
Fenrir Rising
Fenrir Rising
Author: LupusDeus


In the year 692, in the kingdom of Fura where magic was prevalent among humans, was an event that would alter the course of history and change the lands of Fura forever. 

An astral being called Suriel who was worshipped as the goddess of nature, found three wolf pups who were orphaned after human poachers killed their parents. She took pity on these wolves and vowed to protect them with her life. Suriel used her magic to change the wolf pups into anthropomorphic wolves, soon to become known as werewolves which are the first of their kind. She knew that she could not properly care for these wolves in her current astral state, so she decided to make herself human drastically reducing her magical abilities. This is the only way she could interact with them, properly teaching them how to defend themselves from humans who may seek out to destroy them. 

The human domain, despite drawing magic from other realms encompassing strange monsters and beasts that use magical abilities, have not yet encountered creatures such as these. 

Suriel took the wolves and settled down in the forest near the village of Kalda. She named these wolves Fenrir, Skoll, and Luna. Fenrir, who was the oldest of the three, has brown fur with peppered back fur covering his body and yellow eyes. Luna, the second oldest has pure white fur, rare even among normal wolves, as well as blue eyes. Skoll the youngest of the three has black fur and yellow eyes. The village of Kalda is far from any magical guilds, and rarely sees any adventurers wandering through making it an ideal place to keep a low profile. 

Ten years have passed since Suriel took the wolves in under her care. Fenrir usually spends his day's training his magic, while Skoll and Luna explore and play in the surrounding woods. Suriel had told the wolves about the dangers of wandering too far off from home. Fenrir being the oldest of the litter had felt the need to keep an eye on and protect his younger brother and sister. Every time they wander off too far he would always find them and scold them for wandering off too far from home. Even with all the responsibilities he had as the older of the siblings, he never procrastinated when it came to training. 

Fenrir found himself training with Suriel to strengthen his powers. It is a semi-open spot in the area in the woods where they visit five days a week to train for a few hours before letting them have time to enjoy themselves before they left. Sitting on the ground, meditating to further increase the flow of energy through his body he asked Suriel a question. "Mom, why don't you make Skoll and Luna train more like I do?" He asks looking up at her while she keeps her gaze on the other two who are having fun by climbing trees. 

"Because one day I won't be here to protect all of you, and you already have the same desire to keep them safe as I do. Right now you are just children, and deserve to behave others your age and have fun just like all other children do." 

Suriel did not like the idea of forcing what she now considered to be her children to a life of solitude. She wants them to live a happy life as long as they can, however, she knows that one day they will venture out into the world. In order to get along with humans, they need to learn social skills and human morality. Not teaching them such things could possibly keep them away from humans, after all the dangers she had said could arise from showing themselves to them. "You should find more time to play with your siblings instead of training all the time."

"I know, but I have to get stronger to protect them when we do go out into the world." 

"Someone your age shouldn't worry about that right now. You're supposed to be having fun like Skoll and Luna."

"But training is fun for me. If they felt the same way then we could spend more time together."

Suriel looks down and smiles at him. Perhaps she didn't realize how mature he has gotten, putting his own childlike selfish desires aside to one day be strong enough to protect those he cares about. 

"I'm glad you want to become stronger to protect those two, but just remember that you only get one chance to be this young. Spending time with them is more valuable at this juncture in your life. "

Even though he is more mature than most children his age, he still has a lot to learn, Suriel thought to herself. 

"When will you teach me to use magic? As of right now, I've only been strengthening the flow of energy throughout my body. You haven't entirely told us how to manifest this energy to use as actual spells."

"Magic can be dangerous as I've told all of you before, we draw our energy from our surroundings as well as the other realms. Proper control is needed in order to not to take that energy from an unwanted source. If that would happen, depending on where that energy comes from could cause some unwanted side effects."

Since Suriel gave the wolves the ability to harness magical energy themselves, she noticed that they could do so above the normal level that humans can. Drawing energy from stronger monsters would be easier for them, but harder to control. When you initially draw energy from other sources, it has a chance to connect those sources directly with the caster. Drawing energy from monsters with a sinister aura could potentially corrupt someone's mind. "For now the important thing is to focus on your control over the energy first."

Fenrir didn't like the idea of waiting to use magic, however, he knew the importance of listening to someone who knew what they were talking about. 'I need to be patient'. He thought to himself. 'To get stronger I need to learn the basics first.'

With the sun setting soon Suriel knew it was time to get these wolves into bed. "Skoll, Luna it's getting late it's almost your bedtime." 

You can see the disappointment on their faces as they realized how late it was getting. Skoll starts climbing out of the tree as Luna is already running up to them. "Is it really that time already?" Luna asks. 

"It's starting to get dark, and I don't want any of you out here for the rest of the night." Suriel says to them.

The trip back to the house takes half an hour. Their house is just a small wooden shanty, crudely constructed with old wooden planks, and falling apart due to it being abandoned years before. The window spaces lacking glass, wooden planks deteriorating with some repair to keep the house from collapsing. Suriel's own garden rests just beside the house, mostly consisting of Delphinium, the tall blue flowers lean against the house istself. Inside the house itself consists of two rooms with broken furniture and sleeping beds made from hay. 

This was a typical day for them. Doing chores in the morning and training at night. Nobody likes doing chores as a kid, but tomorrow was going to be different. They were starting to run low on food, and it was Fenrir's job to take his younger siblings hunting while Suriel did yard maintenance and work on fixing the broken planks on the house. 

Skoll is the first one to pass out and fall asleep on his bed, no doubt today took a lot out of him. Fenrir and Luna were the last to lay down but had a hard time falling asleep. "You should play with us more often Fenrir, you take your training way too seriously." 

"I'm just thinking about the future." Fenrir responds to Luna as he closes his eyes. 

Luna sits up and looks at him with a serious expression. "If you're always thinking about the future then you don't have time to enjoy the present. Skoll and I are getting worried about you. You don't spend as much time with us as you used too."

"Don't you care about getting stronger?" Fenrir says while still keeping his eyes closed. "We need to be prepared to face anything that we encounter out there in the world when we get older."

Luna takes a long sigh. "That's years down the road. Mom said that it's normal for kids our age not to worry about our future yet." 

"You should try to get some sleep Luna, we are going to have a lot of work tomorrow hunting for food."

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