
Chapter 10: Lady Swann's Diary

December 20, 1810

I am convinced that Fallon is suffering from some disease of the brain.She sulks all day and speaks to no one.In all the months that she has been here,she has yet to say a word of what happened in Egypt.It is almost as if she has erased the memory of that time from her mind.We have no idea what happened to her over there or how the deaths of her parents have affected her.

Not even the celebrations we have planned for her birthday in two days time have been able to elicit a smile from her.She is like the walking dead,a shell of the girl she once was.Charles tells me she has taken a shine to reading and she spends some time in the library with him.Not speaking,just reading.I am truly taken aback by this girl,what can I possibly do to help her?

The servants tell me that she leaves the Manor in the dead cold of night and walks around the grounds while speaking to herself.The snow which has  fallen does not even deter her.What frightens me the most though is that the servants tell me she rambles on about magic and the dark arts in her sleep,calling out the names of creatures not of this world.I no longer think I have the strength to deal with her.

January 01, 1811

What a wonderful way to start the new year!After all these years,of hoping and praying,I am finally with child!Charles is ecstatic as we had all but given up on ever being parents and now this miracle has happened.I can not stop touching my stomach,feeling its roundness and the precious gift within me.

I do so pray that nothing will go wrong and I will be able to deliver a healthy baby,a son for my Charles to carry on the family name.

Fallon,quite surprisingly,congratulated me upon hearing the news,even going so far as to smile.I honestly did not think she had it in her to show any kind of emotion whatsoever.So unlike her parents,so strange and closed off.

I have heard more rumblings from the servants of her strange tendencies.One of them followed her on her most recent sojourn in the dead of night.He followed her,in the bitter cold to the fountain in the garden where she apparently began to pray to some heathen Egyptian deity!

I must really speak to Charles about this.That poor girl is not well.

January 11, 1811

The portrait my dear Charles had commissioned of me is finally complete.It was hung in his private study where,as he said,I will always be close to him,even if he is busy working.He is so romantic and now that I am carrying his child,he treats me like a queen!    Fallon was there when the portrait was mounted,her face a mask of disapproval.Why I know and neither care not.The day she congratulated me on the baby was the last time she had actually spoken to me,aside from common courtesies.

I have noticed she has a fondness for Charles.Her eyes come to life in his presence and I find it quite disconcerting.Its almost as if she has an infatuation with him.I have raised my concerns to him,but he sees no wrong in her.He feels tremendously sorry for her,being orphaned and all.

That is so like him.Compassionate and caring,even to those who might not be worthy of it.

January 18, 1811

This day has been very strange indeed.In the morning we awoke to the news that Charles’  beloved Arabian Stallion was found dead in the stables.It came as a shock.It was a fine horse,not even 5 years old,with no signs of disease or any other ailment.Charles was beside himself of course and retired to his study for most of the day,until just after the midday meal,when he came bouldering from there,speaking in a string of expletives.

My portrait had somehow crashed from its place against the wall,the beautiful imported frame shattering against the floor.Luckily no damage was done to the portrait itself and Charles promised me it would be reframed very soon.

Yet,the strangest was still to come.

While busy with my embroidery,Fallon came to see me.She seemed very relaxed,smiling and talking of small things that had happened in the manor and then she spoke of the stallion and my portrait and how sad she was these events had transpired.I was quite taken aback,she seemed almost like the girl I had known when she was younger and her parents were alive.She then told me that she wished to give me a gift,something that had belonged to her mother,my dear sister.To say I was surprised,simply does not carry enough meaning.

She gave me a pearl necklace.

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