hands gently parted the cheeks of her ass while other fingers inserted more of the cooling gel. This time it was two fingers, exploring her dark channel, rubbing the softening tissues, touching nerves she'd never realized existed there.A hand left her buttock and dropped to her cunt, rubbing her slit from front to back."God, Shannon/" Mike's voice was husky. "I can't believe how wet and open you are. You were made for this sugar.""Shannon?" Adam's voice. "I'm going to replace my fingers with a plug. It will burn a little at first but if you relax it will go in much better. So. Take in a deep breath, but don't let it out until I tell you. Nod if you understand."She nodded and wriggled her ass for them.Adam laughed. "I believe the little witc
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Chapter 9
She nodded vigorously, willing to do anything if only she could have some release. Her entire body was one large erogenous zone, crying for satisfaction. She needed something in her vagina right now. Right now!"But only when we give the command, right?"She nodded again, pleading with him with her eyes."We're not going to fuck you yet," he told her, watching her with darkened eyes. "That comes later. Besides, we want to be able to watch you come apart, held in place by the restraints while your body convulses with pleasure. You have no idea how many nights I wanted to suggest that to you, but..."His voice trailed off. "But now we have tonight." He nodded at Adam.The blond god reached into a drawer and took out a vibrator that looked very lifelike, even to the bulbous, purplish head. It was at least as thick around as Mike's cock. Shannon's eyes widened and she wondered if she'd be able to take it with the butt plug in her ass."Don't worry, kitten," he assured her. "You'd be su
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Chapter 10
Shannon dropped gracefully to her knees and took the bottle of shower gel Adam handed to her. Without even being told she knew what to do. Carefully she washed each throbbing cock, probing each slit with the tip of a finger until the men groaned with pleasure. She made sure every inch of each cock was thoroughly soaped and rinsed before dropping her hands to the sacs that held their testicles. Manipulating them with her fingers, she soaped the pleated skin, then, with a daring stroke, slid one finger along the perineum of each man to the tightly puckered anus.Adam shuddered and Mike once again grabbed her wrists. "You do not do that until we order you to, is that understood?""I=I'm sorry. I thought you would enjoy it.""Too much," Adam told her. "Something else to save for later. For now let me feel my cock in your mouth, your tongue on the head, your fingers tracing the length. But only for a moment."And a moment was exactly what he meant. When she began to suck enthusiasticall
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