

"Austin, what's going on, what's all this" Antonio asked out of frustration.

"I don't know what's happening, for some reason I can't control it"

"What do you mean you can't control it, just fix whatever is happening here and I'll take the investors outside to buy you something"

"Okay brother"

"Please hurry up and fix this, the image of my company is at stake, just take care of this mess as quick as possible" said Antonio.

"Antonio can you explain what's going on?" asked one of the investors as the rest nod their heads in agreement with it.

"My bad, it's just the first time in a long time he's ever presenting a meeting, the tension is kinda getting to him, come follow me let's go and give some time for him get himself back together" said Antonio.

"Okay if you say so but this shouldn't repeat itself" said one of the investors.

"Yes trust me, it'd be the first and last time this would ever happen"said Antonio glaring at Austin.

They all leave the room as Austin tries to figure out what's wrong with the computer.

Meanwhile Olivia is still having difficulties locating the conference room.

"Aargh what's going on, why is all this happening today?" rhetorically Austin asked.

He checks the computers wiring but couldn't find anything as the problem.

Just about to smash the computer out of frustration someone opens the door and he looks shocked at the mere sight of the person.

*******. ********* **********

Olivia opens a door and is surprised at seeing the person there.

Simultaneously they both say" you!"

Olivia delighted on seeing the person, whom turned out to be Austin.

"Olivia what are you doing here?" Austin asked.

"I came to warn you about some person, who called earlier on and sent a video of the both of us during Antonio's award party"

"What do you mean? Like I don't seem to get, how did we get on video?" Austin asked perplexingly.

" I don't know, we were all alone there so did this person get us on video"

"How couldn't you know, when you're good for nothing"

Infuriated by his harsh words, Olivia slaps Austin across the face.

"How dare you call me a good for nothing, weren't you also there with me, how couldn't you know we were being caught on camera?" she replied harshly.

Just about to give her a reply, the computers screen glitches thereby getting their attention.

"What's wrong with this computer? Since you came here things haven't been going well for me, most people's love come with good luck but mine comes in with bad luck" Austin said as Olivia gets sad heartened on hearing that.

Wipes her tears away and says "you're calling me bad luck but none of this would have been happening if you didn't come into my life in the first place, you're a bad aura to both your brother and I"

"Olivia!" he exclaimed, he stops himself from raising his hands on her.

"Why did you stop? Hit me, hit me, you've already hit me with your words so what's stopping you now?"

Realising his mistake was about to say sorry but a voice in the background echoed "No don't even dare touch her"

Shocked on hearing that they both freeze and look for the voice is coming from.

"Who said that?" Austin asked.

"No one, just a well-wisher of Antonio" the person replied.

"Who are you? Wait you're the same person that called me earlier" Olivia said.

"Yes you remembered me, when I tell you I'm a friend you deny me but now you can see how easily you recognized my voice, how sweet" said the person.

"Friend! If you were truly a friend you wouldn't be doing this to me"

"Okay enough talking with the lady, be a man show yourself"

The person's video was turned on,"now my video is turned let's talk since you're a man" said the person.

"You what do you want from us, why did you have to create such a scene today, you could have called another day" said Austin.

"So you're saying that if he called another day other than today you wouldn't be bothered?" Olivia asked.

"No I'm just saying because today was very important for me and now it got ruined thanks to the both of you"

"We ruined your day, talking like you are the only person here that doesn't have anything to do?"

"I don't care all I know is, I'm not just cool with what's going on here"

"Am I the one that's now cool with what's happening, all this wouldn't be happening if you had never came back into my life"

"Olivia you did enjoy it when he was riding you, didn't you? now why are you regretting it?" the person asked trying to worsen the argument.

"Tell her, when you were like go deeper, did you not enjoy it, yes or yes"

"Wow! so I'm wrong for saying that but you called me bad luck there wasn't anything wrong with it?"

"Well he isn't lying, when you're rich in the things that makes a man forget himself" said the person.

"Hey, I've heard enough from you, don't you ever talk Ill of her" said Austin.

"Why you're telling him to stop when it was you that gave him the moral to say such a thing when you're insulting me in front of him, don't show your fake concern after creating the problem"

"This is so cute, I'm jealous but it's not yet complete because Antonio isn't here let me call him"

"No, what do you think you're doing?" Austin asked.

"Don't even think of it, okay, instead of wasting our time just tell us what it is you want" Olivia said.

"What do I want, all I want is for Antonio to be here and I won't leave until he comes"

"Do you promise to leave if we get for Antonio?" Austin asked.

"I do but not forever because I'll still come back"

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