

Walking down the stairs was Olivia, astonishingly dressed, when the brothers saw her its like they came across an angel.

Austin stretches out his hands for her, she takes his hands and he walks down the stairs.

Walking down she wanted to tell him something but Antonio interrupts and takes her hand away from him.

Austin's facial expression changes and Raul and his men spots him.

Talking with their microphones

"Did you guys see that?" asked Raul.

"Affirmative sir" they both replied.

"Attention everyone, can I have your attention, the apple of my eye is here, so let begin with the celebration" said Antonio.

"I'm happy to see all of you came and also glad that my husband is now an hall of famer, this is also going to be a great opportunity for me to talk some of you present here" Olivia announced and winks at Austin, with that movement Raul is seeing everything.

"Yes but that's not all we're celebrating, to add to the celebration, my younger brother has come after a longtime" said Antonio as everyone claps and Austin walks up to where they are.

"I'd so like to announce that from now on I'll be living with my brother and dear sister in-law, so you guys would be seeing more of me, isn't that great sister in-law" said Austin as Antonio leaps for joy.

"Yes, yes that'd be very great and awesome" replied Olivia, to herself says"this is going to be great, now that he's going to leave with us, I'll have an opportunity to tell him the truth ".

Antonio hugs Austin" brother thank you so much, now you've fulfilled mum and dad's final wish that both her children with their wives and kids all leave in the same home" said Antonio.

Antonio pulls back and faces the crowd, Olivia and Austin stand at his back

"Many years ago our parents built this place for them see both their kids grow up, leave here and start a family here, but unfortunately for them, they couldn't leave to see their dreams come true, that's why I'm so glad my brother is coming to leave with us" said Antonio as a thunderous clap is heard.

Antonio smiles, he hugs his brother then his wife, Austin hugs Olivia and simultaneously they say to each other "we need to talk" Austin gets excited.

Still on her arms, he gently and softly moves his left arm down to her lower back letting his fingertips touch her bum, one of Raul's guards takes a picture of that.

"Ugh, let go of me people are watching and I'll go to the restroom pretending that I have to dress and you'll follow me, is that understood" said Olivia.

"Both of us alone in the restroom, I wonder what noises are going to be heard" said Austin teasingly, she pulls away from him.

"I want to go use the restroom, I might take a while" said Olivia.

"Okay, no problem, we'll be here waiting for you" said Antonio.

Olivia stylishly taps Austin as she makes her way to the restroom.

"Brother I have to go make an important call, I'll be right back" said Austin.

"Oh okay" said Antonio.

Raul noticing their movements send one of his guards to follow them.

Walking right pass the restroom, Olivia drags Austin in and at his back Raul's guard following him.

"Could you explain everything to me? I thought you were dead?" asked Austin.

"I faked my own death" said Olivia.

"You did what! Why?"

"You already know why"

"Well I don't, oh! does he know who you truly are?"

"No he doesn't, now you're here I think I'm toast"

"Well, just keep in mind that I'm not going anywhere, I just saw you and now I should leave that's not going to be possible"

He moves close to her and pins her to the wall, puts his hand on her waist, glares at her"you know I yearned for you, I always knew that somehow you were still alive but I had no way to prove it, you truly cleared your tracks"

Just right outside Raul's guard videos them"this girl is bad bitch, trapping two brothers, she has skills"

"I also too, there's no night I didn't miss you, your touch, smell and everything, that's why when you touched I always pull myself away cause I won't be able to control my feelings"

"I know, should I make this evening very special for you right here and now?"

She pushes him away"no what if someone catches us"

He holds her by the hands"let them catch us, tonight is for us" pulls her towards himself, she shuts her eyes as she becomes sex driven.

Caressing her, her body titillates by his actions and within a blink of an eye she kisses.

Having a rough and wild kiss, she breaks up and says"I've missed this so much" she offs his belt and unbutton his pants.

He pulls her zipper down, carries and puts her on the zinc.

"Wow!" said Raul's guard.

"Uh... uh... mmm.... " she moans, as he continues pressing in on her.

Her arms are wrapped around him as he goes in deeper and she gets short of breath" uhh..uh...u..h" he goes in harder, she breathes heavily.

"Oh my God, oh I have missed this" said Olivia.

"Really should I go harder" said Antonio as he rides her harder and deeper.

She tightly hugs him, her lipstick marks a spot on his neck.

A noise was made from outside the restroom, they here voices and quickly runs into on the toilets thereby locking the door from inside so no one catches them.

Sitting on top of him she makes a smooth and gentle bounce on him as it brings delight and satisfaction of desires to both of them.

Outside the restroom Raul's guard gets question by one of the guests" what are you peeping in here, is something happening there?".

"No, I thought I saw a bird fly in, so that's why I was peeping"

"That's why you were peeping?"

"Yes, sir it seems like someone's calling you why don't you go answer the person"

"No one's calling me"

"Really is that so, okay let's go make friends" said the guard as he deviates the person's attention.

Olivia comes out the bathroom smiling and feeling excited, Austin follows right behind her.

___________ _______ ________

"Okay, I'll have to leave you now, enjoy the party" said Raul's guard.

"Boss, you're right, there's something going on between those two, I have a video of both of them and I'll come show you" he communicated.

"Where's the video?" asked Raul.

"Wait let me play it"

Raul smiles on seeing the video, his guard gets confused.

"Boss, why are you smiling or are you also.... you know"

Slap on the cheek"shut up you fool" said Raul.

He holds his cheeks"boss I'm sorry, I'll shut up now" walks away.

"Now what do I do with this video, should I show Antonio and ruin his marriage at an instant or use it to blackmail them, if I blackmail them I'll collect enough money and also still show Antonio the video, so its still a win for, just like killing two birds with one stone" said Raul cunningly.

____________ _____________

"Brother I'm back and I'm so glad I made that phone call" said Austin whose bursting with joy.

Antonio then notices a lipstick marking at the side of his neck, he chuckles,"I can see that, it even left a stain on your neck"

"Why are you laughing and what's on my neck?"

"its nothing, don't be shy to tell us, we've all experienced it" everyone laughs, Olivia signals him.

He touches his neck and sees Olivia lipstick marking.

"Oh this, I got this from a very special someone"

"Special someone, hey" said Antonio.

"Okay you got me, I was with my lover, she couldn't come to see you guys because she has someone else in her life"

"Whose that?" asked Antonio.

"My brother"..............." your brother?, I don't get you" said Antonio.

"What I meant to say was, my future brother in-law, isn't that right sister in-law?"

"How could she have a clue?"

"Well yes she does, don't you?"

"I have no clue actually"

"Why won't you? at least you share a strong and physical bond with your brother in-law, aren't I right Mrs Oli-vi-a" said Raul cutting into their conversation.

"Well yes I do, he's my brother in-law"

"Really, so you agree that your bond is that close that you'd get intimate with him?" asked Raul, he tries to frighten Austin and Olivia.

"Hey Raul! watch your tongue and where did intimacy come from, who called you into this conversation, you better watch yourself, or else" said Antonio angrily, he's anger got the extent that he raised his hands at Raul causing a huge commotion.

"No need to yell, I'm already leaving, Namaste" said Raul.

"Okay everyone the party is over, thanks for coming" announced Antonio as the guests take their leave.

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