

Chapter 9 Assassination




All eyes on her as she stood before her father who in turn shifted into his wolf form along with the other alphas beside him. His head proudly raised up high, his body towering her as his paw landed on the top of her head gently.

Receiving the recognition from the Alpha, Meiko, Zane’s wolf form, then elegantly made a deep obeisance, before the hall erupted into a thunderous applause.

The party went on like that till it reached its end where Zane had to make her speech.

Standing still before everyone who watched her attentively. She slowly walked towards the platform and held the microphone in her hands tightly.

“Everyone, from the deepest part of my heart, and on behalf of Dusk Dawn Pack, we thank you for celebrating with us. I am honored with the positivity and warmth you have shown me. Thank you, to my family, especially my little sister who prepared everything for me.” Zane wanted to emphasize Victoria’s involvement with the party as to help everyone remember that whatever happens next, will all be directed to Victoria later.

“Tonight, I-” before she could complete her statement a loud explosion interrupted her speech as everyone went into panic and pack warriors surrounded their Alpha’s and protected the women within the crowds.

Everyone cautiously stood their grounds waiting for the attack when suddenly Zane who was standing all alone raised her guard as she held onto the gun hidden under her thighs. You can never be too sure.

The other alpha’s warned their pack members to stay vigilant, Lester also raised the defenses surrounding them, Lucas hid Victoria behind him while Oliver protected his daughter.

Suddenly feeling an ominous premonition, Lester ordered one of the warriors to guard his daughter as he moved towards Zane.

“Careful” Meiko whispered as she was forced to shift when Meiko took over her body, shifting into her wolf form, wrecking the beautiful dress she wore, along with the sound of flesh tearing apart.

‘Ptch’ Zane felt the sudden pain on her shoulders as she staggered the stand properly.

She was shot and luckily after Meiko took over, she was able to dodge and take the bullet straight to her arm.

“Zane! Protect my daughter!” Seeing her weakly standing still with a wounded arm, warriors from various packs covered her body as they determined that the target of the killer was her after several more attempts to shoot at her.

This culprit wants her dead.

“Zane hang on, we will get you treated. Go find that bastard!” Oliver ordered as he put pressure on her wounds to lessen the threat of losing a lot of blood.

“I’m fine. Chill out.” having the strength to joke around even at such a weak state, Olivia had the urge to choke her best friend.

“Fine your ass, shut up and conserve your strength, we don’t want you dying on your birthday dummy.” hearing her nag at her, Zane giggled as she winced in pain as she cursed under her breath.

“Silver bullet, fuck.” Briston exclaimed as he mindlinked his aide to come and wait for them at the lobby. “For now, let us move her to the lobby, one of my aides who happened to be a doctor will help her out.”

They assisted Zane towards the lobby while they were surrounded by warriors guarding them for another possible attack till they reached the lobby.

“Alphas” as they entered the lobby, a group of men greeted them and helped them move Zane to the sofa.

“The bullet seems to have buried deeper into her flesh, luckily, it missed her bones. If it didn’t I’m afraid it would be fatal.” the doctor said while checking on her wounds and started cleaning it.

“It is best if you stay in this form while i treat you, if you try to shift back, then the bullet might move and create more damage. Are you able to hold on?” he asked while glancing at her through his spectacles hanging on his nose.

“Do it fast.” Meiko growled and groaned. Her current state isn't helping at all, if she forces her body to stay as is, then she might not be able to shift back for months.

“Then, please endure.” After Meiko assured him, he then started to treat her wounds. It took him an hour till he was able to scoop out the bullet inside her, and just as he finished stitching, Meiko demanded everyone to leave.

Reluctant at first, but knowing what's about to happen, they then obliged and took no offense on her request.

Shifting back to her human form, Zane laid down the sofa and started shivering in pain. It looks like she has to train harder, the bullet penetrated her arms well enough that it caused her seizures, she needs to strengthen her body when she recovers.

Grabbing on to the blanket lying at the side of the table, Zane wrapped her shaking body before losing her consciousness.

“To think that this assasination attempt happened before 5 respectable alpha’s is such a joke. We really lowered our guard down, luckily Zane did not suffer an even bigger assault, or else, werewolves would question our strengths and abilities as rulers.” Krifter reasoned as he gripped the paper that held the report of this night's incident.

“Have they seen the culprit?” Lester asked with a grave look on his face, his daughter was almost killed before him and he wasn't able to do anything about it. To think that the killer really wanted her life after several attempts of shooting, means that the assassin held grudges against her.

“Lester, you know your daughter well, have you heard of anyone that she had ever offended?” Ruggeus questioned as he sized up the man before them.

“My daughter is very adventurous and outgoing, aside from having weekly night outs with her friends, Zane had stayed inside the territory, training or lazing around, I also never heard of anyone that she offended.” he answered with her brows scrunched up in confusion.

“Zane’s action is always reasonable, so there is no way this is an attempt of assassination for  revenge.” Oliver reasoned.

“With these, we can conclude that this incident is neither an act of revenge nor a threat due to her offending someone. This could be against you Lester. If your daughter dies, then you will have no one to pass your throne to.” Briston spoke theories after the other and arrived with a possibility.

“Even if Zane dies, he still had-” even without finishing his statement, this did not stop everyone from coming to a conclusion.

It appears that the kind hearted daughter is not that pure after all.

“It can’t be. Victoria won’t be able to do that.” he was unwilling to admit the possible fact, and that was something they understood. A daughter you just met, turns out to be calculative. Anyone would have second thoughts on that.

“As much as I appreciate your help with the matter, but I don’t want to burden you with my matters, the Dusk Dawn pack offers its deepest gratitude, Alphas. Now if you excuse me, I have matters to attend to.” Lester stood from his seat and left with clear confusion written in his face, as he was about to exit the room, he heard the silent Jeoaneus speak.

“We know you are not a fool Lester, it is time for you to stop being sentimental. Figure out the importance of people around you, don’t let another false judgement cause you another family member.” with his voice filled with conviction and coldness, Jeoaneus turned his back against them and silently left the lobby through the opposite door.

Lester stood by the door frozen as he remembered his deceased mate whom he lost due to his stupidity. ‘Is he really making a mistake again?’ clenching his fist till his nails wounded his palm and bled.


Maple Writes

(Don't forget to leave a comment, share and give me reviews for me to know if there are things that I should improve with and change at the same time. Have a good day. Enjoy reading.)

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