
Chapter 16: Danger to Ethan

“Does she say anymore about Ginny?”Ethan asked.His pensive mood from before had lifted somewhat and he looked a bit more relaxed.

Beth beamed a smile at him,a gesture filled with reassurance and love.The more time she spent in his company,the more she was convinced she would go to the end of the world with him if he should ask her to.

“She doesn’t say much more about Ginny,”she replied,”but here’s a piece where she herself saw this other woman,the one that Ginny saw.And it was after you were born.”

“What does she say?Beth,what is it?Read it to us.”

“December 24,1984.I can’t believe that Ethan has grown so much.He’s only three months old but already so robust.I have my hands full with him but luckily Royce is as in love with him as I am.Its almost my baby’s first Christmas and my heart stops,everytime I think of what happened today....”

Christmas Eve,1984

“I’m sorry my darling,”Royce said,bending down to give Polly a kiss on her head where she was sitting in the rocking chair in the nursery,Ethan sleeping contentedly in her arms. “I know I promised I would spend the day with you and Ethan.This problem at the office came up so unexpectedly.I will have to deal with it myself.”

Polly tried to hide her disappointment as best she could.She knew from the word go that marrying a powerful businessman like Royce Hollingsworth would require sacrifice.She didn't have to like it,but she had to accept it.

She loved him and she knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that he loved her and their son.To her that was all that mattered.

“I understand my love,”she said with a smile.”And besides we’re not going anywhere.Will you be back by lunchtime?”

“Hopefully,”he said,gazing in fond admiration at the two people he loved more than his own life.”Be good.Both of you.”

Once he'd left,Polly gently laid Ethan in his crib and sat down in the rocking chair again.She hated leaving him alone even when he was asleep.For him she would take on an army.Now that she had a child of her own she finally understood what people meant when they spoke of the power of a mother’s love.

She must have dozed off for a while,and when she awoke it was to the sound of Ethan making the gurgling noises babies usually do.But that was not what concerned her….

She…It….stood beside Ethan’s crib,her presence chilling Polly to the bone.She smiled,her rotten teeth broken and decayed.

“He’s mine,”she said in a low and guttural voice,transfixing Polly with her gaze,”to do with as I please!”

“That’s what she wrote?”Marcus said slowly,his expression alternating between shock and disbelief as he cast worried glances at Beth and Ethan,who could do nothing but return his bewilderment.

“Its what Polly wrote down,”Beth said.”This spirit appeared in your father's nursery….in some attempt to claim him as her own.”

She turned to look at Ethan,his face ashen with shock.

“My mother would never make this up,”he said,almost as if he were trying to convince himself more than them.”It has to be true.What else does she say about that day?”

Beth turned her attention back to the journal,cleared her throat and began to read once more.       

“I could not move.It felt as if I were being held in place by invisible threads of steel.My heart broke,thinking of my precious baby at the mercy of this creature who could not be of this world.The more I struggled to move,the greater her joy was at my predicament.I will never forget her face,or this day,because it was the day when I stared evil itself in the eyes..."

…….”You cannot have my baby!”Polly whispered,her voice broken and weak with fear.This was not natural.The abomination before her was threatening her Ethan’s life and there was nothing she could do to stop it.The more she tried to move,the more it felt as if she were being held by unseen chains.She could feel her heart racing in fear,fear for her son’s life.Surely God would not be so cruel to let her witness…,no,anything but that!

“Take me instead,”she said,with all the strength she could muster,”just leave my baby.”

For a mere second Polly imagined that she saw some surprise in the spirit’s expression,which was quickly replaced by the most cruel and bitter smile she had ever seen.

Around Ethan’s crib,shadows were gathering,their apex at her feet.They seemed to be one with her as she finally replied.

“You are of no worth to me woman,”she said in the same inhuman voice.”I have waited lifetimes for what you have birthed.I want your son,and have him I will.Make no mistake!”

Whatever happened next,Polly would never know or remember.The darkness beckoning to her was all she felt,all she needed in that moment.

And finally,when she opened her eyes,Ethan was safely in her arms.

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