
Chapter 7

Lottie’s POV   

I was aware I had to give my statement to the individual the Wolf Council were sending. I'm doing this because I promised General Rayne that I would. I'm doing this for him because he showed his support for me on that day when he practically saved my life. 

But I blew my top when I saw who the Wolf Council sent. I couldn’t believe our paths had crossed. Both me and Ember wanted him to suffer as he made our sister suffer. If Nix hadn’t restrained me, I would have seriously injured him. I don’t even know Nix that well, but I know from what Caren has told me, he is a good man. I’m not sure how he kept me under control. The memories of Caren being upset just flooded my brain. I knew I wasn’t calm. But I also knew I wasn’t livid. I was somewhere in between. But that means I wasn’t in control.   

Then, when Nix walked through that door, Ember screamed, “Mate.” I forgot everything, the pain, the anger. Maddox was there, alive and breathing. He was there. “Mate,” I said as I broke free from Nix’s arms and ran into Maddox’s.   

I kissed him. I couldn’t believe he was there. My lost mate, I have found him. I cried as I hugged him. Ember panted at the excitement of finding her mate. We were both experiencing emotions I couldn’t explain. Extreme joy, happiness I don’t know, but holding him in my arms was the greatest feeling in the world. I never thought I was going to see him again. My soulmate has been returned to me.   

When I eventually noticed what was going on around me, I realized that Nix was being pinned to the ground. I was too lost in my own world to notice what was going on around me. “Mate,” Nix was yelling. Eden being ushered out of the room at the other end. ‘True Love is never lost, it can always be found, especially when there is a King around.’ That was what the note said. Nix is Eden’s mate, a King. Every part of her note has come true! Caren told me about the parts of the message that she experienced at the Mountain Creek Pack. This is just another element. Nix a king? Wow, Caren will be thrilled.   

When Nix told me where Caren was, I couldn’t believe she was going home to our mom. But she wouldn’t know what happened at the River Valley Pack, what they did to my dad. We still don’t know what happened to Parker. The realization of the situation then sank in, Parker!  

I have known my mom was safe if she stayed within the new barrier she created. It was stronger than the last one. She had enough food to last her a long time. But seriously, how could I have forgotten about Parker? ‘Please, please, please, goddess. Please let him be okay’ I say to myself. Maddox hasn’t mentioned him yet. He has been tired since I found him. Maybe something is wrong with him? When I get him alone, we will need to talk. I need to get home. This time, though, I will ask the General to send some men to help me. To fight off whoever wants me. 

I have kept hold of Maddox since I found him. I have lost him once. I am never letting him go again. Ember agrees. She keeps begging for me to spend some time with Xavier. I want to let her. But selfishly, I am desperate to spend some time with Maddox.   

We are on the way to my bedroom when Nix stops us. He wants to ask me something. I tell him if it is about ‘him’, I am not interested. All I wanted to do to that man is burn the flesh off his bones. Okay, maybe that is extreme. But it doesn’t stop me from making him think I could do it.   

“Burn me,” is what Nix asks me to do. Burn him? He must not know what I did to the Council Man. I don’t want to burn Nix. I hold no grudges against him. “Burn me,” he asks again. “I want to know how much my body can take of your fire.”   

This is a test, but what is he testing for? But okay. I thought of Reed’s face while I put my hands on Nix’s arms. I stop when I smell burning hair. There wasn’t a mark on him when I moved my hands. His arm hair is missing but only where I had my hands, but his skin is fine.   

Again?” I asked him. Eden shouts “No.” But Nix says “Yes.” This time I imagine my broken-hearted sister. The anger within me just flows into my hands. But Nix doesn’t flinch. When I realized I wasn't hurting him, I removed my hands. “Nix, I think you are fireproof.” I said, laughing at him.   

I felt we had made a genuine connection at that moment. Not like me and Maddox do or me and Caren. But it felt as though I had made a genuine friend, a friend who trusted me. For exactly who I am. It was nice. I have gained more friends in the last week than I have in my entire life. Nix ruins the moment when he tells me about Reed. For the reasons, he ran from Caren.   

How Reed felt he wasn’t good enough. I know that. Who is? How he felt he didn’t deserve such a beautiful mate. I know that too. How he had nothing to offer her, not even a pack, and that she deserved someone better. 

It’s at this point I feel bad. I have made him suffer more because he wanted better for Caren. He doesn’t know her, but Caren would have accepted him, for who he is, not what he has. They are destined to be together. “Fine, I won’t kill him, but it doesn’t mean I have to like him.” That truly is the best I can offer.   

Maddox tugs at my arm. He wants to go. I guess we have waited long enough for our time. We excuse ourselves and leave. Finally, I get my man to myself. I practically dragged him to my bedroom. Where I pull off his t-shirt in between his kisses. I have missed his lips so much.   

I ran my hands down his arms and chest. He feels slimy. I pulled away from him. “What?” he asked. Your skin feels horrible. He laughs. “My last shower was before we left the Spring Valley Pack. I used that shower gel. Remember? I said it made my skin greasy.” I thought for a second. I remember that conversation; it felt like it was so long ago. “Do you think that’s why the heart monitor was reading your heart rate as low? The stickers wouldn’t stick to you?”   

“Maybe. I’m not sure. The monitor in the van was giving off a long and level sound, then the van crashed suddenly. I know both me and Xavier were weak, but we weren’t dead. Then I woke up in a hospital today and I found you. Oh, Lottie, I was so scared when I woke up and you weren’t there,” he says while sobbing into my neck.   

I place my forehead against us. “How about I help you have a shower and then I never let you go.” He smiles at me, “How about we have a shower and I never let you go.” He responds. Either way, we never want to be apart that way again. I really think it would kill me if I lost him like that again. 

I guide him into my bathroom, and we take off our clothes. We both walked into the shower and I washed him. I need to wash away the memories of the last week. I want to forget what has happened. I know we have to go back and get my mom and sister. I know we have to find Parker. But right now, I know I need to enjoy what is mine.    

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