

Chapter 5 Uncanny

Hearing him say that the father and daughter Lilac could only shake their head, it appears that their alpha had different thoughts for his daughters. Poor Zane.

“Zane really has it tough these days, coupled with the pack spreading rumors, she also got a father who appears to grow a more favorable opinion on another daughter, a suspicious one at that,” Olivia complained to her father while shaking her head in disappointment. She can only imagine how distressed Zane would be on her birthday to see a crowd eyeing her.

“You know that you shouldn't talk about my mate like that. Neither to our alpha.” Lucas, who overheard their conversation, ruffled his sister's hair and warned her.

“I'm just stating the obvious fact brother, Alpha Lester is a great leader, but he is a bad parent.” Olivia reasoned, which both men could only silently agree.

“So how’s your two-faced mate?” hearing the insult, Lucas growled at his sister and later on rolled his eyes in annoyance, he knew too well that she only wanted to see him irritated.

“She is fine, she is sweet and kind as always, I don’t understand why you hate her so much sis, but she is a great person if you could only give her a chance.” he reasoned, Lucas did not want to reach the point where he has to choose between the woman in his life, he would rather have them in peace.

“Kind” Olivia mocked her brother and added. “Beware, we don’t want you crying in our arms because she betrayed you. And if she even dares, I will rip her head off.” after glaring at her brother Olivia then left their house and purposely left a meaningful glance at her father, which left Lucas puzzled.

“Dad? What does she mean? It’s my mate, she won’t cause me harm, would she?”

“I don't know son, just, just beware, you know your sister well.” tapping his son’s shoulders before excusing himself to leave, he still has to finish up his work at his office.

“Zane! You won’t believe what I heard!”

“Hey, Oli, what’s up?” Zane greeted while fixing the garden pots she was planning to use for the flower she chose to plant on her veranda.

“Hey there, anyway. That bitch Victoria just caused you a problem.'' Zane chuckled at her friend’s red face, she looked really pissed. Her face would start to get red or puff out of nowhere when she gets mad.

“What are you laughing at? It's not funny at all! Aren’t you worried about your birthday celebration?” stomping her feet in annoyance, Olivia felt wrong that she got worried for nothing, and the woman even dared to laugh at her.

“Fine, fine, tell me what happened, but first help me out at this, I will be planting a new flower for my veranda.” pointing at the garden trowel beside her, Zane went back into plowing the grass in front of her.

“So father and alpha Lester were discussing something when suddenly that white lotus bitch steered the topic towards your birthday, she said it would be really fun if there’s a lot of people, a ball and some music! Ugh! What a bitch!” seeing how strong Olivia reacted, Zane smiled wryly, although she does go and party from time to time, but she still prefers the serene life of the mountains. Quite far from her front of being the overbearing daughter of the alpha.

“You see, I kinda learned the anger control over the time Victoria was bugging me. Try to hold your breath for 5 seconds then release. See if it also works for you, this will be a big help for you when you face her now every day. Besides, I also have to hold my social debut if I have plans of being the next alpha, I need to grow my connections.”

Seeing as though Zane refused to talk about it anymore, Olivia just shrugged her shoulder and let her be.

After plowing three columns of flower beds, Zane mixed some fertilizers on the soil and planted the seeds. When these start to grow into tiny buds, then she will move it into its own pot and move them on her veranda to bloom and grow.

“Zane, have you, been in contact with your wolf?” After a lot of consideration, Olivia decided to ask her.

“Uhm, yeah. But she is weak. I'm not even sure if I will be able to transform longer than an hour.”

“You really need to meet your mate then, no one should know about this. A forced transformation won’t do you any good also.”

“Oli, keep this a secret. Promise me, not even to uncle Oliver.” The conviction in her voice made Olivia nod and agree abruptly.

For a future Alpha, a loss of connection with their wolf is a big problem. Along with her problems of being mateless, she also has yet to experience her heart. It was an anomaly that caused them a headache. An average wolf would meet their mate before they turn 21 and experience heat once in a while.

In her case, she doesn't have a mate and has yet to experience heat, which is also the reason why her wolf grows weaker by the minute. A weak connection with your wolf means you won't be able to shift anytime you want because your wolf will spend most of its time recuperating.

“Then what are your plans? If your father really plans to invite the other clans, then you would be obliged to shift in front of everyone and perform the Moon blessing.”

Dusk Dawn Pack is famous for their social debut ritual, shifting into their wolf form while they bask under the moon’s light while being watched by everyone.

“I guess I have to talk to Meiko about it.”

“Dad, Uncle Oliver, everyone.” Zane greeted everyone at the dining table before she sat and silently ate her meal. The abrupt changes of her attitude worried Olivia and her father the most, her bright personality seemed to have changed into this silent and aloof adult. It would have been better if the change was due to her maturing, but to know that it was caused by her family, was something worrisome.

“I decided to celebrate your birthday according to your sister’s suggestion. Do you have anything to change?”

‘Everything’ she thought but decided to let them do what they want and continue to eat after uttering a no.

“I will also introduce your sister to the banquet, she deserves to be known. You won’t be so stingy and keep that from her, will you?” his dark eyes stared deeply at his daughter as he watched her froze and shake her head silently, Lester knew that he was forcing his daughter to accept Victoria, but he had no choice. It is best for them to get along.

“I will… go whatever your plan” immediately losing her appetite, Zane used the fork in her hand to stab the grilled meat served for her. Watching it gradually shred into strips of meat.

“That's good, be more mature, you are no longer the pampered kid I raised. Be more understanding... like Victoria.” hearing what her father said, Zane’s hand stopped midway and her gloomy face paled before she dropped her silverware and stood.

“I'm full now, thank you for the meal. Now, if you excuse me, I need to go back to my chambers and rest. Goodnight everyone.” without waiting for their response, Zane left the room and went to her room.

Eyes closed and arms open wide, Zane stood at the veranda with a sad smile on her lips. How long is she going to stay depressed? No matter what she does, everyone will still have a say.

No matter how much she convinces herself that it was fine to be sad, hurt, and disappointed with how things are right now, it's just difficult for her to cope when she was so used to being in the limelight. Selfish as she may sound, but she wished that Victoria never existed.

Or maybe, she is the one who needs to disappear.


Maple Writes

(Don't forget to leave a comment, share and give me reviews for me to know if there are things that I should improve with and change at the same time. Have a good day. Enjoy reading.)

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