

Chapter 4 Mateless

Worried for her best friend, she ran back towards the infirmary where she left her. But the grave news that Zaiah passed away after giving birth and crying about Lester betraying her.

Her weak body was not able to handle the scorching pain from the childbirth and wasn’t given the chance to rest, she then suffered her mate’s unfaithfulness, which caused her life.

Tori blamed Lester so much that she demanded him to throw the woman away from the pack, who appeared to be his first love before he met Zaiah. He will also never have the chance to touch Zaiah’s urn in this life ever again, in turn, he can take possession of Zane their daughter.

Tori left the pack along with Zaiah’s body, Vowing that if he ever hurt Zane, then she will do her best to steal her away. That is also the reason why Oliver treasures the young Zane. He does not want his friend to make another mistake again, he already lost his mate once, what more if he lost his child.

After the pack dinner concluded, some elders of the pack gathered at the meeting room to talk about the recent happenings, and one of those is regarding their future alpha.

“Alpha Lester, rumors are going around about young Zane’s abuse of power, some even said that she had no hopes of being the next alpha because of her previous issues of being overbearing and reckless.” An elder reasoned as he looked at the other ones who nodded and supported his claims. Oliver could only keep silent on the sidelines and wait for Lester’s thoughts about it. He wanted to know if this time, he will be able to fight for his family.

“And what do you think I should do about it?” he responded while scanning the people before him sitting at their own seats discussing.

“Give your other daughter a chance for the throne, she looks more promising and her attitude is one to boot.” another one chimed.

Rubbing his chin as he glanced at his beta who was silent the whole meeting, Lester nudged him and asked for his thoughts.

“It’s your family Alpha, everything will depend on your decisions.”

“I see, then. I will give my daughter a chance to prove herself worthy as the next alpha, while Victoria will also have the right to claim the throne. But Zane has to find her mate before the second full moon,” they then concluded the meeting and proceeded to their own homes.

“Oliver, you tell me the truth. What are your thoughts about my daughters.” Lester asked after everyone left but them.

“I have no opinion on the matter, alpha.” seeing as though his friend stubbornly closes his mouth with the matter, Lester no longer pushes the topic and tells him to go and rest, in which the other just bowed his head and left after.

Meanwhile, Zane went to her room followed by her friend Olivia who silently watched her as she lay on her bed with the thick comforter hiding her shivering body.

Zane felt no jealousy nor was she hurt, it was unbearable for her to watch the people she once had with her every time, slowly cut her off from their life. Acting as if she never existed, was painful.

Holding the tears in, Zane hugged herself to sleep after thanking Olivia and asked her to lock the door once she left.

She has to get used to things, now that Victoria is one of them. What more could possibly happen?

The morning after that night, Zane noticed that some pack members were now looking at her as if scrutinizing. What she can’t even bear was, they would pretend to do things but was obviously talking behind her back.

She could only shake her head and act as if she saw nothing, she had grown used to her pack member’s toxicity.

“Zane, the alpha wants to talk to you at his office.”

Receiving the mind link from her uncle Oliver, Zane understood that it must be something urgent. Dropping the things she was holding while excusing herself to Olivia, Zane left towards the mansion.

While she is on her way to her father’s office, Zane notices the pack warriors train at the grounds lead by Lucas who appears to be more dazzling than ever, as he flexes his masculine body to his mate who was sitting on the wooden benches looming over him.

She can never deny that the two looked so perfect with each other, and she held no bitter feelings against them, if the moon goddess thinks that she is not meant for Lucas, then someone better must be for her. She just hopes that he comes a bit faster, she needs to find her mate before her birthday, or else her wolf would start to weaken.

Brushing the thoughts off the side, Zane knocked on the huge mahogany door and waited for her father’s permission.

After hearing him acknowledge her request, Zane slid herself inside the room and sat at the chair in front of his table. He was skimming through the files in his hand, then his eyes landed on her before dropping his things at the table.

“I called you here because of your upcoming birthday,” he stated while handing her the paper he was reading a while ago.

“The council also raised the issue of you not having a mate and not undergoing heat since then. If this continues, you might lose your chance of being my heir. If you still haven't met your mate, then I will be forced to do things that we both know that I don't want to do. If you still haven’t had your heat, I'm afraid your fertility will be questioned and so will your rights.”

Nodding her head, Zane felt more threatened, what should she do, a mateless alpha means a weak wolf and a danger for their lineage. It is a must for them to have mates especially having heat that assures the pack of the continuation of the genes.

“What should I do? No matter how hard I roam around the territory, the older I get and the less the chance for me to meet him.” she reasoned

“I will also be giving your sister, Victoria, a chance at getting the throne, you both are my kin so you deserve a spot for it.”

“I understand” sensing the conviction in his voice, Zane knew that this can not be overridden nor changed.

Lying against the wooden headboard of her bed, Zane contemplates all the happenings and sighed to herself. Leaving the pack is getting more and more tempting by the minute.

“Zane, you have to get out there and claim your identity, that Victoria is already way ahead of you, she earned everyone’s attention and respect.”

She got nothing against it, but knowing the woman, she would just appear more villainous in everyone's eyes, so it's best if she continues on ignoring Victoria.


“Daddy, what are your plans for Zane’s birthday? I hope we can have balls and music around, it will really be fun! Thinking of the outgoing Zane, she must like night parties” Victoria said while holding the leather book she has been reading since yesterday. Wearing a floral dress paired with beautiful sandals that Lucas gifted her. Appearing more and more beautiful day by day, Victoria easily gained everyone's favor after appearing sweet and kind.

“Uhm I was thinking of a simple restaurant that she loves, Zane really is not a fan of fancy things so she prefers simple dinners.” Olivia chimed while glancing at her father who nodded to support her claims.

Rubbing the small stumbles on his chin, Lester grunted and thought of it very carefully. It is only a must to invite the other packs over for his daughter’s birthday. But Zane is indeed the type to prefer simple celebrations, that is also the reason why the other packs have yet to know her. She rarely socializes with other people but she also likes attention once in a while.

“Let us go with a ball and I will invite the other packs over, she needs to have her social debut now, she is no longer getting any younger.”



(Don't forget to leave a comment, share and give me reviews for me to know if there are things that I should improve with and change at the same time. Have a good day. Enjoy reading.)

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