

Isabelle’s Point of View

The distant thumping echoed through my veins, synchronized with the rapid rhythm of my heart, intensifying the pulsating desire within me. The anticipation for tonight's ceremony had been building up all day, and I absorbed every ounce of energy in the air. Standing unclothed by the window, gazing up at the moonless night sky, I couldn't believe I was about to embark on this journey.

My attempt at a normal college life a few years ago had ended disastrously, leading me back home under the protective shield of my father. It had been a defining moment for me, shifting my perspective. What had once felt suffocating and confining now became my liberation from the inner turmoil that had haunted me since my mother's passing. The primal wolf within me demanded acknowledgment, and the pack rituals provided the necessary balance for our human side to coexist harmoniously.

"You look absolutely breathtaking," a deep, resonant voice broke through my reverie. Startled, I turned to face Malik. "Malik, you're not supposed to be here." In haste, I snatched my heavy cloak from the bed and slipped my arms into its comforting embrace.

"I can't resist you, and you damn well know it." He closed the distance between us, enfolding me in his strong embrace. "I've been waiting for this night for so long," he murmured softly, his warm breath tickling my ear.

"I have a feeling it's going to be worth every moment of anticipation," I playfully responded, locking eyes with him. Damn, he looked irresistible at this moment. His presence wrapped around me, providing a sense of comfort I didn't expect.

It had been over a year since I accepted his proposal as my arranged mate, and surprisingly, I had grown accustomed to having him by my side. His intense, brooding eyes constantly ignited a fire within me, challenging my alpha wolf nature.

"Did I ever mention how much I adore your seductive words?" His lips pressed against mine, igniting a blazing heat that surged through my body, sending tremors of desire to the core of my being.

"Yeah, you know exactly what gets me going," I playfully replied, nipping at his lip and tasting a hint of blood.

A deep rumble resonated in Malik's throat, and a mischievous grin curved my lips as I felt his excitement match my own. The anticipation was electric, surging through our bodies. If we weren't careful, we'd end up on the floor, unable to resist each other's desires before the ceremony even began. I pushed him away, reluctantly suppressing the throbbing ache between my legs and the yearning in my chest. My inner wolf was insatiable.

"We can't give in to this temptation right now, and you damn well know it. So get a grip, wolfie," I admonished, watching his reaction closely.

He growled, shooting me an intense glare. I loved teasing him with the nickname he despised. Male wolves had a tendency to become even more aroused when provoked, and I wasn't sure how much longer he could hold back before pinning me against the wall, his raw passion unleashed. Despite our ability to exercise restraint for this significant night, patience wasn't exactly Malik's strong suit.

Chase, he was on a whole other level. The guy had the patience of a saint, and no matter how much I pushed his buttons, he remained in complete control. It both frustrated and excited me beyond belief. God, I was head over heels for him. A pang of guilt nagged at me, and I turned my gaze back to the window.

"What's bothering you, Isabelle?" Malik moved closer, but he kept a respectful distance. Even he understood the need for us to cool down.

"I know Chase understands the necessity of keeping our relationship hidden, but it breaks my heart to keep him in the shadows," I confessed, my voice laced with a mixture of sadness and frustration.

"Then speak up. You're an alpha, Isabelle. Rewrite the damn rules," Malik urged, his eyes filled with determination.

I whirled around to face Malik, a fire burning within me. "Don't give me that load of crap. You know if my father discovered the truth, he wouldn't let me become the pack leader tonight. He'd probably hand the pack over to one of his dim-witted male lieutenants just because they have a pair of balls between their legs."

A hard edge crept into Malik's features as he offered a tight smile. "Maybe you're underestimating him, Isabelle. Sure, he may be stubborn, but don't you think he understands the burning desire you endure? The unrelenting hunger that demands satisfaction?"

I brushed past him, finding solace in the corner chair. I didn't want to rehash this discussion again. It always led to the same outcome. Tonight was significant, and I refused to walk away once more. The pack needed this as much as I did.

"He'd be livid to discover that it's Chase who has fulfilled that role for me all this time, not you," I stated, my voice laden with a mix of determination and resignation. "But I've made my choice. We will be mated, and I will assume leadership of the pack. It's our only chance for future transformation. Chase will be by my side as my devoted guardian until the opportune moment arises for this inevitable confrontation."

Malik remained silent, and I deliberately kept my gaze fixed downward, unwilling to seek his reaction. Bringing Malik and Chase to a place of acceptance had been a challenging journey, but tonight everything would change. In explicit detail, Malik would take his rightful position by my side publicly, with Chase bearing witness.

Changing the rules regarding the official mating of wolves and their human protectors would be a battle for another day, not tonight.

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