
Home sweet home

Allie's POV

Mum decided to disentangle from the hug for me to settle into my old space which has already been cleaned by Layla(the house help).

Mum insists that I should visit Dad in his chamber tomorrow forenoon. I grabbed the towel and walked into the bathroom for a refreshing shower. It took me a while to leave the bathtub.

I walked back into my room contemplating on what colour of nightdress to put on. I decided to go with my favourite lacquer which is blue.

I suddenly remember my little kitty, roaming my eyes around the room and he was wrapped up behind the dressing table. Guess one of the maids might have brought him into the room.

I signed in solace, then used a finger to lose my towel from the tip. I walked towards the huge mirror that hung like a chandelier but just beneath my dressing table to check myself out.

"What if those people touched me like they thought they would have?" I shivered at the thought.

"I don't think I would survive it and my boss, Oh good lord I hope he would reconsider me fit the sake of our special bonds" I hoped.

Blank pink "as if it's your last" blared from my phone. I hesitated for a while before hauling closer to check who is calling me by this time of the day.

"Aaron!" I exclaimed with eyes wide open.

"Oh! Good Lord, why is he calling now? " I pondered.

I dropped it back on the bed determined not to pick it up. But then again.

"He saved me today, I can't be that ungrateful right?" I asked no one in particular.

I decided to pick up after the continuous ringing.

"What took you so long to pick up my call Allie," he said with that usual rude tone of his.

I cleared my throat before answering.

"I was taking a shower, and by the way thank you very much for saving me today," I said appreciatively

"I would make sure to pay you back. I promise" I added regretting why I said it instantly.

"Don't you dare to tell my mother about the money I paid to your capturers. I said you were only kept in an isolated place. I know she would want to investigate those people which I don't want to be the topic for paparazzi to feed on"

He said nothing else before hanging up, not even acknowledging the statement I made earlier.

"How obnoxious" I scoffed, folding my arms.

I huffed, chafed by how surly he could be before jumping on the comfy king-sized bed wishing to have nothing but a good night's siesta.


I rolled comfortably on the bed with a hum enjoying every bit of it. I opened my eyes slowly taking in the domain. It looks familiar but not my main dwelling. I groaned with my hands rubbing my eyes as I sat up.

I jumped out of the comfy king-sized bed in panic.

"Oh, good lord. I am late!" I exclaimed in fright just instantly, I recalled every ounce of information from yesterday including that I had lost my job the previous day.

I recall every moment I witnessed yesterday flashed through me like lightning making my head too heavy to process it.

I think I need to get boozed.

Knock knock!!!

I grumbled, not ready to meet anyone.

The person was persistent too as he/she kept knocking. I suddenly wished the room isn't that soundproofed so it would be easier for me to dismiss whosoever is at the entrance.

I stood reluctantly, dragging my foot on the base with my hands swinging to and fro to meet whoever was there.

"Oh, I was disturbing your nap, right? I am so sorry " Nadine the chef's youngest daughter apologised.

"It's ok, what do you want?" I asked trying to stop myself from yawning.

"hmm, ma'am asked me to call you down for breakfast". She proclaimed pointing a finger downwards to demonstrate.

"Ok. I will be there in the next few minutes. I just want to freshen up".

"Alright then".

I nodded, waiting for her to leave so I could slam the door. I sat down for a few minutes with my palm on my face.

I rasped and whined severely every time I look at my phone hoping for a call from no one but my boss.

With one last stare, I stood up to go into the bathroom.


Just as I promised, I joined Mum in the dining room for breakfast. She was almost done with her meal though.

"Good morning Mum" I muttered, yanking one of the dining chairs closer to sit.

"Good morning dear, how was your night? '"

"It was great. I slept like a baby"

"That's great then".

A few minutes later I decided to leave the dining room after I dropped a spoon of food I was about to scoop into my mouth.

"Don't tell me you're done with your food?" she was surprised by how I just pinched my food. Well, it isn't my fault I don't have an appetite this morning.

"Yes I am"

"Allie sweetie, should I ask Nadine to make the food you want?"

"No mum. I just don't have an appetite"

"Oh ok... but"

"Mum please.." I pleaded attempting to step on the first stairs.

"Alright. Alright just make sure you don't skip it often"

"By the way, we need to discuss something when Aaron gets here," She said firmly

"What's that about? And why with Aaron? " I grumbled inwardly trying to guess what matter it could be that Aaron needs to be involved in.

"When Aaron comes" she replied, narrowing her eyes.


My heart is already beating at the announcement.

I walked through the staircase to go visit Dad. The man who took me in the day I felt dejected.

I still recall that night, 15 years old me, I was abandoned by my first foster parents. They believed I was the reason for their bankruptcy. Even though they were like parents to me for 5 years I still can't forget how harsh they became after their companies started going through a difficult path.

I shrugged the thought using my palm to rub my face which is getting sweaty. I placed my hand on the knob of the door.

"Dad!"I exclaimed excitedly. He looks healthier than the last time I laid my eyes on him.

My eyes become teary. I could be an emotional mess when it comes to this man. God knows how much I want him to be my father but I just couldn't risk it after my experience with my first parents.

I don't want to be an irrelevant useless being in the eyes of people again. I have grown to become a better version of myself. Self-reliance, and self-love.

"Oh oh my little Allie" His face brightened up

"How have you been?"

"I'm good" I replied using my thumb to wipe a tear that successfully dropped.

"Don't tell me you are crying" he chuckled trying to release me from his embrace.

"I am so happy you are in good condition, Dad!"

"Wait you thought I would close my eyes and it won't open again"

"I am stronger than you think baby girl," he said flexing his muscles.

"I am glad then," I said, rolling my eyes playfully.

"I am serious though" he grinned playfully.

"Have you seen Aaron recently?"


"Is he around?"


He struggled to sit on the bed and I was fast enough to come to his aid. After he was comfortable enough, he looked at me nervously like he wanted to say something but contemplated on it.

"Do you want to say something? "I asked, placing my hand on his reassuring him to proceed.

"Well... Allie. You know I am getting old I am over 65 and now" he said pointing to his bed" and now struggling between life and death"

My mood changed after he said that. This is so heartbreaking.

"Don't you think I have come to the age for me to carry my grandchildren?" he said sadly.

"Who knows when death would decide to strike me" he continues sniffing indignantly.

"What are you talking about Dad? Stop that! You are yet to enjoy the sweetness of life" I trembled silently at the thought of him being carried away in a corpse while we were all putting on black attire.

"What type of life sweetness are you talking about? I have already worked hard. Multi billion companies but I don't think I have that happiness"

"I want my son to be close to us. I want us to have that unbreakable bonds" he laments as he eventually breaks down in tears.

I don't even know what to say right now. I am baffled. My body system started reacting to his laments as if I am the reason I have known this man for the past 7 years. A strong man who was also from the trench. He told me stories of how he suffered with his relatives and how they strived hard to survive hunger day and night, encouraging me through my toughest time. He has been holding it in for a long time for him to open up like this to me.

I moved closer to embrace him hoping it would be of support. He is not supposed to let himself be stressed out in his situation.

"Aaron is such an ungrateful son," I thought with a disgusted face.

Sometimes I always wonder why life can be so unfair. He has parents who love him dearly but he only absurdly reciprocates their love instead from what I witnessed the past years I have been living with this family.

I jolted out of my thoughts when I heard him sniff again but then he made a statement that made me feel perplexed.

"Let's make a deal"

"A deal? "

"And what's that all about? " I questioned curiously.

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